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Underoos Friends-July

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    Underoos Friends-July

    Morning Grinder, and all punter's to come,

    It is lovely to see you Angelious, you beautiful, beeeeuwdiful woman! Sounds like you're loving your job still?

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos Friends-July

      Morning Super Heros.
      My boy is officially here today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      All organised for what we've decided to call our 'adventure'
      And it's school holi time again.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos Friends-July

        Great new's Bridgos!

        And what an adventure you would organise! A couple games of draught's? Hey. What about tree climbing?

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos Friends-July

          Oh all of the above, plus new friends for both of us, and some trips up further North and inland. Can't wait.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos Friends-July

            Morning all. Overcast and cool here in Noosa this morning (14c)
            I think it's time for me to get a new desktop computer. It's getting overloaded and doesn't have enough virtual memory. I've tried tweaking it but only minimal improvement.
            it's only got 40gig HD and 512mb of RAM. My laptop has heaps more grunt.
            Anyhow I'll defrag it and clean it out as much as poss. then see what happens.
            New ones are pretty cheap now and it's about time I went to Windows 7. Might be off the air for a few days sometime in the next week because all my peripherals and router are wired up to the desktop. It's a pain organising all the wires.
            Besides, I'm becoming too dependent on the damn thing, a few days off might be good for my soul.


              Underoos Friends-July

              Hey there and happy july to you all....just read about the bus thingy...are we doing Priscilla all over again?????. i look shit in spandex but happy to ride along behind!!!!! Hope all are well and sober, managed to go 5 days so far but don't feel confident of a continuation but will try...... enjoy your day will check in later on.
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                Underoos Friends-July

                My computer is fixed. I really gave it rings! Did everything humanly and inhumanly possible, cursed and swore when it didn't work. I was ready to take it to the knackers yard
                But, to my great joy, when I re-started it, it came right...just needed the re-start for everything to take effect...should have known that, but don't think clearly when enraged.
                Bit of light rain here now. Wife's had her hairdo (i'm not surprised that women hairdressers vanish sometimes...they retire. That's what. Talk about charge like wounded rhinoceri.)
                Anyhow. Roast chicken tonight, I love sweet potatoes...can't get kumera here, mores the pity. Tomorrow I'll do chicken fried rice...always much tastier with roast chicken.


                  Underoos Friends-July

                  Blue Heeler;900311 wrote: don't think clearly when enraged.
                  Ahhh bless ya Blue, you are one of the few men I know who actually get that :H:H:H

                  Glad to hear all is well in your household.... I obviously have a great deal of back reading to do to catch up and figure out exactly which superhero I'm going to be. Hmmmm

                  In the meantime, thought I'd share this pic... one of my dawgs is deffo V Wierd... well he has this habit see when laying by the fire with my big girl... he just has to be 'top dog'


                    Underoos Friends-July

                    Oooooooooh spandex.... dimples.... CELLULITE ALERT OVER HERE!!
                    Erm... can I be the superhero in black tights with a miniskirt & leather jacket to detrackt any notice to said dimples please? Fishnets even???

                    Oh add wings, I don't care! Anything but spandex!!!


                      Underoos Friends-July

                      Great dog pic Fic. One of our cats sleeps on top of the heater. Dunno how she stands the heat. Hope it doesn't melt the fat round her kidneys...I mean she sleeps there for hours at a time. Our other cat has more sense and keeps her distance...warm is good, hot is not.


                        Underoos Friends-July

                        Hey Ficks & Bluey

                        We have two ginger male cats who are always competing to lie next to, or on top of the furry long-haired female... They seem to think she's hotter than a heater. Luckily all are neutered and / or spayed...
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Underoos Friends-July

                          Ours are both girls. The older one beats the young one up occasionally but it's only 'girl fighting' and no harm is done. The older one is "Pook" and the younger one is 'Moo."
                          Pook is a pedigree White British Shorthair and Moo is a common street cat. Pook is White of course and Moo is Black. If they were dogs they'd go well on a whisky bottle.
                          Wouldn't be without them. They're much less trouble than children.


                            Underoos Friends-July

                            Hey Mr Tipps,

                            Was just cooking... quiche lorraine tonight... AKA egg & bacon pie in the old days... thank goodness for migrants, who taught us how to use vegetables correctly. Lord saveus from the old english fare (so sorry to offend our other end friends but tis too true - horrid to think we'd still be on flour, tea, sugar, beef n dripping without em).

                            QUOTE=Blue Heeler;900364]much less trouble than children.You sure got me there! I have the hardest of all... kids AND dogs :H:H:H

                            Love cats, but am too terrified to own one in case they kill birds, lil native furry things or get run over by a car. For some reason my mind will just not go there. Luckily for my kids we live next door to a burmese breeder so we get to play with kittens whenever we want without all the responsibility


                              Underoos Friends-July

                              Poulet Roti pour moi ce soir. If i'd been cooking it, it would have been roast chicken but since its my French wife doing it, it will be much more exotic.
                              Certainly tastes better when she does it.


                                Underoos Friends-July

                                Reggie;899617 wrote: Vent away ficks you are amongst freinds ..:l....Right

                                Wow man the start of this July thread was out there!!!!! Psychadelic colour script multiple Tawny Frog avartar heads ...I had to sit down ..... thought that bad acid I took in 82 was back...( I have had a acid "flash back" but it lasted 2 seconds and sort of forgot it? ) Good to have the Hash Cake!!! pop in ya Angel the new avartar Ficks..... he is a spunk that Smithy..... heard around the Canberra traps he gives great diplomacy!!!!!! Mr Geester and Bridge lets do the bus thing like Ken Kesey ( wrote the book One Flew Over The Cookoos Nest ) He and a bunch of hipsters and the "Greatful Dead".... band went around the US ....he scribed ..the book about it ... called "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test", we can call our bus "The Cool Undies Recovering From A Life Long Freaked Out Alcohol Experience "the TCURFALLFOAE ( abbreviated ...."Turf All Foe") I'll drive the bus and say "man"... alot... and Don John Lennon Round Spectacles..... and say give peace a chance..... !!!! Long live the "Master" ~!!!!!!...(chef)...alot

                                Regainshawneeeebuggerlotsofacidhashsheeeeeeeeeeesh bombshanker

                                Peace on you
                                YAY REGGIE IS DRIVIN DA BUS!! Just what is our purpose? More on that later.. am feeling quite evangelical tonight. And yes, I think our Bus should have "TCURFALLFOAE" on the front right, like, as our destination... just to confuse the fusk outta everyone. (Also that way nobody can remember who we were or what we did if it ever comes to COURT!!)

                                techie;899310 wrote:
                                Bridget Mid August 2010 (simulation)
                                OK, If the spandex makes me look like that.. it's OK with me. Just NO colours right?

