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    I'm going to switch the subject... just because it is too much to even bear thinking about. I can't even watch the news on this. And fuck knows what bullshit the news will tell us anyway.

    OK... that's THAT said.


    FallenAngel;1424035 wrote: I'm so fucking sick of racking my frickin brains out on wtf to get these ingrates... so this year I'm giving them all a fuckin goat!
    Besides, who could resist that fucking voice?? :H[/video]]Talking goat TV spot: ''Give a great gift for the holidays - Like me!'' - YouTube
    Are you fucking serious? Are you really going to get them a goat? If you do, can you please PLEEZE video it when you give them your gift and kindly post it here. I, for one, would like to see the look on their faces!!! They are just meant to be pets, right?

    We had a goat but we had to get rid of it. It insisted on jumping through the kitchen window and landing on the table. My mother isn't and was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Shutting the window would have been a bloody good move but at 7 years old who was I to say?

    While the goat was jumping through one window, my nag (Tansy) would be sticking her head through the one at the other side of the kitchen as my mother made her toast every morning. Someone work THAT out! I was lucky to get a bloomin cup of tea! :H



      Zenstyle;1427346 wrote:

      We had a goat but we had to get rid of it. It insisted on jumping through the kitchen window and landing on the table. My mother isn't and was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Shutting the window would have been a bloody good move but at 7 years old who was I to say?

      While the goat was jumping through one window, my nag (Tansy) would be sticking her head through the one at the other side of the kitchen as my mother made her toast every morning. Someone work THAT out! I was lucky to get a bloomin cup of tea! :H
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15



        I suggested to DH that we get some goats to keep our field down. He, who's had experience with them, says they're the dumbest, fucking animals he's ever had the displeasure of owning, and he'll never have another. Is he right?

        Anyone remember an old cartoon that showed goats eating clothes off the clothesline, and empty cans, too? When I was a child, I thought they had to be the most interesting animals around. Funny, no one I knew had any.....:H
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey



          Zenstyle;1427346 wrote:
          Are you fucking serious? Are you really going to get them a goat?
          Yep...sure did.
          They get a nice little envelope to open Christmas morning that says they got a f'kin goat... and that it will be given to some needy family half way across the planet.
          Got her some fresh water to go with that goat too.

          As I see it: H20 & a goat... got the frickin MIL handled for another year! :H
          AF 6 years
          NF 7 years

          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step



            hahaha! Zennie, well done. I my husband's auntie gifts heifers. I actually think it's quite a nice idea but your's has extra special meaning ; )
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking



              A man was sitting on a blanket at the beach.

              He had no arms and no legs.

              Three women, from England , Wales , and Scotland , were walking past and felt sorry for the poor man.

              The English woman said "Have you ever had a hug?"

              The man said "No," so she gave him a hug and walked on.

              The Welsh woman said, "Have you ever had a kiss?"

              The man said, "No," so she gave him a kiss and walked on.

              The Scottish woman came to him and said, "ave ya ever been fooked, laddie?"

              The man broke into a big smile and said, "No".

              She said, "Aye, well ya will be when the tide comes in."
              Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
              If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
              November 2, 2012



                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12



                  Classic, Wally. Fucking classic.






                      Juja;1427851 wrote: I suggested to DH that we get some goats to keep our field down. He, who's had experience with them, says they're the dumbest, fucking animals he's ever had the displeasure of owning, and he'll never have another. Is he right?

                      Anyone remember an old cartoon that showed goats eating clothes off the clothesline, and empty cans, too? When I was a child, I thought they had to be the most interesting animals around. Funny, no one I knew had any.....:H



                        FallenAngel;1428051 wrote: Yep...sure did.
                        They get a nice little envelope to open Christmas morning that says they got a f'kin goat... and that it will be given to some needy family half way across the planet.
                        Got her some fresh water to go with that goat too.

                        As I see it: H20 & a goat... got the frickin MIL handled for another year! :H
                        HOWLING!!!! :H:H:H



                          nurdl;1428183 wrote: hahaha! Zennie, well done. I my husband's auntie gifts heifers. I actually think it's quite a nice idea but your's has extra special meaning ; )
                          All I've ever done is buy someone a tree! LMAO..... Oh, the avenues that are open to me now!



                            Juja... we had pigs. They ate almost of an entire sack of coal and some live baby chickens. I think the goats are very suave in comparison with the pigs. We also had geese. They were really mean MoFos...

                            Sometimes the animal kingdom is not as pretty as it should be!



                              Fuck x-mas!!!!!..... Sick of the whole lot!!!!.... Fuck, fuck, fuck & shite too. Where the fuck is that fecking Santa flipping everyone off? Well I feel just a wee bit fecking better.

                              There I found a fecking santa cookie when tilted in the right direction looks like it's flippin the finger. I'm feeling better by the fuckin min.

                              Well now I can't find the damn fecking cookie. SOB.... I did find some fecking funny ones, which reminded me of somebody over on the meds board who tried to spread some merriment a few moons ago. :H

                              Fuck all the commercialism, stress, loneliness, pain, loss, depression that comes with this shite. Fuck all the haters, fuck alcoholism ~ addiction.

                              I need to go find the the real meaning & feed my spirit. I won't fucking drink ~ no matter fucking what ~ or fecking who ~ damn't ~ sob.

                              I fecking feel somewhat fuckin better!!!... Maybe I'll watch Bad Santa to. Fuck, at least I didn't get enrolled with a yearly subscription to the jelly of the month club. That would be the fucking ~ shits. :upset:

                              I don't fuckin want to talk about it!..... I just want to fecking scream, cuss & let it out, so I don't cry...... FFS..... I feel bit better, but tom is not going to be good! FFS.... :upset: I want to take all these damn fecking decorations down!!!....

                              I will try to regain feckin perspective soon. At least I'm fucking sober!!!... Tho I wished sometimes I could fuckin run away, but I feckin can't......

                              As fecking silly as it sounds I'm getting a smile knowing 199 is doing well & trying to figure out WTF that animule is? Oh good I was able to giggle about the animule part. Plzz don't fecking laugh at me, damn't. At least not at the moi, feeling really sad ~ bad!....




                                You took the fucking words right out of my mouth. Every fucking one of them. Are you sure you haven't stolen my fucking identity?:H

                                Guess what?!?! Last night, I found out I get to host fucking Christmas dinner!!!!!!!!!! I was ignoring it, hoping it would be taken up by someone else, but no-o-o-o. I don't care that it's only 6 people, I don't want to fucking do it.

                                Now, I'll have to fucking decorate. Crap!

                                My heart isn't too sizes too small--my brain's had all it can take.

                                Last night Jon Stewart said it looks like Santa's balls have exploded all over the country.
                                "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

