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girly's day one.

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    girly's day one.

    ok almost 5 am here in the uk. i'm sitting with coffee, a juice, morphine for my back and paracetamol for what i can only describe as the worst hangover ever.

    i had a 3 day binge, starting on friday night until 9 pm yesterday. convinced myself "i'll just have a few, then go to bed." you know the drill.... ten drinks later...wake up, start again at lunchtime to rid the hair of the dog...and on it goes.

    my hands are shaking, my head and tummy hurt. i have empty bottles down the side of the sofa making me feel guilty. hey isn't drinking fun? not.

    so. back to square 1. when will i learn not to take that first drink?

    i know as sure as eggs are eggs that i'm going to wake up sober tomorrow. so here we go, this is my own little tracker on mwo.

    day one.
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    girly's day one.

    We tried to pull you back girly. Get yourself well this morning and garner all the support you can get today from the MWO gang. I did the same thing as you almost two weeks ago. I know what your going through so WELCOME BACK. Oh yeah, you should crack those two eggs you mention in your post and have them with the coffee and juice. I've got to go to bed so make me proud and leave me a post before you logoff later that you're ok....techie P.S. nite girly
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      girly's day one.

      techie;865927 wrote: We tried to pull you back girly. Get yourself well this morning and garner all the support you can get today from the MWO gang. I did the same thing as you almost two weeks ago. I know what your going through so WELCOME BACK. Oh yeah, you should crack those two eggs you mention in your post and have them with the coffee and juice. I've got to go to bed so make me proud and leave me a post before you logoff later that you're ok....techie P.S. nite girly
      thanks techie. have a lovely sleep!:l
      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        girly's day one.

        good morning girly,

        It's sunny here in UK! Yaaa! That first drink is so deceptive! I don't know exactly when it changed for me, but one drink equals 10, no matter what. I no longer have the ability to turn off the hunger once I have one drink under my belt. Today is a new day, get your self a good breakfast, and keep yourself hydrated. Can you rest your back today?
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          girly's day one.

          Hiya Girly
          well at least you still want to stop and realise it was a BIG mistake and just how shit you feel
          and are reaching out here, and not reaching out for another drink....:goodjob::goodjob:
          why not have a visit in the NEED HELP threads, there are lots in the same situation so you won't feel so bad...
          of course stay here if you want, am sure as the morning comes you will have a lot of "oldies" jump in and help you...

          my advice is to stay snuggled, drink tons of water and then more, if you have ANY booze in the house, throw it out, coz as you start to sober up you will be wanting more to stop feeling like shit..
          but it will just get worse..
          have you got any valeriana to calm things down?? and if you have vitamins take them..
          I hope you feel better as the time passes, just hang in there and ride it thru kiddo..
          you can do it....
          and once the hangover's gone and you start to feel a bit better come back in and then see what you want to do...
          we are all here for you, 24/7.. that's what pulled me thru my first days of hell.....:l:l


            girly's day one.

            HI SG,

            Sorry to hear you are recovering, and glad to see you here. Just wondering, what was the trigger that got you to take that first drink? Were you out? Alone? Angry? Happy? Sad? Anyway hope you feel better.
            AF since May 6, 2010

            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


              girly's day one.

              Hi GW,
              It was coming off a weekend binge like yours that finally made me realize that I had to quit this AL career into touch. I know you were taking antabuse, did you give yourself a good few days off it before drinking. There may be some still lurking round in your system.

              Take care of yourself today.

              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                girly's day one.

                thanks folks!

                not tonight, i can rest up all day thankyou, im off to see a surgeon next week to see if he can do anything x

                jan thanks for the comforting reply, ill lurk in the need help threads for a while. i need some tough talking and a wake up call. i drank the house dry lastnight so none to grab later.
                what is valeriana?

                techie, don't think i could stomach the eggs today lol x

                gaia. i was at the caravan with my husband, went to the bar for something to eat. sun was shining, sitting outside, everyone had a nice cold beer. convinced my hubby that i'd just have a few drinks and ill be back on the waggon monday. few drinks turned into about 40!

                jc i was taking anatbuse , but after reading some scary stuff about damaging the liver (oh the irony) i stopped it about 13 days ago.

                thanks everyone, you are a tower of strength. no more 30 day challenges just yet. odat for this girly!


                gw xxx:h
                The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                  girly's day one.


                  I frequently had and still have the "I'll just have a few today and I'll be ok" thoughts. It's a big con is all I can say and it's only now I am strong enough to convince myself of that to the point where I don't do it.

                  Next time you get those thoughts post on here and wait for replies before allowing yourself the drink.


                    girly's day one.

                    JackieClaire;865990 wrote: Hi GW,
                    It was coming off a weekend binge like yours that finally made me realize that I had to quit this AL career into touch. I know you were taking antabuse, did you give yourself a good few days off it before drinking. There may be some still lurking round in your system.

                    Take care of yourself today.

                    J x
                    oh and i'm waiting until 9:30, which is 12 hours after my last drink to take my antabuse. i have to.
                    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                      girly's day one.

                      Hi Girly, replied to you on another thread but well done again for coming back. I know EXACTLY how you feel today, was there 3 weeks ago! Bottle how you are feeling today and the next time you want 'a few beers' use 'speed dial' on the memory!
                      We all fall, even the revered 'oldies' here will tell you they 'slipped' many times ( most of them anyway) before actual success.
                      Drink loads of water and be gentle with yourself today.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        girly's day one.

                        Ukblonde;865998 wrote: Girly

                        I frequently had and still have the "I'll just have a few today and I'll be ok" thoughts. It's a big con is all I can say and it's only now I am strong enough to convince myself of that to the point where I don't do it.

                        Next time you get those thoughts post on here and wait for replies before allowing yourself the drink.
                        thanks i will. if i'd been at home i probably would have but because i was away from home it was an excuse not to look for help to abstain.

                        just an added thought, i always visualise you as the girl in your avatar!
                        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                          girly's day one.

                          Sorry Girly, cross-post, I have absolutely no medical knowledge but I do know back in Jan when my doc was prescribing Antabuse for me he made me wait 48 hours after my last drinks to make sure they were out of my system - maybe he was just being over-zealous but maybe you should check?
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            girly's day one.

                            mollyka;866006 wrote: Sorry Girly, cross-post, I have absolutely no medical knowledge but I do know back in Jan when my doc was prescribing Antabuse for me he made me wait 48 hours after my last drinks to make sure they were out of my system - maybe he was just being over-zealous but maybe you should check?
                            ok molly, i'll check thankyou xx
                            The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                              girly's day one.

                              Hey girly. Sorry to hear about your slip. We were on the same amount of days. One thing that has seriously helped me is finding God. Well actually i called out and he found me. Why don't you give this problem over to the Lord. I swear, since i've handed my life to Him, i have not had a single craving. It's incredible. Do me a favour, read Romans 15:13. Hava great time getting to know your creator. All is possible through Christ Jesus our God and father, if you hav faith and believe.
                              Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
                              AF since 04th May 2010
                              Fell overboard on the 8th July!
                              My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.

