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Dad is getting closer to death...and so goes my drinking

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    Dad is getting closer to death...and so goes my drinking

    Panno;871280 wrote: Ad when I find I have alot of things to do and feel like everything is crashing in on me I tend to make a list with a time-table and more often than not it helps me. I tick off what I have done when I have done it and what I have not finished I go to bed knowing what I have to do first thing so when I wake up the next morning I can get straight on to them rather than my head still spinning with too much to do. x
    Right, thanks. I have an appt Tuesday a.m. to get my dogs their shots so they can be boarded. I have the "funeral dress" purchased. That is one of the first things I did was to buy the appropriate dress. I am thinking in these terms. Ok, what REALLY needs to be done? In my mind, I am going to catch a shuttle from the airport to the car rental place and rent a car. I just cannot seem to think beyond these things these days. I know what MUST be done but I have little energy left over to get other stuff done.

    Hospice is a wonderful thing for the dying, but it's not a wonderful thing for the living in some ways. We get to "wait." I always thought I would just get a call someday and fly up there and my Dad would be in ICU and it would go like that. Guess what? It's never like you think. I have to think about him starving to death now. It sucks. But it is what it is and I am not a trained medical professional so I am just trusting they are doing the RIGHT thing and the compassionate thing.


      Dad is getting closer to death...and so goes my drinking

      Ok, so now I've really upset myself thinking about too many details here. Sorry. I am going to sign off MWO and come back at another time when I am in a better frame of mind. I hope I don't seem "too out there," but my mind is just focused on all these details and I should probably just distract myself.

      Thanks Panno and all.

