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6 months sober, but getting harder now

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    6 months sober, but getting harder now

    Supercrew;1326566 wrote: Sort of strange that that was amashed's last post in the forum.

    Now did he take the advice and quit for good? Or did he give in?

    I've heard some say that it gets harder at milestones like six months, but for me the farther I got away from drinking the easier it got. But I knew I was quitting for good
    . I have to ask myself why would I want to drink?

    I know now that it will cause more stress than it will ever relieve....and if you can quit for 6 months after being a problem drinker you can quit forever. The only reason anyone would go back is because they still believe they want it and need it. Well it's a false belief. No one thought they needed alcohol more than me, and come to find out I never needed it, it was just a lie that I told myself over and over for 27 years.
    Good post Supercrew - yes I was wondering about Amashed as well. Unfortunately the nature of this disease is that when someone disappears from the site I'm inclined to think the worst - on the other hand - maybe he now has a few years sober under his belt - I truly hope so!
    Your statement 'I knew I was quitting for good' resonated with me. Of course on previous quits I THOUGHT I was doing just that - but there was always a little teeny wee 'permission' going on there in the background 'maybe when I get my health back, maybe when I'm old, maybe just try it once and see what happens, maybe just one one night binge then back on the wagon' - I only know in hindsight those thoughts were lurking --- but this time --- no, hand on heart - there are NO lurking thoughts -- I hadn't vocalised before why this time IS different - that's it in a nutshell really --- thanks for clarifying my daft alkie head:thanks:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14

