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I MIGHT have eaten something...

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    I MIGHT have eaten something...

    ....that contained AL tonight.

    I was out with someone important linked to my job and saying I didn't drink AL was absolutely fine. I chose from the main menu starter and middle course dishes. With the desert I was chatting away and didn't check the ingredients out. Part way through the desert found a cherry and popped it in my mouth without thinking. Tasted strong and it was then I wondered if it could have been in an AL syrup. There was no-way to check and it was not appropriate to spit it out (believe me I am not afraid to do that infront of most people, but this was someone I couldn't).

    Haven't felt any effects but I was a little concerned. Next time I'm going to check the menu more conciously. I'm normally really hot on stuff like that.

    I MIGHT have eaten something...

    Hi there UKB - are you taking Antabuse or something - were you worried that you might get sick? If it was just that you are worried that you might have had some AL - I don't think this counts as 'having AL' in the grand scheme of things even if it had been a brandied cherry.

    Maybe you should have pretended to be choking and had him do the Heimlich on you so you could spit it out that way! LOL.

    Anyway - glad you are okay!!

    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      I MIGHT have eaten something...

      sunshinedaises seems to have covered all possible concerns! and :H about the Heimlich manouvere!
      I definately would not be concerned Ukblonde, as you would have had a reaction by now if you were going to have one if you are on antabuse,
      and AL in food no way counts as having AL at all - the amount of AL in any food that has AL will be miniscule.. it's not like you decided to have a big glass of AL with the dinner, so I really would not worry about it,
      Katie xxx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        I MIGHT have eaten something...

        UKB.......Don't worry about it I've eatten worse things, like an old shoe...( At least it tasted like it !) Ha! . Sauces that are heated burns off the alcohol....IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          I MIGHT have eaten something...

          Me too!!!

          A couple days ago I was told to try a piece of cake a co-worker had made. I wasn't going to because I've been trying to cleanse sugar from my system period. I had enough sugar in the booze I had been putting down so I was doing a cleanse on my body. BUT, as I left the breakroom I cut a small sliver of the cake and popped it in my mouth. It was very strong tasting. It was RUM cake! I thought just tasting the booze might get me going again and I felt guilty swallowing the cake. My husband told me the booze cooks off so I was safe. I'm just not so sure it's safe for any of us to even TASTE something boozy. Guess I always have to ask ingredients from now on.

          Last night of binge drinking May 4, 2010

          AF Since May 5, 2010


            I MIGHT have eaten something...

            This was not a 'cooked' desert (I know about AL evaporating during heating) and no I'm not on AL the only supplement/med I'm using is L-Glut. I just don't want to take in any AL as I am aware it could set me off.

            Will be reading the menu more carefully next time.


              I MIGHT have eaten something...

              Ukblonde;856613 wrote: This was not a 'cooked' desert (I know about AL evaporating during heating) and no I'm not on AL the only supplement/med I'm using is L-Glut. I just don't want to take in any AL as I am aware it could set me off.

              Will be reading the menu more carefully next time.
              UKb I can fully understand our you feel about this, it might not happen to everyone but believe it or not it can set some people off again without them being aware of it. It Good that next time you know to read the menu carefully. Thanks for the reminder.x
              Formerly known as Teardrop:l
              sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
              my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                I MIGHT have eaten something...

                I know the feeling Uk Blonde. I'm also usually very careful. I've bene on Antabuse so had to make double sure but even off the Antabuse. I'm so weary what the taste of AL might trigger. I actually tend to skip deserts in restaurats most times because the description on the menu is vague, the waiter often not knowledgeable and at times they're even ready made desert the restaurant purchased and the chef doesn't know. Can you believe that???? That really happened to me.
                I feel much safer making deserts at home or buying at the shops where I can really check the ingredients.
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  I MIGHT have eaten something...

                  Hi UK,
                  Don't worry about it. The same thing's happened to me. 3 times! But, it is upsetting, i know, but you should find that won't set off a craving. My 3 occassion's didn't, but i was quietly pissed off for a couple of hours at the situation.
                  This is what happened to me, over a period of around 1 year, on 3 different occassion's, a few months apart.

                  1. Little old lady at work offered everyone some cake. I had a piece, and realised it was laced with sherry or something, so smiled, but quickly went out the back and spat it out. (after 4 weeks af. i was stressing! but all okay)

                  2. Making some music with some mates, and one went for a trip to get booze. I requested ginger beer.
                  They came back, and innocently, (they were drunk) gave me a 6 pack of 'boutique' style ginger beer. I thought, mmm, the bottle looks kinda cool, then had a swig. Something not quite right! Looked at the bottle.....4.9% al! Too late, as first gulp already down the hatch. These guy's didn't realise, and didn't mean it. I usually drink the al free ginger beer. (i was absolutely fuming! but i knew also, it was no-one's fault, and an innocent mistake, but i was very quiet for the next 2 hours! craving's, fine)

                  3. 6 weeks ago, mistakenly took a sip of a friends scotch and dry at a pub, as it looked the same as my dry ginger ale! idiot! (no drama...i referred to incident's 1 & 2 above in my mind, and just got rid of the taste, and carried on. err, with the ginger ale, not the scotch. :H )

                  So try not to worry too much UK Blonde.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

