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alcohol and depression.

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    alcohol and depression.

    hi all, after recieving some information from my therapist about alcohol and depression, i thought i'd share some of it in case it can help anyone at MWO.

    How does alcohol effect the brain?
    al is like many other drug that act upon the brain, such as tranquilizers. if we drink it regularly, we find it has less effect on us. we need to drink more and more to get the effect we want. this is called tolerance and is a powerful part of becoming addicted to alcohol. alcohol can also lead to dementia, phsycosis, dependance, withdrawal even suicide.
    we know there is a connection between depression and alcohol. self harm and suicide are much more common in people with alcohol problems. it can work in two ways. if we drink too much, we can become depressed, there is evidence that alcohol changes the chemistry of the brain itself which increases the risk of depression.
    hangovers create a cycle of feeling ill, guilty, jittery and anxious. it causes family arguments, poor work memory loss and sexual problems. if we drink to relieve anxiety and depression, we will become more anxious and depressed.

    depression and stopping drinki

    there is evidence if heavy drinkers suffer depression, most will feel better within a few weeks of abstainig. it is usually best to deal with the alcohol first and then consider the depression if it has not lifted.
    after a few weeks you will feel less depressed. friends and family may find you easier to get along with. if your feelings of depression lift, this will strongly suggest it was caused by your drinking.
    if the depression os still with you four weeks after not drinking, talk to your gp about getting help. it may be useful to talk about your feelings, particularly if related to relationship problems, unemployment, death or some other significant loss. counselling may be helpful. if the depression still does not lift and is particularly severe, your gp may reccommend cognitive phsycotherapy or suggest anti depressants. in either case, you will need to abstain from alcohol for several months. treatment for both alcohol and depression can be very successful. it helps to see someone you trust regularly, either your gp, counsellor or specialist phsyciatrist. changing our habits and style of life is always a challenge and takes time to achieve.

    places that can help

    your gp
    Royal College of Psychiatrists
    Depression Alliance UK | Help & Information About Depression Symptoms and Self Help Groups | Get Support For Depression
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.

    alcohol and depression.

    Thanks Girly. This was true in my case!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      alcohol and depression.

      Also me.
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        alcohol and depression.

        bump for fliptop
        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          alcohol and depression.

          Thanks Girly, this was certainly true for me. Actually today I needed this reminder as I am feeling really stressed and my alcoholic brain is trying to convince me to take a break from it with a drink. thanks again.
          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
          Benjamin Franklin


            alcohol and depression.

            hi girly,so yung.always new you wer e an angel,and a pretty one at that,i m still a silver tongue devil,hahahaha,
            this is an xcellent thread for people who have doubts,dont understand the brain,or alchohol over long time abuse,when it [the brain]has enuff it tells you,i was 45 years old,when it[ the brain] reeked hell on me,think of yurself waking to a freddy krugger nt mare,and there was no where to hide,its what you call a massive panic attack,at tht time it ws 13 symptoms,now i think its more,depression is an on coming illness,it will get worse b4 it gets bettr,as u or people get older it will effect your life in leaps and bounds,i hope this helps,,gyco


              alcohol and depression.

              Yup totally agree with this thread, I was depressed and didn't know it, coming off the AL and I was having these exact feelings, had to see a doc and got anti depressants, now I never look back, right as rain. Have a lovely evening.


                alcohol and depression.

                Gyco;900125 wrote: hi girly,so yung.always new you wer e an angel,and a pretty one at that,i m still a silver tongue devil,hahahaha,
                this is an xcellent thread for people who have doubts,dont understand the brain,or alchohol over long time abuse,when it [the brain]has enuff it tells you,i was 45 years old,when it[ the brain] reeked hell on me,think of yurself waking to a freddy krugger nt mare,and there was no where to hide,its what you call a massive panic attack,at tht time it ws 13 symptoms,now i think its more,depression is an on coming illness,it will get worse b4 it gets bettr,as u or people get older it will effect your life in leaps and bounds,i hope this helps,,gyco
                gyco! you smooth talking cavalier you!

                at only 32, my life lately has been a freddy kruger nightmare. huge panic attacks, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts (1 attempt), and living in utter fear.

                i know it can only get worse, and if at such a young age i've been in the above state, whats in store for me 10/20 yrs down the line? that's why i reached out all over the place for help. the help i'm lined up to recieve is insurmountable. that's why i posted this. if someone thinks they are just down because of their hatred for their al consumption, then it would be great that the post helped just one person recognise their symptoms and seek help for themselves. depression is a horrible, dangerous black hole.

                thanks for calling me an i have a small one that sits on my shoulder... and a large devil that sits on my other one! lol:H
                The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.



                  alcohol and depression.

                  Hi Girly. Thanks for that. I have found the exact opposite. Although I obviously was depressed while drinking, when I felt really bad, AL lifted my mood. Now that I am not drinking, the depression has hit big time as I have nothing to numb me. I have to feel the feelings and deal with it. And it is actually quite scary. I dont get much enjoyment now as I dont have AL to enhance my moods.
                  Good news though is that I have finally made an appointment with my doc (still two weeks off though) so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
                  Although I am feeling bad, I will not be drinking to cure it. My new resolution is to find new ways to help solve old problems. Coming here is always a huge help.
                  Nice to know others feel similar to how I am.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    alcohol and depression.

                    Thank's for taking the time to post this Girly. Great stuff.

                    Best wishes, G.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      alcohol and depression.

                      I have always battled depression, but only in the past few years did the alcohol abuse begin. and my depression got MUCH worse......
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        alcohol and depression.

                        Hi happychick..
                        Instead of concentrating to AL for overcoming the depression, better shift your idea to some other activities..
                        Drug Rehab


                          alcohol and depression.

                          Hi All, I am new to this forum and am having problems with feeling depressed AFTER drinking. Seems like the older I get (I am 28) the more evident it an FYI - I am an alcohol abuser (binge drinker) and have been cutting down for about 2 years now. I don't drink during the week anymore and now I will only have a few every other weekend.

                          I am noticing that nearly everytime i do drink a bit more, say 5-7 drinks in a night, nothing where i am blacked out, or wasted, i wake up the next day feeling down, sad, and depressed -- even if there was NOTHING wrong that went on the night prior -- no embarrassing drunk texting, fighting, etc. I feel like alcohol is CAUSING me to experience this depression-type of feeling. I do think i have depression to begin with, a mild case. every so often i'll be down and out - it can hit pretty hard, but I'll usually feel OK in a few days.

                          Does anyone else experience this? I am getting to the point where I am thinking abstaining may be my best bet... curious if others feel this way? I try to explain this to my friends and they just don't get it....


                            alcohol and depression.


                            You have described exactly how I feel after drinking. The depression lifts after a day of not drinking.

                            I never want to drink when I'm depressed, simply because I don't feel like it. Others are the opposite.

                            My best to you.

                            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

