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Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

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    Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

    New Member

    Hi there --- This is my very first post and part of my research period still...I have been drinking heavily for about ten years now (I am 35) and don't understand what the trigger was back then but I never needed to drink everyday before. I am now seeking alternate measures of help as I have not been able to control it on my own. In reading the book - I have a question for my MWO friends out there. Has anyone done the program with just the CD's and the supplements without the Topa or other RX meds?? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated - Jenn


      Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

      G'day Jenny. I have read plenty of posts...thought about all of them for a couple of weeks then stopped drinking. Didn't use anything except drink substitute (eg ginger beer) day four coming up now and I feel fine. I haven't been off the booze for many years and I'm a little surprised how easy it has been so far. I'm not sure if I can identify the trigger but I think it was a simple revelation that booze is not doing me any good. I was an habitual drinker almost all my adult life. After work, have a beer (several bottles.) Signalled the end of the day no further action required. I do find myself going to bed earlier and taking longer to go to sleep. I think I'll do the 30 on my ear...after that I don't know. I do know one thing though, I'm saving $20 a day and that's got to be a bonus. Don't know why I didn't wake up to it sooner. Drinking alcohol is just unnecessary for me.


        Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

        Hi Jenny - Welcome I do take topamax but I maintain a low dose 50mg for about 4 months now. I did still crave somewhat, but was wary about increasing. Once I started the l-glut & kudzu my cravings stop immediately. So, I would give the supps a try and see if they work for you. Others will chime in with their experiences too. Best of luck to you and please keep in touch.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

          Weekend drinking

          hi: This is my first post. I understand Cait1lin's post and feel similarly. I drink on the weekends with my boyfriend. As I get older it takes less and less alcohol for me to lose my sense of self in a situation, of being really present and aware. And then I seem to be getting really depressed and emotional the next day. Yet I keep doing it because it seems like it's hard to escape it. What do you do when you are meeting people to hang out with for a drink, if you don't have one? Well, I want to try it because I'm tired of feeling controlled by it. For me anyway, it seems to be a powerful chemical that is interfering with how I want my life to be. i'd welcome any responses if this resonates with you or any suggestions on how to begin to stop.



            Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

            Hi again

            I just managed to read all the posts and see that they are a few months old. It was very helpful to read them, and I hope more will be forthcoming as i believe that I could use some support in this effort.


              Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

              Hi neworleansgal,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place

              Not sure how you found this older thread - I would suggest yuo post in the Just getting started section, you'll get more replys.

              Why not start by downloading the MWO book from the Health Store above. It's full of good information.
              Making a good plan for yourself is key to success. Look in the for some good ideas.

              Changing yor thinking about AL is going to be part of the process. I can be around people drinking now & it doesn't bother me but that's not easy to do in the beginning. You're going to have to find a way to make drinking less important in your social situations. I just stayed home & stayed away from temptation for a few months, that helped me. You will find what works best for you

              Wishing you the best on your journey!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic

                At my age, it would seem kind of early to want to quit drinking. I've been thinking about it a lot lately because I'm realizing that when I go out to clubs I find I drink moderately, but I sometimes don't pay attention and have more then just 3 drinks. Lately even with the stress of being a full time worker and student, I sometimes on the weekend think about having a drink just to relax. Walks sometimes do it for me, but it becomes a lot harder in the winter to want to take a walk. That and recently, I've met someone who is a recovering from alcoholism and drug addiction. I'm not entirely sure why this has kind of given me more of a push to quit drinking all together. Though honestly, I find I don't drink more then maybe three times a month at tops. Is there really a need to stop? Any advice?


                  Want to stop drinking, but not an alcoholic


                  Cait1lin;868255 wrote: I'm new to the forum, but am here seeking input about where people who are not alcoholics can find support in stopping drinking.

                  I am in my late 30's and have been drinking socially since I was 14. Frankly, I am just tired of it. Drinking is not enjoyable to me the way it once was. Being under the influence makes me feel stupid. I have some medical problems (not drinking related) which have led me to want to be as healthy as I can be. I also have a young child and feel that drinking, even in moderation, makes me less of a role model for him. So, long story short, I think this is a good time in my life to get rid of my unhealthy drinking habit.

                  However, almost everyone I know drinks socially, including my husband. Nearly every social event I attend involves alcohol. We always have wine or beer in our house, and we have a habit of drinking wine with dinner or a beer in the yard on sunny weekend afternoons. I find it very hard to reject a drink when it is sitting in front of me and the person or people I am with are drinking. I also have to admit that I frequently have a glass or two of wine to "relax" after work. It would be better if I went on a walk or something else, but having a glass of wine is just an easy solution at the end of a long day.

                  I think that it would be useful to have a support group and some pointers on how others like me have broken the drinking habit, but I have never heard of any such support group other than AA. I would feel ridiculous going to AA and telling my story to people who have dealt with significant strife due to their alcohol addictions. Is there any resource out there for people who have a lifelong habit of having alcohol in their lives but whose lives are not torn up by alcohol?

                  Thanks for any input.
                  great post where i m at rite now,i i do believe. i have a grip. :Hi i always wonder if its not us,or were just tring to numb ourselves fromm ones that think there normal hahahah,:Hmy my dear AA is not for all,the book states that,i dont no which page but it is in the 1st 169 i believe.yes i ve been doin this TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ALCHOHOLISM,for a long time,acceptance, we are differentt.:thanks:i wish you well gyco

