my beloved Betty (cat) is a hunter and we live on the edge of a native reserve (plants and birds). (Our other cat, the main coone, is not in the least interested in hunting and prefers the indoor life). I have put collars with bells on Betty, but she manages to get them off in 24 hours. Mostly she catches mice and rats, which is good as they are predators for native birds, and it is good to get their numbers down, but every now and then (like today) she gets a bird, and today it was one that is somewhat endangered. Am very grumpy with her as a result....... even more so as she has made herself comfortable in the washing basket that has all the nicely folded clean clothes in it!
Having a very domestic night tonight, radio on in the background while I have been cleaning and baking and Radio NZ has a "Celebration of Australian Sheilas" night on.!! We've had Helen Reddy, Olivia Newton John, Renee Geyer, Dawn Fraser, Julia (of course!) and lots of others. I'd like to nominate Tawny, Bridge, Ficks, Beagle, Katie and Angel. And any other Aussie sheilas I missed.