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    Oh yes, I forgot I about the lovely fuck it ~ feck it thread. That made me not only LMAO in early days, but got me thru ruff ones also!!!...........

    Yesterday, I thought about this thread as it was getting rather heated in our house about decisions over voting. Now back when I was drinking I didn't give a fuck sometimes & said here honey just take my fecking ballot & do what you want. But, not today.

    I'm registered Democrat, but really am a Republican at heart. No I'm an Independent. I'm fecking No plzz don't PM me!!!!........................... I thought of burning my ballot, but I'm a patriot ~ sober American Woman & won't do that!!! I'm getting closer to filling in that last oval.

    I'm a gray thinker most all the time to.

    My hubs, mother, mil, two daughters are all telling me diff things. I'm not calling anyone else for opinions. Again no PMs plzzz. I had a major go around with Sergeant Major & he isn't speaking to me about this topic now! House divided. Fucking :upset: Had my own fucking ~ panic attack, literally yesterday & pity party today. But, no drinking what's so ever! My fecking chest hurt like I was having a heart attack!!!...

    I'm sorry I can't fecking help others right at the fecking moment. Plus I'm about to embark on a new health adventure. But, maybe later I can. :-)

    Blech. Scottish Gramps use to say this. OK all will be fine as I can always LMAO :H

    I appreciate this thread for all it's purposes, esp the funny ones. But, all of them.

    One more fecking post & it will be time for a nice hot shower & than " Buckle Up Mr. Wilde in His High Chair & Feed Him Dinner." If he's not good I might fecking buckle him in real tight with no fecking dessert.

    I'll have a new surprise 1-2 wks. It's so cute. :-)

    Oh & I think it would be great to play an old game here that was played with a member who stills a member Stirly Girl who they use to try to get to say fuck, & she'd only say feck.

    Notice how Byrdie said feck anybody? :H I'm so bad.



      Wildflowers, who the feck do you think brought this thread BACK!!!! ME!

      I got into it today with my 89 year old dad about politics!!!! He asked me to vote a certain way 'for him'!!! I said, Daddy, I love you, but I can't do that!!!!

      Feck! Feck! FECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest



        Byrdlady;1401278 wrote: Wildflowers, who the feck do you think brought this thread BACK!!!! ME!

        I got into it today with my 89 year old dad about politics!!!! He asked me to vote a certain way 'for him'!!! I said, Daddy, I love you, but I can't do that!!!!

        Feck! Feck! FECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B
        Oh fuck just signed out & saw this. :H I forgot as I read it yesterday, feck I'm 50 now & forgot you were the one who resurrected it. Normally I'd use the fecking word recycle, but its fucking almost Halloween.

        I know you can read between the lines here on what I'm saying as your a very wise woman my dear. I'm having the same problem. My hubs & I rarely raise our voices at ea other, but yesterday it happened over this. Fuck ~ feck.

        I see you didn't say fuck just feck. :H:H

        Now poor Mr. Wild is going to :upset: cry if he doesn't get fed. It's my turn to "dump contents of fridge into him & need to go fecking shower, been doing things outside in the shite rain, but at least were not having ta deal with what you poor folks are dealing with on the east coast. :l :h



          For you Byrdie......and all those who now know me a bit too WF :l

[/video]]F**k Everything (Jon Lajoie) - YouTube

          Makes me laugh



            I f'ing love Jon Lajoie - saw him in person when he went on tour, haven't laughed that hard since.
            AF since 6JUN2012



              I could NOT stop laughing at this!!!

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1970040=7089-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




                pixie;1401303 wrote: I f'ing love Jon Lajoie - saw him in person when he went on tour, haven't laughed that hard since.
                I would LOVE to see him, so funny, so sexy !



                  :H. You found a home for the video KY.
                  AF Since July 27, 2012:jumpin:

                  "Don?t be satisfied with the norm if you want more. It?s okay to want to achieve special results. The world needs folks who dream and achieve big things. Never give up."




                    CanToo;1401310 wrote: :H. You found a home for the video KY.
                    Truedat, Cantoo, truedat! :H:H:H:H



                      kuya! That video was irreverant....fecking THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock!!! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest



                        Love it!!!!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking



                          I hate that fucking iiT Factor bitch who has basically hypnotised my kids with her fucking song and dance routines -literally and now is promising them fucking disneyland perfomances in fucking april which will cost me fucking almost 3,000.00 dollars!!!

                          And she's such a nasty fuck and so disgusting and I dont know what to fucking do and yes I fucking drank last night over this fucking shit and yes, getting away from it all even for a few hours made me feel fucking better but not as good as going to that fucking meeting this afternoon and voiced my opinion about this fucking Disny wonderland crap and fuck fuck fuck I hate this fucking woman!!! %*&%$#@

                          I wish I had NEVER put my kids in this fucking place but they fucking Love it!!!!!!

                          I Fucking hate it!!!!

                          If I could write in more mad face I would!! Thsi fucking thing won't let me...

                          PS: Thank you Birdie for resurrecting this thread becasue I want to fucking email this fucking vitch and tell her exactly where to stuff her Christmas show and Disney land but I know that would hurt my children terribly....
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest



                            Wow Kradle.......breathe...............with you.......
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!



                              Byrdlady;1401337 wrote: kuya! That video was irreverant....fecking THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Rock!!! B
                              Tis this humour that keeps me insane! :H:H

                              When will I ever grow up!?



                                Kradle123;1401350 wrote: I hate that fucking iiT Factor bitch who has basically hypnotised my kids with her fucking song and dance routines -literally and now is promising them fucking disneyland perfomances in fucking april which will cost me fucking almost 3,000.00 dollars!!!

                                And she's such a nasty fuck and so disgusting and I dont know what to fucking do and yes I fucking drank last night over this fucking shit and yes, getting away from it all even for a few hours made me feel fucking better but not as good as going to that fucking meeting this afternoon and voiced my opinion about this fucking Disny wonderland crap and fuck fuck fuck I hate this fucking woman!!! %*&%$#@

                                I wish I had NEVER put my kids in this fucking place but they fucking Love it!!!!!!

                                I Fucking hate it!!!!

                                If I could write in more mad face I would!! Thsi fucking thing won't let me...

                                PS: Thank you Birdie for resurrecting this thread becasue I want to fucking email this fucking vitch and tell her exactly where to stuff her Christmas show and Disney land but I know that would hurt my children terribly....
                                Hi Kradle, was gonna send you hugs but you had used all the images

                                I always kill my ex husbands so I don't have to go through this shit!

                                Problem is, dead men can't pay child support!

