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Underoos and Friends - June

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    Underoos and Friends - June

    Solo gig.Making it up as I go along. Private family owned farms and properties, not unlike yours at all. I'm going to see if I can help them get it subsidised somehow. But basically a relo realised what I was doing down south and said........well.....come and do it up North ????
    Okey Doke......
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos and Friends - June

      Hey guys I'm just new here but Bridge if you want to vent, talk feel free...a serial killer sure i was one of those in a past life. Grateful it is not raining here, well up the blue mountains today, my other house but hey it aint raining and i have got fuck all done work wise so guess it is going to be a long night. tawny i can not thank you enough you knew when to reach out, thank you xxxx
      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


        Underoos and Friends - June

        Now Kimbo ... you know I'm not going to do one of those smiley throbby love heart thingos - but I'm really glad you've joined us. I've "known" you for a hell of a long time. '06 ... such a good year ...

        Rain stopped play down here today too. Started off really good and got heaps done but then Huey sent her down.


          Underoos and Friends - June

          boycie;877659 wrote: Hey guys I'm just new here but Bridge if you want to vent, talk feel free...a serial killer sure i was one of those in a past life. Grateful it is not raining here, well up the blue mountains today, my other house but hey it aint raining and i have got fuck all done work wise so guess it is going to be a long night. tawny i can not thank you enough you knew when to reach out, thank you xxxx
          Hiya Boycie.
          I've been waiting to catch you on line and say welcome back.
          Thanks anyway, but no venting needed. Just literally sharpening the tools of the trade. No homicidal tendencies. Yet.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos and Friends - June

            Hey Rags - look... Boycie's back. Now you two girls can talk bikes!!!! ... and we can sit at your feet and listen in awe ...


              Underoos and Friends - June

              Bugger this. I'm just going to frock up in the waterproofs, and get out there.
              Later slaters.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Underoos and Friends - June

                Squelch forth, young maiden ...


                  Underoos and Friends - June

                  Good Afternoon all,
                  Sorry been off the air for a bit but just catching up the last 8 pages.
                  White sheets: I still have some ACTIL and BRADMILL cotton sheets!!! And a wonderful exteremely heavy Sheridan COTTON sheet. Got it and matching pillow cases at DJ's about 10 years ago. Couldn't afford the second sheet. Used to starch but haven't for a long time, but yesterday bought a new ironing board cover so may go hunting for some red robin... (oops giving my age away there), and give the pillow cases a good starching.

                  Hi Boycie... Yep 2006 seemed to be the year it all started to take off here.

                  BIKE: Haven't ridden for 2 weeks as wet wet wet. Said to Mr Rags this morning "bugrit, got to get the bike out else the battery will go flat. " So rode to a friend's place had a cuppa and got all her latest news ( moving out, heading for Vic, getting a divorce etc etc). I was very good by giving the best advice I could which was to make sure she packed thermals as Vic gets bloody cold in winter.
                  Anyway, it was pissing down when I left to go back home, and I remembered back when I had my 2nd bike and vowed I would save enough to buy a car....... Got to get the clutch adjusted, and get the handlebars raised a bit. And see if I can get a larger windshield.....

                  Topa from Rivers....
                  AQIS will open the package and possibly imppound them. Easier to go to a doctor say you have a drink problem and would like some drugs to help you stop drinking. And govt. subsidised so you won't pay too much for them.

                  what are the primary weeds and degree of infestation? What sort of area are you talking about?


                    Underoos and Friends - June

                    tawnyfrog;877655 wrote: So I'm imagining you're in the sticks somewhere? Is this a solo gig or are you with a team?
                    I've already put me hand up to lend a hand.


                      Underoos and Friends - June

                      Boycie, I assume you have a bike fro mwhat Tawny said.

                      Don'cha HATE it when the rain runs down the front of your jacket onto your jeans and you haven't got your waterproof pants on......


                        Underoos and Friends - June

                        Tender writing.... the way I see it there are 3 types
                        1: Tenders are invited to apply for the construction of ...... previous tenders need not re-apply.

                        2: " Take her up tenderly, lift her with care..."

                        3: Ouch!


                          Underoos and Friends - June

                          thanks for the info rags - will cancel order & suck it 'n' see from a quack in the city.
                          god you guys are so witty when one feels like a wet sock in a mud pool....
                          will try again later to latch on but currently dragging sorry arse out of house to catch young horse & start some training.
                          Hi to boycie! Haven't "met" you before.
                          seizures all.


                            Underoos and Friends - June

                            Beagle, You and Jacrabit should get on well.... neigh, very well.


                              Underoos and Friends - June

                              hello i am looking for the army thread,some soldier called tawny says she has one ?

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                                Underoos and Friends - June

                                Please Mario - come in ... yes - I do have one. You want to buy? For you, I make cheap ...

