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Absolutely Starving

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    Absolutely Starving

    I've been taking the supliments for about two weeks now, and my appetite has increased soo much it's unbelievable.I'm always starving...Anyone else finding this happening to them?

    I've only had 2 big drink nights in those two weeks, (I didn't get out of the house and do something physical) I've been giving myself smiley faces on my calender for the days I'm both in a good mood, and don't drink heavily, in 2 weeks I'm only missing 3 faces, and the one was because it was a depressed day, but I went to bed insted of drinking alot.

    I'm also finding that although I wake up full of piss and vinegar, I fall into a deep sleep early afternoon, a sleep so deep, I have difficulty shaking it. Although it would probly help if my other half didn't snore and hog the bed. Unfortunately his drinking has increased in direct proportion to my slowing down. Actually, I'm not to sure about that, come to think of it, maybe I'm just noticing how intoxicated he's getting because I'm not anymore. And maybe he's waking me up at night because I'm actually sleeping, not passed out.

    Anyone out there feeling the same as me??

    Absolutely Starving

    Kat, I've noticed the same thing - doing the supps and feeling like I'm starving all the time. I'm almost wondering if it's our bodies feeling deprived from the lack of alcoholic calories, so it's trying to make up for that lack by eating, and eating, and eating.
    Don't know for sure, but yes, I am having the same 'starving' feeling. I've handled that by stocking up the house with fresh fruits (gives me the sugar that I'm craving, but in a good way), salad stuff, etc. Then whenever I just gotta have something to eat, I can grab some of that rather than super-fattening foods.


      Absolutely Starving


      Excellent advice on the foods. I keep my fridge stocked with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, all sorts of rabbit goods. Apples, bananas, cantalope, and other fruits.

      My diet when drinking was terrible. Sickening. Won't go into it, but it was cheap and crappy food. You know, the kind that tastes so good, but makes you feel so bad.


      Yep, I found that vitamin B made me really hungry for stuff.

      I think I know what happens. Alcohol starves every single cell in your body for nutrients. In fact, I believe it washes out the good, and puts poison in. Acetaldehyde is what the liver converts alcohol into, and its terrible. I remember after a hard drunk, people would comment on how terrible I reeked, even after showering and putting on aftershave and scented deoderant. It was the acetaldehyde coming out of my pores, because my body was just stuggling to eliminate the poison. The hangovers enough should be a clear indicator, but I was the type to say, "Oh well, gotta pay the piper. Ha-ha. Funny....not!"

      So every cell in your body begins to crave proper nourishment once the alcohol and acetaldehyde are purged. Remember, the vitamins and nutrients only let your body use the food better to build and repair.

      I found that my sleep gets better with time too. Every cell in your body needs to slow down, and go into "maintence and repair" mode. When they finally get some good fuel and nutrients, they really get after it!

      Gads, now I made myself hungry and sleepy at the same time! I crave veggies right now! Broccoli and cauliflower with some ranch dip sounds real good, then a nap on this Friday evening. Gotta go!


        Absolutely Starving

        If you are taking the All One, then that is most likely what is causing it. I take it most days, but it is like clockwork on the days that I take it, I get STARVING several hours later. Several of my friends who are big into vitamins and nutrition said that taking lots of B-vtamins stimulates your appetite, but it also stimulates your energy level as well. So I am trying to really UP my exercise since I have more energy in hopes that this will off-set the extra calories I am consuming. Overall, I feel much better while taking the All One though. But yes, anytime you take lots of vitamins it usually makes you hungry. Wish I knew more of the science behind it, but it is very true with me.
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Absolutely Starving

          Do you guys know if you are sleep deprived, you will be very hungry?
          Try getting more sleep or how about a "cat nap"!

