In the course of talking with the Physician Assistant (PA), she asked me, ?well, have you ever thought of killing yourself?, to which I responded yes, I think about it frequently. Of course she didn?t like that answer. Then the follow up was ?well, have you thought about how you?d do it?? To which I replied ?well no, I guess not?. Well, that was a good thing to her. b/c apparently if you?ve taken it far enough to think about the how, then that?s one step closer right?
So we wrapped up and went on our ways, but then it hit me: I lied to her without even realizing it. I know exactly how I?ll kill myself if and when I decide to. I?ll go all Nicky Cage in ?Leaving Las Vegas? and drink myself to death. I mean, that?s what I?m doing anyway right? Just prolonging it over a period of years, whether it?s the next 20, or whether it?s the next month. Maybe I?ll disappear up to a mountain cabin somewhere with a great view and some great trail nearby, and drink and bike till I die. Either choking on my own vomit in the kitchen one night, or falling off the side of a mountain trail drunk. I mean, we?re all dying since the day we?re born anyway, so what?s the point? Lisa Leob much?
And that?s why I won?t do it. As long as people depend on me. My wife would be without a husband. My kids would be without a father. My parents would be without their only son. I pride myself on being dependable. Even if I hate a thing, if someone I care about is depending on me for that thing I won?t do anything to jeopardize it.
I say that, and I mean it. But everyone has their limits. There are no absolutes besides death, taxes, and a drunk wanting another drink.
I have no plans to kill myself, but if I ever do, I do know how I?ll do it.
Suicide ? Sobriety is Wasted on the Sober