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Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

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    Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic


    You and I were posting at the same time - GREAT advice!!!
    NF - 3/17/09

    AF since 5/24/10


      Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

      Hi Cait1lin,

      About your friends - I agree with Doggygirl that most people don't notice/don't care what we are drinking. Also, you don't have to tell everyone you're giving up straight away. You could just say you're trying to be a bit healthier at the moment/trying to lose a bit of weight etc. Most people soon get used to the idea without making a big deal about it.

      LaReese;869165 wrote: I did not consider myself an alcoholic either but I did drink almost everyday (never falling down drunk but had at least 5+ drinks dailey). On February 16th of this year and at the age of 73 I decided to quit the booze. It has been 101 day AF and I feel great! Good luck to you and please don't wait until your are 73. Everyone is here to support you. And, never be ashamed of having a bad day. You are not alone in your quest. Remember to take it one day at a time.
      LaReese - I'm very impressed! You're the same age as my mother. She drinks a lot every day and I'm concerned about what it's doing to her health.
      Congratulations on your 101 days AF!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

        Hi Cait1lin.

        If you are avoiding friends interragating you for not drinking, I seriously think that they may not care as much a you think. I use to think that way too. And realize they ask then they get on with it. But if it's really bothering you sometimes white lies are good...keeps their questions at bay.

        I'm on atnibiotics, or medication
        My tummy is a little off
        I'm on a diet (then maybe don't scarf out of 3 plates of dessert later hee hee).

        OR If the party is at your place already have a NON-AL drink in a fancy glass and no-one will know the difference. Make a virgin drink and just leave out the "virgin" when someone asks what you are drinking.

        It's funny isn't it? That we have to worry or make up lies why we AREN'T drinking.

        Good luck and stay strong.


          Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

          Meech;869456 wrote: Hi Cait1lin.

          It's funny isn't it? That we have to
          worry or make up lies why we AREN'T drinking.
          We don't have to. We just do. And (IMO) we shouldn't.

          Truly normal drinkers DO NOT spend time thinking about this stuff!! My husband is a 6 beer a year drinker. One of my brothers is a non-drinker - has never drank. Neither of these people spend 2 seconds thinking what anyone will think of them for not drinking. And it goes without saying that they both have lots of fun without drinking. (they haven't gone their whole lives never having fun!)

          We really do work up a lot of stuf fin our own heads. I know this because I did it too!!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

            It's just a thing cait!lin. There are some people who drink a lot. They don't really need to and they feel bad about it. I'm a bit like problems yet but I can see them coming. Best advice is to cut down. Maybe go AF for a while. If, like me, you are here, it's not because you are a tourist. You're looking for some useful advice.
            It's all here if you search the forums. Might even be better to do some posting. That will give you immediate feedback and you'll feel involved. Give it a go. These people are very kind and gentle...they know what alcohol can do. You will get plenty of good info, advice and encouragement here...why not? You only live once.


              Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

              I agree that definitions are not as important as the issues. I don't really like the term "alcoholic" anyway. The issues are alcohol use, abuse, dependency (physical and pshcyological) and addiction. There seems to be a contiuum for those who chose to use. At first I used because I liked the way I felt. Later I used because I used. I feel the turning point for me, and it was a scarry one, was when I tried to stop and couldn't.
              If you feel you are on the path to further problems it is much better to get hold of it now than in 5-10-20 years of high risk drinking. It will not get easier.
              It is interesting, if someone offered you strawberries and you told them you were allergic to them that would be no big deal. I have been to several social situations in my 5 months of AF living. I have never felt awkward about declining a drink. Is is easier for me as i am on baclofen for cravings and I really don't want the drink!,
              You can say: No thanks, and if pressured just tell them it is for health reasons and change the subject.
              another thing. Make a bee line to the soda or ice tea and carry a cup of liquid and ice around. Some hosts just assume one must have a drink in their hand!


                Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                Maybe try the Sinclair method. take a naltrexone an hour before you drink, every time. don't take it on days you don't drink. the book "the cure for alcoholism" has this method detailed, but you don't have to be an official drunk to do it. it can keep you from reaching that point. and it's cheap and easy. I'm doing it and it's working. I wish I'd done it way before I crossed the line into full blown alcoholims but, oh well. I think it's great that as a parent, you are seeing things as they are and wanting to avoid the heavy costs associated with alcohol.:goodjob:


                  Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                  :welcome:Cait, Lots of great advise on here from some really great people. Stick around and post lots, you'll find what you are looking for
                  AF since April 19, 2010
                  NF since Nov 10, 2000

                  "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                  -Lady Nancy Astor


                    Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                    As I said, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you are. I've thought about it for a while and tonight I am not going to drink. It's been a hell of a long time since I've abstained and it will be interesting to see how I go and how I feel. At present I'm feeling interested in the experiment. It's one hour out from my witching hour (beer o'clock is 4pm). The next few hours will be interesting.


                      Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                      Hi All...

                      So, the weekend went well. I had a yard party at my house and went to another BBQ at a friend's house and no one asked me why I wasn't drinking or even seemed to notice. Wow, I was really worried about nothing, wasn't I!

                      My new party drink of choice is iced tea and lemonade. Mm!

                      Since I first posted last week, I have had two glasses of wine, on separate occassions. I tried to pay attention both times to how unsatisfying the drink was. I poured the drinks thinking it would feel good to drink them or they would help me relax. In reality, niether drink did anything for me. I ended up feeling like I had wasted calories on the drinks. I could have had a cookie and enjoyed it a lot more. I am not sure why it takes so many disappointing drinking experiences to counteract the wrongheaded subconscious notion that drinking is fun. You would think by now I would have no interest whatsoever in taking a drink. Anyways, live and learn, right.

                      I have another gathering to attend tonight and I will not drink, so the effort continues...


                        Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                        Hello Caitlin...3days for me now. Easy so far, don't know what the big deal was about. I'll do 30 then see how I feel. Hope all goes well wth you.


                          Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                          All is well so far, with not drinking anyways. Now I just need to stop inhaling chocolate peanut butter cups...


                            Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                            Cait1lin;876172 wrote: All is well so far, with not drinking anyways. Now I just need to stop inhaling chocolate peanut butter cups...
                            Ha! and I just ate a chocolate bar. Very unusual - but not really... All my sugar used to come from alcohol. Now I'm craving 'normal people' sugar!


                              Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                              Caitlin, have you ever read any of the books by Julia Ross? I enjoyed the Diet Cure and in my pile waiting for my attention is The Mood Cure. She makes strong connections (like the My Way Out program does) to nutritional deficiencies. Cravings for sugar and cravings for alcohol seem to be very connected. Other authors also suggest this.

                              I'm all too familiar with the sugar cravings that sub for AL cravings. I feel much better when I steer clear of both AL AND sugar. But I think steering clear of AL is the first priority - well, for me it needs to be that way.

                              Sounds like you are doing great! Keep rocking on. I enjoyed reading about your observation that nobody really gave a hoot what YOU were drinking. That's been my experience too. The heavy drinkers care about what THEY are drinking themselves (I used to be in that crowd...), and truly normal drinkers just aren't obsessed with AL for them OR for anyone else.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.


                                Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                                Truly normal drinkers DO NOT spend time thinking about this stuff!! My husband is a 6 beer a year drinker. One of my brothers is a non-drinker - has never drank. Neither of these people spend 2 seconds thinking what anyone will think of them for not drinking. And it goes without saying that they both have lots of fun without drinking. (they haven't gone their whole lives never having fun!)

                                We really do work up a lot of stuf fin our own heads. I know this because I did it too!!!

                                such wise words! Really has struck a chord with me. Thanks DG
                                AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
                                One Day At A Time

                                Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.

