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In a new kind of daze.

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    In a new kind of daze.


    Thank you all for your replies and words of wisdom, I am getting stronger by the day...

    Day 3 af still feel fantastic only..... cant sleep managed to get 3 hours last night... tired grouchy past few days... starving hungry eating things that I would not dream of... but i much prefer to feel this way, I am still focused and know this is a very small price to pay to keep me free... anyone else get this? it may sound silly but its like I am living in a different world!

    In a new kind of daze.

    Hi bungle and well done,keep moving forward & up,it does take time , remember this
    When we believe that we will fail we often do. Try and keep positive try and banish the negative thoughts that plague us, that bring us down and prevent us from succeeding. You may have been someone who used alcohol to feel better about the way you thought about yourself, to make you feel more positive about yourself. Many people do. However, although in order to recover we need to accept our weaknesses, we also need to learn new patterns of thought and behaviour and appreciate our strengths and good points also.dont quit quitting

    " Negative thoughts are the weak link; a shift in your awareness and thinking positive will change your day." Unknown

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      In a new kind of daze.

      Thank you so much mario, I always read your posts and find them very inspiring.
      I know its only been 3 days but I can honestly say it feels my light has switched on.

      thank you again.


        In a new kind of daze.

        :goodjob: bungle!
        Keep going, it just gets better & better!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          In a new kind of daze.

          bungle i had an awful time with sleep the first couple of weeks. tried herbal remedies, varlerian, kalms, chamomile tea etc. i got something from the chemist called sominax, its an anti histamine, and for me it worked. i think most anit histamine have a drowsey effect, ive heard a few people mention benadryl. i took that for a week or so and by then i think my body had sorted itself out a bit. i now sleep really well without any aids. it will get better for you im sure
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            In a new kind of daze.

            Hi Bungle,
            yep those are all the norm symptoms..I raided the fridge crazy..eating all sort of wierd sandwiches..and
            it never used to bother me ..but..gimme,gimme..hunting chocolate hunt..yum..
            then spicy food, then salty food..

            and yes sleep was all over the place..
            but try some herbal stuff and if not the anti histamines work for me...

            just enjoy it, and think of what and why you chose to stop, and get your life back to being life, and a life to enjoy to the full!!
            we lose a lot of valuble things to our life when booze is it....

            good luck and stick at it..:goodjob:


              In a new kind of daze.

              Thanks guys I am so glad the food thing is related.. anything goes out of the fridge, sweet,sour,savoury even all at the same time!!!! chocolate and crisps....
              your right I am going to enjoy it ,

              well done you guys too.


                In a new kind of daze.

                Hee Hee yep Bungle it's as if you've just discovered food...everything tastes great and the imagination of what things to mix together..then I went on a fruit binge..
                beats hunting around for last bits left in the bottle or "where did I hide it"..!!!

                I put on some wieght, but as I see it, I didn't look too good before with dark rings under my eyes, jaunt cheeks, skinny arms and legs..
                and as far as the weight I put on, I am now strong to get fit and get strong to lose it in my own time
                and look sexy again...!! (well I can dream)...:H:H..


                  In a new kind of daze.

                  Hey Bungle, I have eaten like a pig since going sober, but the weight just seemed to fall off which was great. Enjoy feeling great - that's what ahead of you and don't worry about the eating and stuff - that'll all regulate itself
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    In a new kind of daze.

                    Sleeping Ha! I'm into day eight and it's getting better. Still not good.
                    I don't mind though,and as you say it's a small price to pay. Oddly enough I don't feel tired in the morning, the bed rest seems to be all that's needed. I'm not eating any more than usual. The best bit is that I don't feel like having a drink ever again.
                    I've always found that it's easier to stop doing something than to start. No action is required and natural inertia takes over. Perhaps my born-in sloth is my ally here?


                      In a new kind of daze.

                      Actually your all right , even though I am eating for England i have not put weight on.... the less sleep i have the less I feel tired.... I really am just enjoying this for what it is, Day 4, what a great place to be.

                      Thank you all again.


                        In a new kind of daze.

                        Keep up the good work Bungle. The sleep issue will get better, just give it some time. You're doing awesome. Keep us posted on your progress!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          In a new kind of daze.

                          Day 5... I feel like a different person, its an amazing feeling of normality.... ok still tired ,still hungry, don't care because im still A/F.


                            In a new kind of daze.

                            Celebrate and cherish each sober day! You are doing GREAT! Know that whatever problems you may be facing now or whenever, alcohol is not the solution. (i.e. if the sleep problems continue)

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              In a new kind of daze.

                              Hi , Day 5 and still going strong have no desire to have a drink ,waiting in the petrol garage to pay for my fuel this evening there was a isle of alcohol right there before my very eyes and I am proud to say I was not even tempted.
                              Had 3 migraines this week probably due to the lack of sleep and change of diet (carbs chocolate fizzy drinks)... but I can handle that as I still feel so much better even in this short space of time.

