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just thought

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    just thought

    i would also post on here to say hello.

    im not getting any help to try and stop, my husband is at the moment hes at a clinic as a day patient at the moment hes waiting on a ECG so he can start on the antiabuse drug, he started on limbriam ( not its proper name ) his appointment is next tuesday and he cant wait, the reason i didnt seek help is because if he stopps drinking then so will i, im taken vitamin b along with him, hes taken a load more than me, i can see a big difference in our family home, the kids are enjoying being there now, hes teaching me what he is getting taught and that helps. john has not been sober for 7 yrs, he started drinking as soon as he got in at 5 everynight and wk ends earlier and i was following him.

    looking forward in getting to know everyone.

    ally x

    just thought

    Ally, welcome to MWO. I hope you and your husband reach your goals. Keep us posted on your progress, okay? Your children deserve it....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      just thought

      Hi Ally,:welcome: to MWO......

      I understand your tie to your husband's drinking. I have a husband who drinks everyday. He doesn't think it is a problem for him because he is highly functional. Works and is a good provider. The problem is that I have not been able to control MY drinking . A woman's body is different from a mans and our limit is one drink a day. I have found that I can't do that so I have decided to try abstaining completely.

      You will find support on this site for that.
      Read the book and get some of the supplements to get started. It will help for your hubby to share his experience with you but you also need outside support.

      Come down to the monthly abstainace board and post and get to know some who are working in that direction.

      I hope you will be able to suceed and get your children back. They need you.

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        just thought

        ally, this is polly - I saw your text on the chat the other day. I'm still feeling my way around, and not sure how to navigate this site just yet, but had a look for you anyway.
        Hope things are going ok

