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Tell me the steps to get free....please

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    Tell me the steps to get free....please

    :thanks:i think that is exactly my problem...i start to get over anxious about WD's...then i drink cause i think i have too. how sick. i will drink even when i dont want to, just because of the sick al games my mind plays...then i wake up in the morning and drink again if i dont have to work, just to stop this is messed guys are awesome, you know all the mind games that al brings and the games cant continue if the cheaters are brought out into the light. thanks!
    i am currently back up to 1/4 pint vodka plus 2 beers or sometimes more per night....i dont get hangovers mostly, i have ativan for wd's which i take to get to sleep earlier because mix ativan with al and its lights out but still i am scared...yet some part of me enjoys my nightly trip to oblivious...even tho i have the best intentions, once i get 1/2 of the 1/4 pint down its all over and i can no longer stop or slow down much..except to pass out. i spend most of my drinking time here, just searching and searching, looking for an answer that in reality exists only within.....
    at one point not long ago i got down to 2 beers per night, and would buy that every day after work....apparently was not enough. darn it all. next thing i know i am buying the 1/4 pints of vodka then adding some beer...i cannot buy in volume as i will drink it and my kids would freak if they see me drink anything at all....frustrated and not sure how to get control....
    I am a single mom, i have tons of responsibility, i do pull it off most days, but this monkey on my back is heavy...about 2 years ago i went into hopsital for detox, i was very sick, had no idea it was detox until they told me, then 9 months later i slowly started up again, wanted to be a normal drinkier again and i was for a little bit...started ativan swearing i would never mix it with al and at first i did not but now i do....ativan, plus beer or vodka (cant smell it as well), you get the it is my nightly theme...drink, plus an ativan and sleep sleep sleep...i just need a thought out plan from some one who is not in the grips of this al thing cause i no longer trust my own thoughts, cause i am in the grips and cannot seem to break free. no one who knows me would ever think....

    sorry for the somewhat tipsy rant....xxoo Lion

    Tell me the steps to get free....please

    Lion can you use the tool thread here to help yourself,jump into the newbies thread were you can get some good advice ,you are not alone lion.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Tell me the steps to get free....please

      thanks mario, i have looked at both...maybe i am hopeless??? but after reading your story surely i am not..,,,you gave me hope in the past and still do...going to take a npa and weke up refreshes and al free


        Tell me the steps to get free....please

        Lion how can you be hopeless,you are here doing something about it,it does take some time but it can be done,There are great people here who without there help & support i wouldent be where i am today,keep posting and getting yourself involved we can all relate.:-)

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Tell me the steps to get free....please

          Lion, use the tools, like Mario said, and come HERE when you get the first urge. Better to spend a couple hours here than to drink. Join a group you like (you're more than welcome on Journey!) and get some people here to help you stay strong.
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Tell me the steps to get free....please

            lion sounds to me you need to start thinking more positive and respecking your boby and stop hidling..
            sounds like you want out from al but you dont want go all the way and commit to it .. break down the wall and start writing and the hows and whys you are the way you are ... and there you will see and read .. how you can change your habits .. rememeber life is what you make it and you can do anything you want in life .. so start today and do what you need for yourself and for your family ... here a friendly hand grab it
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Tell me the steps to get free....please

              Sheri - I LOVE your list!!!! It is really good. Tell it like it is. No more to add to that - An awesome list.

              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                Tell me the steps to get free....please

                hi lion ,youve figured the 1st one out,youve found here,and asked 4 support,you will never find a bettter place,good luck lion,gyco


                  Tell me the steps to get free....please

                  Can't add any more to all that wisdom and truth apart to say that for me MWO has been the one thing that has made a difference to my becoming AF. Sixteen days today and counting and I probably check into this site at present, constantly; half way thru loading the dishwasher, walking past my desk, after hanging out a load of washing, it just goes on. It's my lifeline. I didn't have a problem with drinking during the day, but who knows, that was what most likely lay in the future for me. I was a bottle a night (wine) girl. And then waking thru the night and thinking tomorrow I will start off again and just have two. I just made a decision on May 1st that enough was enough was enough! I think you really to have to get to that point and then have this amazing back system that MWO and you have to really really have had a enough of yourself being boozed everynight and it is bloody hard, but finally, I know that I am getting there.
                  I wish you only the best and will hold you in my thoughts through the next 24 hours.
                  P.s. for me I needed to do something symbolic once I started. So, I poured 8 bottles of really nice wine (some chilled, even) down the sink and then took the empties and hurled them as far as I could into the dump ... we are on a farm, so you can do things like hurling crap into dumps ...


                    Tell me the steps to get free....please

                    Thanks everyone! Excellent Sheri, thanks for that - I think that could help many people. I really do for the most part drink 1/4 pint plus 2 beers. I buy it daily as I know if its in the house I will drink it. I have tried several times to buy enough for the weekend and when I do that its gone on the first night....I just cannot do it - if I havent drank everything as soon as I wake up I will finish it off and feel like heck all day until I go buy more...

                    Heres an honest question come I feel almost lonely thinking about life without it? How come I feel that it adds to my evenings in a good way but at the same time I hate myself for waking up not knowing what happened the night before?

                    BTW, i only drink alone - upstairs in my bedroom. Or if I start early, I will drink in my bedroom very fast, then go join the house - until I know someone will notice I am drinking then I hide...


                      Tell me the steps to get free....please

                      Lion, you feel the way you do because AL has become the center of your life. You plan how much you can buy, whether you have enough, if other activities will interfere with your drinking time - right? After a while, other things will take it's place, but you have to change things yourself for that. Look for new things to feel your time, and mind, OK?
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        Tell me the steps to get free....please


                        If it's only 1/4 of a pint plus two beers then as already been said you should not suffer any withdrawls - perhaps some minor anxiety, but that's all. From what you post you are using the Ativan not for withdrawl but as an added drug to get you out of it. If you continue you will get into severe trouble, but right now you are at a point where you can avoid that. It's completely up to you.


                          Tell me the steps to get free....please

                          Lion, I wish that looking at the tool thread or reading posts could stop the madness of alcohol, but, it takes work. You must put the tools to use!

                          Many here, most I would guess have much resposnibility and often feel overwhelmed. Many are single parents, some have chronic serious illness, many have lost parents and children through death. The list of stress experienced by members is long, yet many of us have chosen sobriety. Drinking does not relieve stress and anxiety, nor does it help us to solve our problems. Drinking makes everything worse!

                          You mentioned that your ex is a stress, living with you and contributing nothing....have you considered cutting him loose! You also mentioned that your son is a financial drain and graduating from college in the next few days......time for him to get a job and support himself! He might not find his dream job right off the bat, but surely he can find something to support himself! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to be willing to walk towards it!

                          Best Wishes!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Tell me the steps to get free....please

                            Hi Lion, best of luck.

                            Sheri, I like the list

                            Sing to the tune of Jesus Loves Me

                            Alcohol will kill me! This I know
                            For my liver and organs Tell me so;
                            To Alcohol I no longer belong,
                            Please Lord help me to be strong!


                              Tell me the steps to get free....please

                              One I would add:
                              Alcohol does NOT make me the life of the party. (It makes me the pitied joke.)
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

