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A present to me.

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    A present to me.

    Would just like to say a big HELLO to everyone. I've been here now for 26 days, I found this site on the morning of the 30th of September, when I woke up with the worst hangover I've ever had, not knowing how much I had drunk the night before untill i saw the empty bottles. I have been AF now for 25 days and guess what today is my BIRTHDAY I am 59 years old today and giving up alcohol is by far the best present I have ever given myself. I'ts not been easy but it has been easier then all the other times I've tried and I owe it all to this site. When I've stopped drinking before that's all I've done just stopped but my everyday life remained the same. Mostly in the evenings I would sit and watch television and think of little else but that one more bottle of wine, but having read as much as I can on here I realised I had to keep my brain as well as my body active. I have tailored the programme to suit myself, I take Kudzu and vits as well as supps but no meds yet. Also to distract my brain and keep it busy I went out and bought lots of puzzle books, even some kiddies colouring books and felt tip pens and it works because if I start to think about drinking out comes a puzzle book and maybe half an hour will pass and I realise I feel okay again. Although it hasn't all been as easy as that, there have been some hard times as well but I have coped with them. Now instead of remembering how bad it feels to wake up with a hangover in the morning I focus on how bloody marvellous it is to wake up feeling so good and ready to start the day, so I would like to say a big THANK YOU to MWO for being there for me.

    Good Luck to everyone out there going through this as well, my thoughts are with all of you.

    Irish xxx :happy:
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life

    A present to me.


    You have given birth to a new person! :flower:
    You've also given a gift to the rest of us: HOPE, so that we can also do what you have done!
    Thank you
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


      A present to me.

      Thank you so much tumadre and katesm for your replies, you made me realise something tumadre when you said I had given hope to people because I had been so wrapped up in myself and my problems I thought I had just been taking from this site but you gave me such a wonderful feeling to realise that I may be helping someone out there as well. actually I haven't posted much on here I felt a bit intimidated by how articulate some of you are ( thats the story of my life and probably one reason why I drank ) but from now on if I have any thoughts no matter how mundane or stupid which may help someone else then I shall post them. Yes it's time now to give something back.
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        A present to me.

        Happy Birthday Irishlady!!!

        I for one thought you articulated yourself brilliantly and I too was very inspired by what you shared. Congratulations on 26 days..that is marvelous! I agree..the gift is not only to you, but also to us and to the world! I also like your suggestions about the puzzles and things to do..I'm in the process of making a list for my husband and myself (my husband has quit drinking with me) I think I'll buy a couple of picture puzzles that we can work on. I already have much new energy and motivation to do the things I love to do..most importantly my artwork.

        Have a wonderful birthday, you have much to celebrate!


          A present to me.

          Happy Birthday

          Happy Birthday, Irish Lady!

          You remind us all of how much we get by giving up drinking. We get so much back in our evenings when we give up drinking, whether it is working on projects that we have long put off, doing puzzles, or even keeping the house just a little cleaner!

          We all help each other, and I'm glad that you realize now that you help too! Pleae keep posting, and

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            A present to me.

            Happy birthday and congrats not only on your days AF but also the realisation of how important you are on here. Your success gives others hope.
            Enough is enough


              A present to me.

              As a member for .. what an hour now? ... how great to read your words ...

              OK! There IS Hope!

              Have a wonderful birthday .. and thank you.



                A present to me.

                Congrats and Happy B day!

                As I approach my 58th your words have truly inspired me! Please keep posting and have a great "B" day!:thanks:
                Trish In Omaha

                Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
                Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
                Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
                : Humility.

                "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


                  A present to me.

                  Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!!!
                  What inspirational words. Please keep posting. As someone who is only at 10 days Af I would love to hear more from you. Visit the abstinence boards and tell us more about yourself.


                    A present to me.

                    Happy Birthday Irish Lady!! What a wonderful gift you have given yourself. Thanks so much for your inspiration!!:h


                      A present to me.

                      Irish Lady,

                      Baby you are amazing. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Happy Birthday with many more to come your way.


                        A present to me.

                        Happy Birthday!

                        I have some Irish blood in me and I'll be 59 this year also! I like to make blankets and throws! It keeps my hands busy!

                        Have a wonderful day!

                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          A present to me.

                          Thanks from me as well Irish Lady. You inspired mel. You should be so proud of yourself. And Happy Birthday!!!
                          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                            A present to me.

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! IRISH LADY!! Hope ya have a day full of
                            wonder & delight! Keep posting! :H :l :thanks:


                            PS (see how art tickle at I are?)
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

