This morning I wake up, severely depressed.
I hang on by my bare teeth last night and don't feel grateful this morning that I'm AF. Truth is, I was so close to saying that's it last night, I'm going to drink, Had someone given me a drink that minute (and unfortunately this spanned over several hours), I would have given in. Even sadder truth, only reason I didn't, was that it was allready getting late and I couldn't stand the thought that I didn't know where to get enough AL from to make it worth my while. I mean, not going to break my AF sting now spanning over 90 days, for a beer or two, right?!!! I mean give it all up for that?????
I tried to take it ODAT, remember that it's about rigth now, right there... but that didn't make it any easier??? I woke up this morning, feeling the same way. I was hoping when I got home, I made it, the next morning it would have passed. Sad truth is, I woke up and feel like getting drunk.
God, How am I going to make it through a whole month of soccer World CUp??!!!!! I knew this was going to be a trigger. but this big?!?!! Everyone is out on the street EVERYWHERE with beer in hand.
How am I going to do this?? Trying to distract myself, etc. but how if AL is the only thing on my mind right now?!!! I wish my doctor was in today so I can get myself more Antabuse. I don't want to give in, I really, really, really don't. God help me save me from the hell I've come from. I don't want to go back.