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what do I do about alcohol in food?....

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    what do I do about alcohol in food?....

    .....because my mum is doing chicken in mushroom and madeira cream sauce tomorrow for lunch. It's one of her best meals, I love it, but I'm scared of it now! :H

    I suppose I could just have a plain chicken breast and say I'm on a diet but it's interesting to know for the future whether AL cooked in sauces and things is to always be avoided.
    Mrs D
    AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
    One Day At A Time

    Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.

    what do I do about alcohol in food?....

    Hiya Mrs D, have to say I never even thought about red wine/pepper sauces I just have them and my understanding is that the cooking process burns off the alcohol. I know they have never made me crave booze or anything, now you have me thinking!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      what do I do about alcohol in food?....

      Hi Mrs D
      when AL is used in sauces just about all the alcohol has actually evaporated with the heat,
      if you are taking drugs which affect against alcohol I'm not sure of the names, but am sure others will jump in and name them for you, because where I live, they are called Colme and Campral.
      It is NOT good to eat foods cooked with alcohol.
      there is also the fact of the taste is there, so maybe, sparks a fancy for the taste...

      also a big danger and really I would say a big no,no.. is doing the cooking yourself using wine or other alcohol based recipes..
      coz it will be very hard to resist..just a little sip..and then another etc......

      good luck with your journey.. and it truly is worth it when you beat it...!!!:l:l


        what do I do about alcohol in food?....

        I'm not sure what to do about that either. I love tiaramasu cake, but was afraid to order at one restaurant since it stated it had a liquor in it. I also like chicken marsala, which is made with wine. Haven't had that since being AL free either.
        I hope others come along who have some input into this subject.

        Since May 2,2009


          what do I do about alcohol in food?....

          Winefree;879163 wrote: I'm not sure what to do about that either. I love tiaramasu cake, but was afraid to order at one restaurant since it stated it had a liquor in it. I also like chicken marsala, which is made with wine. Haven't had that since being AL free either.
          I hope others come along who have some input into this subject.

          Since May 2,2009
          I've had several dishes since I went AF that had wine in the sauce. I had no problem. I'm not taking meds that are AL prohibitive. In fact, because I have to eat out more than I care for I have adopted my own culinary version of "don't ask don't tell!"
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            what do I do about alcohol in food?....

            Well, I opted out of the sauce today! Just put butter on my chicken instead. I'm due my 30 days AF on Thursday and didn't want to do anything to jepordise it just yet. I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple more weeks - though there's no way I could have my mums sherry trifle, she has no concept of measurements :H
            AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
            One Day At A Time

            Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


              what do I do about alcohol in food?....

              Back in the day Mrs D, I had an amazing capacity for drink (not a boast I promise) but a friend of mine brought us up a sherry trifle on Christmas and I floated around for a day, reckon there must have been bout 2 bottles of sherry in!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14

