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Shallow, I know but ....

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    Shallow, I know but ....

    Thankyou so much for that. I was hanging out some washing post-sending that post and thinking, well, I really am just a conniving, greedy and materialistic person after all. But, I did also while these thought of self hatred were running through my head remember reading that very book - 5 languages of love - and how a light had gone on for me. I read some passages out of it at the time to my husband and 'laughed' along with him at how 'silly' some of sounded but I did also try to get through to him that 99% of it made so much sense to me. I left it by his side of the bed and asked him to read it, but he wasn't keen. I would say that my husband sounds exactly the same as yours. He is a very good, practical and kind man who also doesn't want fuss on his birthday as in presents, but you know how it is, I still do it.
    Thank you again for your post. I can say also that it is a standing joke in our family about the first christmas when he bought me a dust buster!! My mother thought he was having a laugh. It hung in the laundry for years while flies formed in funeral heaps but I never, ever, used it! It has been really lifting reading your post. I'm smiling.


      Shallow, I know but ....

      A dust buster?? LOL! My husband always wanted to buy me something "practical" too. (The quisinart was a secret desire to get me to make his favorite homemade salsa recipe!) He had to get it through his head that I do NOT want anything practical!

      The turnaround came for me when I told him I needed to talked to him. I did not do it on the heels of a birthday dissapointment, but rather about a week after that counseling session where my counselor told me it was my responsibility to tell him what makes me feel loved and valued by him. So I did. I assured him that I knew he loves me, but I just told him how much I wanted him to plan ahead... put thought into it... WRAP IT, and get me a romantic card telling me how in love he still is with me whether he means it or not! LOL!!! I told him gifts from Home Depot were grounds for divorce!! We had a good laugh and that was that. He usually asks me now ahead of time what I would like and I usually give him several suggestions because I still like the element of "surprise" too. My husband did not read the book either as he is not much of a reader. However, he will listen to books on tape because he travels a lot and I bought the book on a CD for him and he DID listen to it! Yay!!

      The other thing I wanted to say is that once I sat down with him and for the first time really expressed what I would like in the future on my birthdays, I felt like if he totally ecnored my requests or did not consider what is meaningful to me, then I could certainly express me hurt rather than bottle it up like I did for years. So far so good!
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Shallow, I know but ....

        Thank you. Great advice.


          Shallow, I know but ....

          I love the teapot!! Got a good chuckle. When I was in my early 20's many years ago and had a tall, slim young girls figure my hubby bought me an orange and yellow striped moo-moo......well, it went back to the Department store and I bought us tickets to a Rock Concert! Did he think I was his Grandmother?!?!?! I don't know but that marriage didn't last, but he did try I'll give him that. Sometimes it's just better to let them know exactly what you want. lol
          AF since April 19, 2010
          NF since Nov 10, 2000

          "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
          -Lady Nancy Astor


            Shallow, I know but ....

            Oh the moo-moo takes the cake..... at least we can use the dustbuster, the teapot and the quisinart!

            You're right... some men are just natural-born romantics and know how to do this stuff right, but others you just have to tell them very clearly what you want. My husband was actually relieved as he honestly had no clue what to do until I told him. He thinks the idea of getting a new tool or something practical is awesome, so why wouldn't I?
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              Shallow, I know but ....

              justforme - curious what make of teapot. My wife has a birthday coming up. Appreciate the help!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Shallow, I know but ....

                It better be a magic teapot! lol
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor


                  Shallow, I know but ....

                  Yeah your right but these posts here just cracked me up. Can't believe I'm sitting here reading through this thread. A saturday night and I'm sober. Its just amazing. I have bought some pretty shabby gifts truth be told for her over the years.
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Shallow, I know but ....

                    Hey I really laughed about the moo moo and Techie please don't go there with the teapot!! Mine is a very sensible plain white one, for your information. And re that book - five languages of love (Techie get yourself a copy (ha) ) I know that I am also one who needs the affirmation ie. wow, you look nice/you smell nice/you are soooo gorgeous/etc etc. (tragic woman, I know) I say it to myself really loudly - sometimes even in his presence but I'm still waiting ...
                    Apart from this, he is a really lovely man. REALLY!!


                      Shallow, I know but ....

                      That's so sweet justforme (did I just say that). Thanks. Five Languages of Love (what's happening to me) Ok I'll google. Now good night ladies....john
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Shallow, I know but ....

                        I got a toaster oven one year for my birthday! Ohhhhlala.


                          Shallow, I know but ....

                          And last Christmas a frying pan wrapped in tea towels! Seriously.

                          On my hubby's defense I also received some romatic stuff too.


                            Shallow, I know but ....

                            justforme, I was rolling with laughter at the teapot, but I think I have you beat.
                            Last Christmas my husband gave me those TV ears. The ones they advertise on TV to help you hear better. I guess I say, "What did he say?" What did she say?" a little too often for him!! I didn't speak to him all day I was so mad. But now it is one of our best jokes. BUT I do NOT use them!


                              Shallow, I know but ....

                              I love the commercial. The lady is so annoyed with her husband "would you turn that T.V. Down!!!!"
                              Then he and she are so happy and smiley now that he has the tv ears. Saved their marriage I sure. LOL.
                              Then even have the nerve to promote use of the tv ears outside to eavesdrop on the neighbours!


                                Shallow, I know but ....

                                prancy;872544 wrote: justforme, I was rolling with laughter at the teapot, but I think I have you beat.
                                Last Christmas my husband gave me those TV ears. The ones they advertise on TV to help you hear better. I guess I say, "What did he say?" What did she say?" a little too often for him!! I didn't speak to him all day I was so mad. But now it is one of our best jokes. BUT I do NOT use them!
                                Attached files [img]/converted_files/1248528=5600-attachment.jpg[/img]
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

