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Not sure I can make it tonight

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    Not sure I can make it tonight

    I've been doing so good. No withdrawals which makes me happy. I lost 8 pounds from not drinking. Now a big fight with DH and I am crying uncontrollably. Feeling sorry for myself. I know its just the cravings trying to be sneaky making me feel like I am deserving of a drink. I know I need to learn to deal with stress better. I only need to make it 90 minutes. (Then the closest store that sells wine closes.) I'm trying to stay away from DH not because of the fight, he has apologized and knowing him will offer wine as a consolation. I think this is one of my first big tests.

    Not sure I can make it tonight

    You hang in there. These are the things that test us. You, me, all of us. Don't let your progress slip away. Stay on here if you need to. I'll be right here. K
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Not sure I can make it tonight

      Hi Xwino. Can you go for a walk or just go somewhere to get thru this few hours where you wont be tempted with AL? I dont know what time of the day it is where you are so not sure if that is a possibility. Just take each minute at a time if you need to. You have been doing so well so far, dont blow it now. Dont give your power away to your husband and AL by drinking. You have been the one to do the hard work, so keep doing it and you will reap the rewards.
      Stay on this site if you can as there are lots of people here who can support you thru this time.
      We know what you are going thru and know it is not easy, however it is so worth not drinking.
      Take care and stay sttrong.
      Hippy chick
      I finally got it!
      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


        Not sure I can make it tonight

        I am trying to stay on here. DH keeps coming in to say he is sorry. I am crying like crazy, but it is more than our fight. I think its my mind trying to say, that drinking was the only pleasure you get out of life. I know its not true. I have two wonderful two year olds. No my marriage is not great, but alcohol did not make anything better. I know that deep inside. The weight gain. Waking up with that nasty wine taste in my mouth. The guilt. Embaresment. Why in the hell do I miss it???


          Not sure I can make it tonight

          Because your stressed out and that's how you always handled. There is another way. I'm learning that too. I can even see my daughter. I'm fighting it and you need to too. Try and take deep breaths and get your emotions incheck as best you can. The kids need you! I'm here...DON'T DRINK THROUGH THIS!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Not sure I can make it tonight

            if I'm a bit slow responding bk. it's because I'm using my blackberry which I'd like to fling like a frisbee.
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Not sure I can make it tonight

              The beast is sniffing, dont give in. surf the urge, try to look at it, you will notice at some point you are 'comming down' the other side of the craving CAN do it. have faith,AL has made me cry dozens of times, but since my last drink they were tears with a purpose, not of shame.
              stick with it mate, you can do it.
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Not sure I can make it tonight

                Hi, xwino.

                You probably miss al because it makes you emotionally numb, blocks out a lot of thoughts and feelings. But how good do you feel about being AF and losing weight? Take some big deep breaths, distract yourself if you can, you will be able to deal with the row much better without AL. Can you eat a little something or have a sweet drink?

                Stay close and take care.

                Bets xxxxxx
                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  Not sure I can make it tonight

                  Still here. Feeling a lot better. 60 minutes & the store will be closed. I just took some L-Glut. Also, trying the deep breaths!


                    Not sure I can make it tonight

                    it so suxto go through, but it gets so much better, good job
                    AF since 10/26/2009

                    It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                      Not sure I can make it tonight

                      That's GREAT forget the store. Remember why you're here. Why we all are here. Your XWino. Hold yourself to that. BTW, I do like the name. The L-Glut helps me too. Wine NEVER!!!
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Not sure I can make it tonight

                        I really need to remember this next time I get a craving. It is like a wave or maybe it was the L Glut. Right now I feel I don't want to ruin the last few AF days. I feel better about myself. I love my kids. They don't deserve a drunk mother like I don't deserve a drink.


                          Not sure I can make it tonight

                          Yes I agree. I KNOW EXACTLY the frigging feeling that pulls you in that direction. Some days it just screams out at you. I'm 27 days AF. I've got to tell you I do feel wonderful. My beautiful daughter would look at me with disgust when I was drinking. I didn't get it. I'm finally starting to get it XWino.
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Not sure I can make it tonight

                            I thank god i saw the light when my boy was so young, I NEVER will se that look in his eyes.
                            as my time AF streches i see it as my personal best score,228days so far. no way i going back to day one now...for a drink? no way!!!
                            AF since 10/26/2009

                            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                              Not sure I can make it tonight

                              That's wonderful asp. Wonderful. No looking back is the only way. ODAT works for me. Alcohol is such a bitch. Awful. You are doing amazing. Good inspiration don't you think XWino?
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

