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Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

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    Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

    JACQRABBIT;867639 wrote: Hmmm...
    I know it's not the extra coffees cos I drink them With a splash of skim milk and no sugar,
    perhaps it's the 3 biscuits that I drown with each cup.


    And thanks to everyone for the continued messages! All I can say is that if I can do it, so can you. I can't even count the thousands of mornings I woke up and said "I won't drink today!" only to drink again and again and again until I found myself in a desparate, lonely, and hopeless mental / spiritual / emotional place. You can climb out of it too.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

      Wow. Congrats doggygirl. Two years is absolutely awesome. I'm only on day 24. So still got a long time to be as awesome as you
      Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
      AF since 04th May 2010
      Fell overboard on the 8th July!
      My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


        Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

        Dizi, all any of us have is TODAY. We have to walk the sober walk one day at a time. I admit I enjoy celebrating anniversaries, because my sobriety means everything to me. But at the beginning of each day, all of us together have to decide to stay sober just for today. Sort of like the way we all put our pants on one leg at a time.

        WE CAN DO THIS!! There will be no drinking AL for me today. How about you?

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

          Hi Doggygirl,

          First off, I wanted to say I LOVE your new avatar. Thats awesome, and I am sure you have gotton many gold coins in two years sober. I got one gold coin when I was forced into rehab when I was 18, so a very long time ago. I still have it somewhere, I should try to find it.

          Second, I recently posted on how I saw your "before" and "after" pictures! Thank you so much for posting those, they are truly inspiring!!! Its not that you were a fat and out of shape person who got in shape. Thats great, but lots of people do that. The thing that is so special is that you are an alcoholic, like us, who changed her life! The RESULT is that you are now a happy and in shape SOBER person. That has so much more meaning to me than just a person who got in shape. When I see your "before" picture, I really can see your sadness. Your smiling, but we know how you felt inside. Drinking does certainly take its toll not just physically, but emotionally and mentally.

          Now when I see your "after" pics, I just want to say "You Go Girl! You Rock!!! Your after pictures shows so many things, and not just the physically beautiful body you have built. It shows determination, motivation, honestly, insight, dedication, and so much more to beat a nasty thing called alcoholism.

          Some people, like me, need visuals. Your pictures have been stuck in my mind as to what real success can LOOK like. Thank you so much for everything you do here for us. :h

          God Bless,



            Our Doggygirl is 2 Years Sober Today!!!

            Thanks overit! I like myself better today on all levels.

            So many times it's a choice between seeing the glass half full or half empty. My life isn't perfect or problem free. Staying in touch with my gratitude list and always remembering how good I really do have it is so important to my peace of mind and happiness. And a REAL biggie for me is "staying in today." I have a tendency to want to get worked up over future events and imagine outcomes. That's when I will start to "awfulize" (a term I found in the SMART recovery program) and imagine horrible things that might happen tomorrow or next week or next year. That sort of thinking into the future caused me a lot of unecessary stress both personally and in my marriage. :H I would get mad at Mr. Doggy for what I was SURE he was going to do in the future, and then drink over it!!! How insane is THAT??

            So the best way for me to go at my life is one day at a time - today.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.

