I'm going to switch the subject... just because it is too much to even bear thinking about. I can't even watch the news on this. And fuck knows what bullshit the news will tell us anyway.
OK... that's THAT said.
Besides, who could resist that fucking voice?? :H
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJavuYwUAak[/video]]Talking goat TV spot: ''Give a great gift for the holidays - Like me!'' - YouTube
We had a goat but we had to get rid of it. It insisted on jumping through the kitchen window and landing on the table. My mother isn't and was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Shutting the window would have been a bloody good move but at 7 years old who was I to say?

While the goat was jumping through one window, my nag (Tansy) would be sticking her head through the one at the other side of the kitchen as my mother made her toast every morning. Someone work THAT out! I was lucky to get a bloomin cup of tea! :H