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Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

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    Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

    US undocumented immigrants fight in our current wars, rebuild New Orleans, and care for the yard of the founder of The Minutemen.

    I'm proud to be a 10th generation illegal. I'm proud to uphold the US Constitution. The Constitution, should you care to read it, makes no distinction at all between Citizens and Non Citizens. It applies to all people.

    How are your values any different than those of the newest immigrant?


      Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

      Bossman, sorry you are comparing apples to oranges, the people on the Mayflower, were Not Illegal Immigrants, as there were no immigration laws at that time.

      As for what the original European settlers did to the Native American, that is another topic for discussion. What is continualyl done to Native Americans is also a different topic from the current situation with Illegal Immingrants.

      We do have immigration laws that should be obeyed by all that wish to make the US their home. And yes, it should apply to ALL who enter this country.

      I am with Ruby on this one......Beautifully written Ruby! Thank you!

      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

        Kate, I read you loud and clear.

        White white white, dark dark dark.

        Here in Portland we have 100,000 Ukrainian immigrants (Ethnic Russians born in Ukraine). Many were brought by US Fundamentalist churches. Oregon is a bit of a strange state, in that it mixes Catholics, Fundamentalists, and Mormons in one of the most conservative and liberal states in the country. A place of variety, to say the least.

        I would note, however, that no one appears to care one bit about illegal Ukrainian immigrants. Not their crime, not their illegal cousins, nothing. The Ukrainians truly believe in 1 Timothy 2:11. The women are not allowed to speak with anyone who is not brother, father or husband. At least that's what their husbands think. Do you not think it's a bit fascist to try to bring in illegals to swing local politics? If done by conservatives?

        Why is it people care about legal Mexican immigrants, but not illegal Ukrainian immigrants? Dark, White. Get it?

        History is for the side of Americans and the US Constitution. All the pictures of "what we have fought for" are lost when you realize illegals are fighting our wars right now, for us. Just as Japanese Americans fought in WWII, and German Americans fought in WWI and black slaves fought in the US Civil war for both sides. The US Constitution recognizes all people as equal. And Arizona will suffer until it does the same.


          Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

          it makes no sense to me.

          You state there were "no immigration laws at that time". Why do you state something that is completely false? Of course there were laws.

          Kate, Why do you think Jamestown and Vinland failed as colonies?


            Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

            Whether or not it "makes sense to you", the first immigration laws were not passed until 1875, long after the Mayflower landed. You might want to look this up!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

              You go girl KateH1 ! IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                I just heard that a Mexican Drug Cartel was thinking about blowing up one of our Dams for their own purposes ! Crap Oboma.....when are you going to secure our borders ! Were being invaded !
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                  Ruby, you explained my sentiments perfectly. It's not about race, it's about respect. It makes my blood boil to see people here illegally flying our flag upside down beneath their flag.


                    Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

          ;892359 wrote: US undocumented immigrants fight in our current wars, rebuild New Orleans, and care for the yard of the founder of The Minutemen.

                    I'm proud to be a 10th generation illegal. I'm proud to uphold the US Constitution. The Constitution, should you care to read it, makes no distinction at all between Citizens and Non Citizens. It applies to all people.

                    How are your values any different than those of the newest immigrant?
                    I should leave this alone, but you have insulted everything my Father believed in, and he was MAN. A patriot, a child who pulled himself from deplorable poverty and abuse, a man who served his country for the right reason and lost toes from frostbite, a man who overcame it all to raise his children to respect this country and remain an honorable man. Respected more than you can ever imagine, even a decade after his death.
                    What make MY values different!! My ancestors came here, spoke English (the language of this land), supported the government. They did not send tax free money weekly out of this country to support another land. They settled, assimilated, waved the flag, fought along their American brothers. At that time, they were NOT illegal, as defined by the American Laws. They became Americans. They cherished that they were here, thanked God, prospered, did not call themselved hyphenated Americans.
                    "There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100% Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else."
                    Theodore Roosevelt
                    Where you sit and make judgement, there is not the turmoil, cost, pain, death, that this problem is causing. Illegals left in metal storage units to die, because their coyotes didn't come back for them. Girls brought and sent into prostituion, with no recourse because of their fear. People killed weekly in the cities the illegals settle in because they're afraid to report the abuse.
                    YES, there is a problem. But saying, 'OK, lets all be friends', when they don't CHOOSE to speak this language, drop their women off in labor at a hospital that WE pay for, and leave them. Men loading up a car on Saturday night, unlicensed and drinking. Marry 13 and 14 year old girls because it is 'their culture', insulting EVERYTHING to do with our country. I KNOW what I'm talking about here, BM. I've experienced it. And I can tell you from that experience, we've TRIED to help so many people, without much success. How many have you had contact with? How much to do know about the gangs running back and forth across the border? When you can say what YOU'VE done and put YOUR family in jeaprody of, I'm ready to talk to you.
                    Theodore Roosevelt
                    "No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it."
                    Theodore Roosevelt
                    "Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country. "
                    Theodore Roosevelt
                    And before you start on immigration, I still have family in the nations here. Who used to own YOUR land?
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                      Beautifully written ruby, I thank you for that as I was extremely touched! If you all haven't heard of this recent controversy, I only pray its not true. My gut feeling tells me it is...

                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                        Just When You Thought It Couldn't get any WORSE...

                        Fricking mind blowing,,,,

               - Source: Administration Weighs Bypassing Congress to Let Illegal Immigrants Stay
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                          Well, considering I live in AZ, my opinion SHOULD matter. This state truly does suck, for any of you wondering out there. It sucks independent of any immigration matter, as it's filled with a bunch of right wing heartless nutcases, which never makes for a fun place to live.

                          I have to endure this heartless crap, day in day out. In fact, Kid's Care was cut off, in spite of the fact it would have cost AZ some 20 or 30 million and the federal government would have given the state 70 million to continue it. So, all in all, I live in a state with a bunch of heartless people. And I hate it here.

                          To all of you right wingers out there who want 1070 passed, count yourselves among the heartless. If anyone should be "gone after" it should be employers, not the people.


                            Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                            rubywillow;893304 wrote: I should leave this alone, but you have insulted everything my Father believed in, and he was MAN. A patriot, a child who pulled himself from deplorable poverty and abuse, a man who served his country for the right reason and lost toes from frostbite, a man who overcame it all to raise his children to respect this country and remain an honorable man. Respected more than you can ever imagine, even a decade after his death.
                            What make MY values different!! My ancestors came here, spoke English (the language of this land), supported the government. They did not send tax free money weekly out of this country to support another land. They settled, assimilated, waved the flag, fought along their American brothers. At that time, they were NOT illegal, as defined by the American Laws. They became Americans. They cherished that they were here, thanked God, prospered, did not call themselved hyphenated Americans.
                            "There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100% Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else."
                            Theodore Roosevelt
                            Where you sit and make judgement, there is not the turmoil, cost, pain, death, that this problem is causing. Illegals left in metal storage units to die, because their coyotes didn't come back for them. Girls brought and sent into prostituion, with no recourse because of their fear. People killed weekly in the cities the illegals settle in because they're afraid to report the abuse.
                            YES, there is a problem. But saying, 'OK, lets all be friends', when they don't CHOOSE to speak this language, drop their women off in labor at a hospital that WE pay for, and leave them. Men loading up a car on Saturday night, unlicensed and drinking. Marry 13 and 14 year old girls because it is 'their culture', insulting EVERYTHING to do with our country. I KNOW what I'm talking about here, BM. I've experienced it. And I can tell you from that experience, we've TRIED to help so many people, without much success. How many have you had contact with? How much to do know about the gangs running back and forth across the border? When you can say what YOU'VE done and put YOUR family in jeaprody of, I'm ready to talk to you.
                            Theodore Roosevelt
                            "No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it."
                            Theodore Roosevelt
                            "Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country. "
                            Theodore Roosevelt
                            And before you start on immigration, I still have family in the nations here. Who used to own YOUR land?

                            You don't live in AZ. I do. So shut up. Honestly, a little bit of you goes a long way.


                              Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                              that was completely unecessary Another Day....
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Obama promised to get back with the Govt. of Arizona today.

                                how are "the employers" to pay for this???
                                I have watched my husband of 19 years lose a business he built from the ground up paying money that supports a bunch of dead beats and abusers of our govt system....
                                I manage low income housing and you should hear the bullshit conversations about "getting one over on da man".......meaning Uncle Sam...and meaning ME
                                OOOHHHHHH... you got my blood boiling on a beatuiful Sunday morning....
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

