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    My thoughts are mixed on this.

    It is chemical that is the cause and effect.
    To some, it is a chemical that is the cause and effect for relief.

    This is a horrid disorder that hit me hard in mid stream of life with no history.
    It is my enemy and I will take up whatever weapons to fight this battle.

    I thank the glorious heavens for this place and people like you. I would be an image to not behold if not for this means of reasoning.

    We are sane, we are lovable and as far as a cure. . . why not? This has all the components of a disease.
    Yet, until then, I know from my own experience that this substance is an enemy to my state of being.

    I remain a fool, yet not in my folly. It is not pleasure. It is punishment, always.
    One day without and I dream from my imaginations purest potential and hear sounds and take in sights that were gray prior.

    Remaining with you in the fight~

    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales
    Remain with us in the fight. Every single day you wake up and breathe is a good day.

    You inspire me to be better. Your posts speak to me.

    I hope you can feel my caring wrapping around you and holding you safe. I know I feel your caring.

    AF April 9, 2016


    Oh, CINDI! You are So caring and loving.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



      Cindi, yes Ruby is right, I have to say that you are the most caring person I have met on here, and I have been here for a while ..........

      Ruby you are second ........... and that is the truth

      Theme2be .......... fabulous words ....... thankyou and I hope that you are OK ....

      Love & Hugs, BB xxx



        Maybe if I would have met you, prior to this enemies attack I may have had such a defense because of one like you.
        Your likeness is the purest of defenses. You mirror Love, in deed, action, word and example.
        There is no comparison to Alcohols false representation of companionship.

        My lonliness is often antagonized by my lack of children, husband and the like.

        I am more welcome when I am creative and pretty.

        The drink drains what life is planning expression.

        I am sure if we keep in touch, I will have proof that I have a friend for life.

        Your friend for life~

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales



          I feel so tired and that brings me guilt that I am selfish.

          I aspire to be self less.

          A car accident recently, I was on my way to one of many jobs and thank you MWO that I was sober.
          Still, a difficulty.

          Have my own place to dwell. It is as lonely as living at Mothers. (Zen understands)
          For I learned how to disconnect and shut down creatively . Now, I am not adept at how to unthaw.
          Come here?
          Listen in between the misery.

          I venture into different posts and I feel delivered, because, I am embraced by a familiar likeness. In type, your spirit is colorfull.
          So unique.

          Alcohol is an oil spill up against the visions, and patterns and pure expression that I experience when I gather my thoughts and they find you.

          You help me find Life outside of a desperate atttempt to rob of us of our celebration~

          Lets make it, lets unfold, let us become~

          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales



            It's been some time since I posted on mwo, I don't know why. I have been sober for some months now, and thought I would log on to see what was going on and I had a pm from Cindy, I suddenly realised how much I had missed the place. Cindy is an amazing caring person, she has given me kind words and comfort on many occasions, we are blessed to have such people. Thanks Cindy. I will pop in here when I get the chance.xx




              Yes. You have a friend for life.

              Your struggle, like mine, is epic but you are also not giving up. That is what we must do.

              I am sorry for your lonliness. I know many here do not like AA for various reasons, but HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) coined by that group many years ago still stands today. Remember that acronym and start to slowly change your life to ensure those feelings are seldom in your life. That does help.


              It is going to be wonderful to see you around here again. Your quiet words of encouragement have helped me through many a dark hour.

              AF April 9, 2016



                Theme, so many of us become so enmeshed in the minutiae of our existence, so complaining about the problems and demands of the ones we brought into this world, we forget there are many who are, or feel, alienated and alone. It sounds patronizing, I suppose, to extol the beauty of this place, but it IS a beautiful place. I was surrounded by friends, family, when I came here, but never felt more alone. Now, it's become a running joke with Hubs that I talk about the people and events on this site as though you were intimates, seen daily, embraced. This place is so much a part of my life, I cannot leave it unless forced to. There are many worse addictions.
                Theme, I have hundreds of family members. I was the the one they all called, turned to, for years. AL made me undependable, or maybe the pressure became too much. No, I couldn't figure out how to be all and do all, and I turned to the silver-tongued devil for relief. He turned out to be a cruel master, and effectively destroyed my credibility. But now, with TRUE friends and family, I'm able to look back and realize I was trying to sustain an impossible balance. I believe many who turn to alcohol do so because their feelings, their sensitivities, are so sharp, so at the surface of their being, we have a problem living in the 'normal' world. When I came here, even with all these people surrounding me, I was incredibly lonely.
                We can learn through experience; and see, maybe, the chain of events that will be the future in other's paths, but we cannot explain this to them. I put all my efforts now into talking to my grandchildren, being a constant in their lives, being honest with them about what to look out for and all the time loving and playing with them. My childhood and married life (I went quickly from one to the other) have not been perfect, but wonderful anyway. 'That which does not kill us makes us stronger' is still a real truth.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

