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i loved being sober and in control (for once)

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    i loved being sober and in control (for once)

    Yesterday, I did not drink any alcohol at all. I found myself getting very 'moody' and 'argumentative' towards the evening time, however, no alcohol or nicotine for that matter passed my lips. The results were amazing and I want to share this with you all. My neighbours and I engaged in some lovely chit chat, I was sober and could give a kiss to one of my neighbours proudly as I smelt of perfume and soap and not of beer and fags. A friendly kiss I may add and not a full on snog!!! (ha ha) My what a change!!!! I was given a curry meal which one of my neighbours made and included me in, my it was absolutely beautiful. I chatted and did so much. I removed some boxes and put them in the cellar of my home that have dogged me for as long as I can recall. I made my bed, I just interacted with life. I walked my dogs for 3 hours in total and felt so alive.

    Now today I did buy wine, but do you know what? I think I am getting there, I honestly feel no better for doing it. I am not drunk and nor do I wish to get drunk. I thought it would be easy, but it is not. For all of us struggling it is NOT EASY!!!!

    Yet it beggars belief why I did this to myself. I went out this morning, very tired actually from a sober nights sleep and the interaction with humans was high, I met some lovely folk. My work is not yet done, but I got wine, like the addicted fool I am, but have you ever felt that sometimes something is running out of steam and it's course has ended? That is where I am at. I liked being sober and in control far better than being drunk. I wanted to share that with you. I just felt alive, for the first time in years, the smile was genuine, the chat was nothing I was going to feel embarrassed about the next day (if I could remember it!!!). We can do this for if we refuse drink, we welcome life. I know for me I am getting there, join me on my journey for I need you all to realize the errors of our ways. It is not our fault I think we may be predispositioned to do this, but come on, we are all on here for one reason, to share who and what we are and to recover. I am getting there and it is a process.... Good luck ye all..... much love

    i loved being sober and in control (for once)

    I've actually developed a nervous, almost wicked laugh as a result of being sober for such a long time.

    I think it's a good sign and an extension of the smile you found youself exhibiting.


      i loved being sober and in control (for once)

      I know just where you're at, I too am having that feeling, I just love being sober and going to the shops without buying wine its such a great achievement, I sit in the car on the way home feeling as though I'm the cat who got the cream :H
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        i loved being sober and in control (for once)

        Hiya Justfortoday ..........

        I SO understand what you mean, it is really really hard but when we do actually pull an AF day out of the bag we enjoy it so much ..........

        Here's to many more for you ........... xxx


          i loved being sober and in control (for once)

          hi just 4 today,somtimes even total sobriety can be horible,we tend to see the truth,your trying , that my friend is the 1st step,i do wish you well, gyco


            i loved being sober and in control (for once)

            totally agree with you all

            I totally agree with you all and I have faith that I will get there. I prefer sober to drunk anyday, it just beggars belief why the heck I ever started. This is the recovery phase I think...


              i loved being sober and in control (for once)

              hiya jft

              what a lovely post! it's such a dramatic and wonderful change for us going it sober! makes us see what our eyes haven't taken in in years. truly liberating. why do we do this thing to ourselves? moreso... when we stop, why are we in a bad mood because we want to do it again to ourselves???

              crazy is the addicted brain!

              well done honey x:l
              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                I just love being sober,waking up without a hangover,being able to drive my kids places.i love it i love it.So why then do i go and buy a bottle of wine?


                  i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                  tictak;859404 wrote: I just love being sober,waking up without a hangover,being able to drive my kids places.i love it i love it.So why then do i go and buy a bottle of wine?
                  Because it's ingrained in you. That's why...


                    i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                    Shikakai;861301 wrote: Because it's ingrained in you. That's why...
                    tictak;859404 wrote:
                    I just love being sober,waking up without a hangover,being able to drive my kids places.i love it i love it.So why then do i go and buy a bottle of wine?
                    For me tictac & shikakai its called the LIE. Everytime I get clean and healthy I feel so damn good I feel I can have that bottle. Every time right back in to an abusive pattern of drinking.
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                      techie;861351 wrote: For me tictac & shikakai its called the LIE. Everytime I get clean and healthy I feel so damn good I feel I can have that bottle. Every time right back in to an abusive pattern of drinking.
                      Right and the nightmare starts all over again.

                      I've been sick ever since Thursday pretty much and as Sheri described in another thread, we drink to feel better and for me that was fine as long as I didn't "over do", but of course I would get to feeling too good; over do and be sicker than I was before and these sicknesses are increasing in their severity and lasting for longer periods of time.

                      My DUI instructor asked me once, "Isn't it easier just to stop?"

                      HELL YEA IT HAS TO BE!


                        i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                        Wish it was easy for me but I'm giving it hell shikakai!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                          I like that Uk blonde....I smile more than ever but I'd like to get that wicked laugh down, really freak people out! :goodjob:
                          AF since April 19, 2010
                          NF since Nov 10, 2000

                          "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                          -Lady Nancy Astor


                            i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                            Why does al do this to us! I guess we are just addicted. I came home tonight (4.00 PM in oz) after work and was screaming for a drink but jumped on MWO and now the urge has gone.Thats gotta be a good thing and a strong massage somewhere. My worst hrs are 4,00pm to 7.00om. Need to do something during this time.I also work in a very stress job.Young abused adults whose parents dont want them or dont even know where they are. I am not making excuses.Thursdays are always the worst. IF we could only stop at 1 or 2 drinks. Sorry to unload on you guys. Thanks so much for listening and good luck with your .


                              i loved being sober and in control (for once)

                              Skip buying the wine and fully embrace sobriety--- it gets much better. I'm about 7 months in and, holy shit, my brain just kicked into hyperdrive. I'm getting stuff accomplished at work I couldn't have imagined months ago.

