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Underoos and Friends - June

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    Underoos and Friends - June

    Guitarista;874285 wrote: G'day Aspy,
    Great stuff! Similar scenario here. A couple of my mates are now thinking about their grog intake since they've been seeing me still out there having fun, looking good, with plenty of 'go,' and AF. We're leading by example, whether that's my intention or not.

    Hope the family's well. G.
    Hello Mr G.

    That is wonderful! And the bonus is you'll have sober mates to share your evenings and you'll all remember what a great time you had rather than having to ask someone "did I enjoy myself last night? Anyone OI need to apologise to?..."


      Underoos and Friends - June

      Lovebirds at full tweet and have run out of mangetout.

      What pray tell is mangetout???? Competing lice?


        Underoos and Friends - June

        boycie;874720 wrote: Hey guys, caved in and had a glass of red!!!! I'm pretty upset with myself but hey atleast it is only 1 glass not a bottle or get up dust off and try again tomorrow. Hope all you guys are doing great, gona hit the sack now and hopefully wake up is really hard to train the body to actually sleep instead of just passout...night all
        Hey Boycie,
        As long as you enjoyed it. And wow, you kept it at one. Are you berating yourself more than the value of the glass of wine?


          Underoos and Friends - June

          Mangetout/snow peas/sugar snaps?

          Clip them to the cage and it takes them ages to eat them.
          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            Underoos and Friends - June

            Oh, thanks Sweats. Now the penny drops. I just went into auto thought association and went bird.... feathers.... lice.... mange.....!! :H


              Underoos and Friends - June

              Rags is obviously in the garden.

              No she's not.

              We've had a week of rain so all work at a standstill. This photo doesn't really show the damage, completely lost all topsoil, the muddy pond is where we dug out for extended paving, and the dug area for the new pathway at the left is a mini erosion area. Lots of reparation work to do when the rain stops.


                Underoos and Friends - June

                Oooohhhh Sweaty,
                Don't get white carpet.

                I did.

                Not a wise choice.


                  Underoos and Friends - June

                  ATTENTION ALL UNDERS....
                  I've just resurrected a beaut recipe for the cold weather. When you have time, pop into the resipe threads and check oput the BBZ soup. Just the thing for this interminable rain.


                    Underoos and Friends - June

                    Lol! I wondered where the lice association came from

                    Commiserations on the rain damage

                    No chance of a white carpet! I'm toying with the idea of white sofas with washable covers but know its riduculous and won't happen. Made a mistake getting leather sofas this time - because we're usually in shorts/singlets (attractive I know) the humidity and sweatiness make you stick to the leather, ugh.

                    Ok back to the cleaning/clearing/shredding etc.

                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      Underoos and Friends - June

                      I also bought a white chaise loungey thing.
                      My belated mantra is... Don't buy white.

                      Ouch.... hate it when I stick to leather or vynl


                        Underoos and Friends - June

                        The only white or cream things I have are sheets and doona covers. Love, love, love white sheets. Ironed. Pillow cases must be spray starched and ironed flat. I never cease to surprise myself.

                        Now Rags, you're closest. Can you yell out to Bridge and tell her to get back in here? Thank you in advance.


                          Underoos and Friends - June

                          tawnyfrog;875421 wrote: The only white or cream things I have are sheets and doona covers. Love, love, love white sheets. Ironed. Pillow cases must be spray starched and ironed flat. I never cease to surprise myself.

                          Yes yes yes yes...

                          Now Rags, you're closest. Can you yell out to Bridge and tell her to get back in here? Thank you in advance.
                          Okie Dokey....... COOOOEEEEEEEE...................BRIDGEEEEEEEE,,,,,


                            Underoos and Friends - June

                            Bridget was last seen crossing the Manning River in NSW, headed in a generally northrly direction.
                            A sharp eyed passer by noticed a vehicle being driven by a woman who herself appeared driven, and noticed that the trailer on the back of said vehicle was full of secateurs, a 10 gallon drum of glyphosate, assorted weeding implements and a load of trad and ipomea. The lady was seen to be mumbling to herself but a few words were audible....which sounded like ..."death to all trad, solanum, cape and crofton weed. African love grass can go get fecked.... Feck it... dropped me bluddy fags... Feckin bridal bloody creeper......... Now how do I work this remote wireless feckin computer so I can get on the internet tonight...feckin technology..."

                            From that description I think our Bridge is wreaking a pathway of destruction up on the north coast of NSW...... is she headed towards Noosa to check out Blue and the mirror bush..... However, I think we shall hear from her soon. Tonight perhaps???


                              Underoos and Friends - June


                              Jeez, sorry folk.
                              I woke up and found myself in a rainforest on the NSW North Coast.
                              Well, there were a few phone calls in between, and a job offer, but here I am.
                              Astonishing how fast a girl can get her shit together and haul arse, when she is a bored, housebound suburban shrew (sorry....I said that out loud ....didn't I ?)
                              Didn't have time to do a lot of things, including check in here, and there's a dog, a cat and a kid who are apparently trying to locate me through local police.
                              It has to be said that there are rubber burnout tyre marks on my street, where I fishtailed off.

                              So. I will be the Underoos foreign correspondent/reporter at large for a bit.
                              No idea how long the assignment will be, but I have spent the nasty weather setting up a new account with an oval dangly thing on the side of my laptop for mobile broadband..Very slow service for some reason.

                              Looks like we've got a new MWO baby.......:h
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends - June

                                Evening all,

                                I p.m'd Bridget last night around 8.40 p.m. but no response from her as yet. I think there's a bit of wild weather up her way at the moment, so maybe she's caught up in that? Let us know how you are Bridget.

                                Your garden look's grand Rag's. Did you take that overhead pic from your helicopter?

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

