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Underoos Friends-July

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    Underoos Friends-July

    My English ex used to call it a lossack (loz-ick)...... when one hangs around in bed or on the lounge and veges out.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos Friends-July

      As one does.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos Friends-July

        As one is .
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos Friends-July

          Morning all,

          MUCH excitement here this morn! Just pulled out the tray to clean out the chookhouse loungeroom and there - a pile of Mr. Hankies - ALL IN A ROW! YAY! They're finally roosting on their perch!

          AND - they've re-arranged the straw in their laying box. Made a nest, like. THIS COULD BE THE WEEK!

          I'm positively beside meself ...


            Underoos Friends-July

            Are the poor buggers names still Missy and Bridget ?
            That's prolly why they're shitting themselves.
            Might be an omelette happening in a few days Froggy.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoos Friends-July

              Sunday Ahhh! Thou shalt not toil or strain on this day of rest. Thou shalt be like the lillies of the field, you will reap not, neither shall you sow (and Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these.)
              Well that's my deference to my christian heritage taken care of (sorry about the preposition at the end of the sentence...just seemed to fit.)
              Now what? Ah yes. The morning paper and fags. I've fed the dependants, but haven't shaved yet. it's Sunday for chrissakes.
              Lovely clear Noosa day here, it will be warm and good for minor adventures. Maybe go to the supermarket and watch the dorks for a while? A walk down by the river?
              Who knows? The options are endless. Good morning all.


                Underoos Friends-July

                And a good day to yourself, Sir.
                Thankyou for the ecclesiastical references this fine Sunday.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos Friends-July

                  Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.

                  Have a good one.


                    Underoos Friends-July

                    Good morning all,

                    Am thrilled for you Tawns! Will be waiting with baited breath for news of first egg.
                    Thank you for your cooperation in the kilt department G-boy - ahh ain't nuthin like a fitty in a kilt
                    Bridge, Lossacking :goodjob:

                    I tossed and turned all night worrying about the bus and what the boys should wear and in particular Reggie... who has a healty aversion to nudity and may not be willing to kilt up or be party to shenanigans down the back, bubbles or no.... and woke with a start thinking... What? Mebbe nobody will want to ride on a wiggly bubble bus with fickle who is prone to ogle men? I can't imagine why But how to protect their privacy and their delicate male sensitivities?

                    As usual sleep provides the best answers and I awoke with brilliant inspired answers.

                    First, Reggie's bus driver's uniform... I was inspired by this wonderful tuxedo outfit worn by Snoop Dogg in Katy' Perry's latest salacious pervy video - Snoop is the only male in the clip, thus the only person decently attired:
          [/video]]YouTube - Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg "California Gurls" Official Music Video HD

                    Then I found the perfect solution for us all to maintain our personal dignity, simultaneously solving the costume issue AND the transport issue... I found these on a website called "victorialovescupcakes"... but upon further investigation discovered there is a worldwide fascination with... yes... CUPCAKE CARS!!!


                      Underoos Friends-July

                      And more from another part of the world


                        Underoos Friends-July

                        And I found the perfect bus to match!

                        They look like they are jolly good fun.. we could all take turns partying in the bus with Reggie... and getting out into the cupcake cars for some fresh air when it all gets a bit too much on the bus. There's even space up on the roof for Tawny and her mower.. although I personally am quite attached to the giant teapot thingy.


                          Underoos Friends-July

                          Pretty tasty outfits Fic. And the hats are cool. Pity the containers look like wheely bins.
                          I'm just back from my morning adventure to get the paper and fags.
                          Didn't see much out of the ordinary. The town is slow to get going on a Sunday.
                          Did see a couple of 'night people' dragging their sorry arses home...if they felt like they looked they were in a bad way.
                          Did notice a couple of women though. Coming out of the supermarket. One was 45 if she was a day but in superb condition. Tight black trou, trim waist and close fitting Pink cashmere jumper, a perfect little figure. Blond hair.She had a small bag of groceries and a French bread stick.
                          The other one, early 30's, was fat and had a trolley full of stuff, including a carton of Coke, chippies and on top a $4 mud cake. She was wearing a loose fitting shift (Black) and her hair (Brown) was pulled into a pony tail. She did not have a waist, more like a circumference.
                          I observed them going to their cars. Guess what? Blondie had a neat and clean little Honda Civic and fatso had a dirty old dinged Commodore. These two are part of the Noosa paradigm of co-existing stereotypes. I see it often.
                          Otherwise, nothing to report. Thinking about doing the cryptic crossword but it looks a bit tough. Think I'll have another cup of coffee and a fag before I decide.


                            Underoos Friends-July

                            Blue Heeler;902117 wrote: part of the Noosa paradigm of co-existing stereotypes
                            They are in every supermarket and mall everywhere Bluey Mate!
                            Shopping trolley contents prove the old adage... you are what you eat!


                              Underoos Friends-July

                              Give us a couple of clues, Bluey - I'll see if I can help.


                                Underoos Friends-July

                                OK Tawny...I'll go and have a look...back shortly.

