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Underoos and Friends - June

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    Underoos and Friends - June

    should call me next day aspy...always a day behind the goss,
    i have mostly had rottys, but when my last was poisened i went for a change, i got a neo- mastif.
    he was incredible, i lent him back to the breeder as he survived parvo, and he was snake bit and died keeping a snake from his young charges. the breeder who has over 30 adult dogs, said he was such a sweet protective dog of the kids she had him in the kids area which she never does as a rule. she will replace him when we are ready, but were will wait a while.
    this is her website, there is a photo of him and his brother(his name was max).
    i can recomend a neo for a loving protective dog, so long as you are experianced with alpha type dogs and can be their pack leader.

    Abcalert & Trublue guards
    AF since 10/26/2009

    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


      Underoos and Friends - June

      Aspman....Have dealt with Parvo and a dog that I bought. I got this dog and the guy had all these animals out in the open. I took the dog to the Vet. said he had Parvo..the Dog sales person ended up putting down the whole community. I had to do the same....sad...IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Underoos and Friends - June


        Goodlooking dog's Aspy. I love a big boofy dog.
        The sun is a shinin 'ere me lovelies!
        C'mon AFer's.......Go hard or go home!

        A marvellous day to all.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos and Friends - June

          G'day IAD,

          That is very sad buddy. Putting down an animal is devastating.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Underoos and Friends - June

            Oh Bridgos, You've probably got all that garage door stuff sussed, but here are a couple of lead's that might be of use.
            Google Ezine@rticles......'garage door prices-know the general price Adam Stranton.
            Quite a few prices from $300 up. Might be a yank site, but a lot of Oz ad's links there.

            And just for more option's, probably expensive, but might turn up a cheaper lead...B&D door's 13 62 63.

            Some grudge door lingo.....'Sectional door' - (folding sideway's). 'Tilt' door. (traditional up and down...yeah baby). 'Remote control' door. Steel, colour bond, wood etc...

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Underoos and Friends - June

              Morning Underoos.
              Hey aspman - better late than never! Nice looking dog but I've never really known many of them - the drool aspect usually puts me off! Sad about what happened.....& IAD - parvo is a shit (pardon the pun) & it really irks me when the vet industry (my colleagues!) try & talk about canning the annual vaccination program in favour of 3-yearly. I mean, parvo is still rife & we only don't have distemper & hepatitis any more because WHY? We have virtually eliminated it by vaccinating!!!! Argg....a pet dispute of mine. I have charming recollections of entire litters of greyhound pups with parvo - 8 or more - usually in over Christmas all on iv fluids,all shitting thru the eye of a needle at 50 paces, spweing everywhere....then dying.
              Mmmm...enough ranting.
              Day 6 has dawned...nice day for golf & horse-riding....not that I can play golf & my horses haven't been touched in 6 weeks.....but guess what I'm doing today?

              OH YEAH!!! SAME SHIT DIFFERENT DAY!!!!!! YAY. Not.

              Ah well will get my day going then & catch you all on here soonish.


                Underoos and Friends - June

                Good morning Underoos
                That is all.
                carry on.
                -Sheep the Grouch (no relation to Oscar)


                  Underoos and Friends - June

                  Good Morning Underoos,

                  Will check in later but wanted to say, I love the doggie pics.

                  Goldens are so beautiful and great pets.

                  I have a hyperactive mutt. Took him to the doctor yesterday and when Doc tried to take his temperature, he tried to bite the doc.

                  It was kind of funny because Doc didn't want to muzzle him but his asst did anyway. I was grateful because if Doc had gotten bitten badly, they would have had to put Poulan under a period of observation. State Law.

                  Doc loves dogs and didn't take it personally.

                  See you later. Gonna surf the site a bit tonight.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Underoos and Friends - June

                    6 days and now I have failed. I had such a productive day, but battling cravings all day. Come five'of the clock, knowing boyfriend is at the pub.... I should go down after all its Friday right! What else am I gonna do. I feel like I missing out, but at the same time I hate going down and listening to the same old shit every f***ing week, why does he not ever see the light and get sick of it! I realise I have a problem, he still doesnt, he enables me then persecutes me. If only I was not so weak to this f**k**g addiction. I didnt go, I stayed at home like I always do but I still feel like I am missing out. I read lots of stuff on here while I sipped my wine and feel guilty for doing so. How FU***D is that.

                    Sorry, dont mean to be 'all about me' but hell Im really annoyed that I cant do this. Im a strong independent women with two beaut kids, and a huge chip on the shoulder about being an Alco.

                    Just venting, Sorry,



                      Underoos and Friends - June

                      Well, I know nothing about either dogs or garage doors! And I feel the need to apologise for that ......... :H:H

                      But our last two kittens got adopted today at the SPCA Adoptathon AND they were amongst the first to go (because they obviously looked so happy and well cared for!! :H) AND they are going to be on TV tonight!! (SPCA doing a "free adoption" day - with the recession, lots of people haven't wanted to pay for animals from SPCA - would rather get free ones even though they haven't been de-sexed or vaccinated. Consequently, the population of cats and kittens has gone up dramatically in the last year. About 80 adopted today when I popped in on the way home!!)

                      SPCA to hold Free Feline Friday in response to cat inundation | NATIONAL News

                      And Betty and Wookie are very happy to have the house back to themselves again!

                      Conference today was a complete waste of time, so I played hooky after lunch and took my mum out for a coffee at the local Italian place. She was very disappointed that she cant eat a whole cannolli (sp??) anymore (I was happy to help!). But we did a bit of retail therapy at the $2 shop and the supermarket, and that was good. Her health and happiness has improved so much since she has been in the rest home, and we had a really lovely time. I cant tell you how grateful I am that of all the rest home places in the country, one of the best is right on our doorstep.

                      all in all, a good day! Now looking into the future with mid-winter swim next weekend and the planned 10km run/walk the weekend after that.

                      Mr G - your gratitude vs deprivation thinking mantra is becoming second nature. I am very grateful to you for it. I do find, however, that there are a couple of people (in real life) that I continue to complain to. Finding a middle ground between complaining/ being negative and constructively dealing with embuggerances (including sticking up for myself sometimes instead of rolling over and feeling resentful!) is my current challenge.

                      Hope all have a happy and sober night (with all those doggies out there!!)
                      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                      Harriet Beecher Stowe


                        Underoos and Friends - June

                        individualnz;883801 wrote:

                        Sorry, dont mean to be 'all about me' but hell Im really annoyed that I cant do this. Im a strong independent women with two beaut kids, and a huge chip on the shoulder about being an Alco.

                        Just venting, Sorry,

                        Indy - X-posted and I'm just heading out for a while. But one of the things I did pick up from this useless conference today that I want to think about is the concept of strengths-based vs deficit thinking. Was a "label" for something that I have been thinking about for a while, and I often see talked about in the posts here.

                        Focus on your strengths and achievements and build on those. The chip on your shoulder will reduce in size as you recognise how much your life is in your own control. Self-esteem comes from overcoming adversity, and the things we have done. And just look at how much you have done already!!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Underoos and Friends - June

                          Guitarista;883693 wrote: Oh Bridgos, You've probably got all that garage door stuff sussed, but here are a couple of lead's that might be of use.
                          Google Ezine@rticles......'garage door prices-know the general price Adam Stranton.
                          Quite a few prices from $300 up. Might be a yank site, but a lot of Oz ad's links there.

                          And just for more option's, probably expensive, but might turn up a cheaper lead...B&D door's 13 62 63.

                          Some grudge door lingo.....'Sectional door' - (folding sideway's). 'Tilt' door. (traditional up and down...yeah baby). 'Remote control' door. Steel, colour bond, wood etc...
                          God you're good to me you beautiful man....why aren't you married boy-O ???:H
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends - June

                            God you are lovely to your Mum Miss B. She is so lucky to have you.I worked in aged care for a long time, and an aging population of course.....and the amount of poor people who nobody cares about or come to see is appalling. Out of sight , out of mind, filed away......
                            Look Indy ain't no easy fix....'Tis a process as we REPEATEDLY reminding ourselves and others around here...........that's 5 whole days less drinking than you'd normally do .......
                            Am I right ??????
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Friends - June

                              Ah ha Beagle a fellow equino. What do you got. I have 2 1st cross QH mares. Both just delightful. Ride most week ends. How bout yourself
                              Happy to be back


                                Underoos and Friends - June

                                JACQRABBIT;883810 wrote: Ah ha Beagle a fellow equino. What do you got. I have 2 1st cross QH mares. Both just delightful. Ride most week ends. How bout yourself
                                Oh here we's horse night tonight......:H
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

