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    I was getting ready to leave for Texas on the night of the 13th, to to home a bit, and check on all my friends there that are grieving and the one having chemos after her husband passing, I'd gone to work out, I came home, took th trash to the curb, let the dogs out, went to the laundry room in the basement, and came back in the kitchen and my friends and next door neighbors were calling...she said the police had been banging at my door, then came to their house, and said someone called in my license plate and said I was swerving....same as before!!! I was here when they must've been next door. They told her they'd come back again and again, and I was supposed to fly out the next morning, I was mortified!!!! I closed all the shades and took the dogs to the basement bedroom and locked the doors. I was completely paralyzed with fear, never slept a wink. This is CRAZY.....what if I didn't even know my neighbors and they didn't know my business, and the cops told them the whole story from the beginning, scared the to death too!!! They didn't come back in the night, and I called my friend and dogsitter and she came in the front door, let me get ready and packed, and was going to tell them she was th dogsitter and I was in Texas....she walked around and nothing on the street looked like a cop. AND, THEY DIDN'T HAVE ME ON ANYTHING PERIOD!!! She pulled her car in my garage and I got in the backseat with a blanket like a fugitive and she hauled all, and took me all the way to the airport...I had cried and been insane all night long. My atty says its intimidation and crap and they wanted to see if they could catch me doing something wrong, he was pissed, but said they could do it. You guys, I haven't even been convicted of ANYTHING!!! I have my Johns Hopkins doc's letter stating I couldn't do the breathlyzer test, he told me to NOT require the officer to be there for the DMV hearing which is insane too, you go there first, not court.....they didn't even know what Johns Hopkins was, and the officer showed up anyway, and said he asked me again after I couldn't blow, if I wanted to go to the hospital for a blood test, that is a flat out lie. He said someone reported us swerving, we stated to exit on one exit, changed our minds, and that is the "swerving"....The still maintain if you "refuse" the breath test, its auto 1 yr suspension, THEY TOOK MY LICENSE FOR A YEAR...NO WAY TO GET AROUND, NADA....ZIP.....ZERO....I didn't refuse! So now I'm here, mostly alone unless hubby is here, and stuck, gotta find a college student to drive for me I guess, at least everyone rides their bikes, and I'm close to town, but I just got back, need groceries, dog food, you name it...gotta get some friends help. I went to the DMV in Texas and told them I "lost" my Tx license, nothing was on my record, so they are sending me a new one, atty says it may or may never show up in Texas...but we don't know for sure, CO yanked my Tx license and I'm not even a perm. resident. Atty is steaming, going to talk to the DA, I have to be here, Texas, and Baltimore back and forth...I can't risk my cancer recovery. Surely a DA will know what Johns Hopkins is, and an OB/GYN, Oncologist/Surgeon wouldn't lie!!! But, even if I don't get a harsh sentence, you can even appeal for your license, which means you are guilty but thats tough shit. I'm just horrified, I feel like a terrorist, I haven't had a moving violation in 14yrs, when they checked in Texas, the DUI 7 yrs ago, when I ran a criminal ck on myself, said a minor accident 200.00 fine, case dismissed, which was what the atty then had gotten handled, somehow CO found it somewhere, which atty is suspect of too. I just needed to vent, I've been thru hell with test at Hopkins, worried about that, and now this. I need the atty to get them to realize I'm not here all the time, I perm. reside in Tx, and have to travel to Maryland, I didnt cause an accident, or hurt anyone, but they act like I'm an ax murderer, I need probation and let me pay a big ass fine and get this off my stressors, I'm scared it'll make me sick again. Guess I need to find someone willing to drive my ass around. Any advice appreciated!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


    Sorry about the typos, I'm so mad I'm shaking, and I meant even if the court finds you not guilty, DMV doesn't care, so you loose your license and are innocent in the eyes of the court!!!!!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"



      Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I hope you are able to stay AF free through all of this.
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!



        You really have been through so much over the last few years and I am hoping that your life will be peaceful soon. It really sounds like you are being treated unfairly. Everyone knows they have to pay for things they have done but there is such a thing as taking it too far. I hope that you have a good attorney that can help you. I think it is more complicated given the different states.
        Get someone to drive you around and get on with your life and get yourself healthy. I know that life can be stressful but you really do need to take care of yourself.
        Just wanted to give you some support and let you know there are people here who care.



          Seems like you're going through the wringer here TIT! Try to be calm while sorting it out. Just take it one day at a time. You can always get a cab and load up on supplies and then bike rides for manageable things will be good for your stress level. Good luck with this.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




            Actually you live in the one city where my son got two DUIs within one month back in the 90s. It was not good. The judge court ordered him to take Antabuse. He had to go into the sheriff's office every day and take the pill in front of a police man.

            My son was a little sh*t. He tried hiding it under his tongue, swapping out aspirin for Antabuse, etc.

            He went for a couple of years without a driver's license and many weekends in jail

            My son deserved his sentence, though. He was drinking and driving.

            I am still stunned they did not take a blood test at the jail when they took you in. That is SOP. Field sobriety tests without the backup blood tests can be challenged very easily. As a matter of fact, the day after Christmas, once we had all moved away from there, my son was pulled over for speeding. His field test showed him as drunk, his blood test showed him at .03. (I think.. it was well within the BAC limit.) He had had too much to drink the day before.

            Unfortunately, he did not get a lawyer to help him and was charged with a DUI because it had "some" alcohol. The Governor of our state's wife was the vicitim of a drunk driver and has facial damage and an eye damaged from the accident. They are very tough here. But a lawyer would have gotten him off. A big lesson learned.

            Once you are on the police's radar, you must be very careful. Once you get your license back, and you will, you must not ever consider drinking and driving. No dinners and wine and going home.

            You live in a pretty small town, when you get right down to it. That is good and it is bad.

            I loved it there. I was sad when we had to leave.

            Take care of yourself, honey. Just square those shoulders of yours and take this on. Do the next right thing.

            I love you.

            AF April 9, 2016



              As we move into Memorial Day weekend, let's not forget those who have lost their lives due to drunk driving and hope that no more are lost this weekend. Our loved ones are on the road every day and could be taken out in one second by someone who has been drinking.

              Cindi, you are a good mom and I agree that those who drink and drive deserve their sentence. Hopefully, it will be their "bottom."

              Have a good and safe weekend all.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!



                Sounds like a really stressful situation! I can't even begin to count the number of times I should have been busted for DUI. I'm so grateful I accepted the last near-miss as a sign from above and got honest with myself.

                I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like you need a GOOD lawyer. There are enough holes in your case to get some things dropped or reduced. It will cost you money which isn't fair, but most of the states are really cracking down on drinking and driving.

                You've gotten some good advice here. I hope things get better for you. :l
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                  Over here you lose your licence FULL STOP on any drink-driving offence. Although of course there are many lawyers around who wil make money getting you off on a technicality - which I disagree with absolutely, if you are over the limit you are over the limit and guilty so shouldn't weedle out.

                  I drunk drove ONCE and once only but that was enough to cause a bad accident, was lucky not to have resulted in at least one death.

                  Now I have the licence back I've been so aware Police could be flagging me up via my number plate but I've not been stopped once. To be honest I've never driven within so much as 24 hours of a drink since then and of course I'm also now just about 2 months from my last drink.

                  I don't know the full history but sounds as if they are trying to just make trouble for you. Over here if you have asthma you must tell them and ASK for a blood test. Just told my mum that one as although she doesn't drink at all she did have something very much like asthma for a while due to stress. If you don't tell or don't ask for the bloods then yes you are treated as someone who is refusing. This is to stop people from simply avoiding the test - as a lot of drunks would. We have no field test just a by the side of the road followed by police station accurate reading to be used in court.

                  If Atty means 'attourney' is that the equivalent of our solicitors?If so he'll try and protect you and kick some ass for you I'm sure. My experiences with sols have been generally good and that was only the 'free' legal aid ones.



                    I'm just so shaken, I know I should've been stopped in the past, and would've deserved it, I would never drive and jeopardize anyone, I got that wake-up call 7 yrs ago. I still have the court to worry about, still waiting on my cancer tests, feel like a prisoner already, my atty is good, I'm going to call him today. I do need to get over it and move on, I've just had soooo many things, I'm rattled, I know I have to chin up and settle down. I am taking good care of myself as much as possible, walking and riding my bike. I'm going to try to hire someone to drive me around a couple of afternoons a week, and friends will get me out some for dinner, they are just all gone right now, so its lonely. Hubby will be here to meet me to fly to see new grandbaby next Sat., then he'll get to stay here til the 20th, at this point, I'm so scared, I may just go home with him for awhile, altho I really need to stay here. Thanks for all the support, I'm just here alone and need to settle down, and get good cancer tests back too. Love you all!
                    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"



                      I hope your attorney is helping you sort this out. Please check in and let us know how you are. You have so much going on and I hope you are staying AF because you know a drink will not help any of your problems. When will you get your cancer test results?

