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Drunken Horrible Things Said??

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    Drunken Horrible Things Said??

    Alcohol effects our brain and our thinking. It turns us into angry, resentful, victims. It is from this place we speak when we are drunk (or high).
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      Drunken Horrible Things Said??

      I would argue though that alcohol can also have the opposite effect, even if only as superficial as our negative thoughts. So why if we allow ourselves to be filled with happy thoughts should we not accept the negative thoughts as well. I personally don't believe that alcohol induces these thoughts. The thoughts may already be there, good and bad.

      Another example would be if I was to have thoughts of sodomy, beastility, rape, racist thoughts, sexist thoughts, thoughts of feeling superior to others etc etc does that make me a bad person? No. They're just thoughts. My actions are what make me who I am. So of course if I'm making racist comments my actions in the eyes of others are that of being, I'm a racist. This may not necessarily be the case.

      I made a post some time ago now when I was drunk. My thoughts and intentions were to make light of the word "nigger" in respect of the way it is used as term of endearment amongst black people; although it never came across that way. Thankfully the post was swiftly removed by a subscribed member and good friend here. It caused me a horrendous amount of shame because I am not a racist person. The thought was acted on whilst drunk, which to be honest had nothing really to do with the real reason I posted. I was out to cause controversy, I was self seeking, and looking for attention because I was drunk.

      Another thought I've had recently "I wonder what my life would like if my mum died, wouldn't my life be so much easier" It's just a thought. Even if I do at times wish this was the truth it's not a reality. If I suddenly acted on that thought and killed my mother then yes I am deemed a murderer. My actions have now identified me with the moral issue of killing another human being.

      I can be the most negative or positive person at times if I allow my thoughts to dictate how I feel. It's like a pendulum swinging back and forth at times due to this dualistic approach to life. Thoughts are just thoughts it's that simple for me. Actions speak louder than words, as someone commented the other day in another thread.

      So I believe that we already have the thoughts before the alcohol is drunk. Alcohol does not suddenly make us have all these thoughts. It's not like add alcohol to the mix and bake in the oven for 20 minutes and suddenly you have a negative thought!

      I'm not negating the fact either that some people are genuinely racist by their actions as with all the other moral issues we have in society today. There's some real twisted people in the world. Thankfully I don't see myself as one of them. But I'm not gonna deny myself the fact that thoughts do and will continue to come into my head sober or not both good and bad. I've had tons of both whilst writing this post!

      A thought of chicken/egg, horse/cart, sex/porn suddenly entered my head!

      I do wonder as well whether this is more of a moral issue than anything.

      Many Blessings
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Drunken Horrible Things Said??

        I do agree with you Hippie. Thoughs are just thoughts, but when we verbalize them they become somehow more real and represent what and who you are. I have always thought communication at any level is extremely difficult and open to interpretation at all extremes.

        Alcohol loosens our inhibitions so that we are merely babbling about our stupid thoughts. The sad thing, we think we are sooo smart doing this. It is truly a mind game. It's almost like alcohol gives us permission to say some horrible things that we would never "say" even if we did think it. I wish I could control what I say better many times and not just under the influence.

        Sometimes I have to admist I might say something too just to see or get a reaction, and then I am not telling the truth, but just seeking entertainment. Shame on me.



          Drunken Horrible Things Said??

          we are merely babbling about our stupid thoughts.

          Typically, I had to go all around the houses to make this point! lol

          Thanks free bird
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Drunken Horrible Things Said??

            Hippie, I love your thought process, it has enlightened me many times - like today.

            Don't ever change.

