I'm just wondering what the word, or concept, really means.
It seems like willpower is thought of as something you exert, with the lack of willpower meaning that you are not able to, or choose not to, exert it.
I'm wondering if willpower refers not to the effort, or ability, but to the result of that effort or ability.
I think I have tremendous willpower. When my body tells me I am too tired to go on -- whether it be a mental task or a physical task, I almost always manage to resist the need to stop, the need to rest, the need to to give in to my body's needs. When I am successful, people say I have an incredible amount of willpower.
I have many compulsions that I conquer. I don't give up easily. When I want something, I persist against all odds. People tell me I have an incredible amount of willpower.
When I succeed, I am praised for my willpower, but when I fail (as in my battle with alcohol), I am told that I need (or lack) willpower.
So, I'm wondering, does willpower refer to an exertion, an effort, or a personal characteristic, something you have or don't have, something you use or don't use...
or does it refer to the result?
I'd be interested in any feedback.