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Underoos Friends-July

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    Underoos Friends-July

    tawnyfrog;907508 wrote: Bridge - have you tried a lavender eye pillow? I swear by mine.

    Missy - that sounds positive.
    I would try a bloody kick up the fucking arse if I thought it would help.
    I'm going to be shattered all day now.
    This REALLY gives me the shits, quite frankly.

    But at least we've still got Miss Betty, Miss...........
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos Friends-July

      Sorry you had a crook night Bridge. Hope it's just a 'one nighter.'
      I slept very well myself...for once the cats didn't insist on roll call at 6am, and I managed to lie in the cart 'til 8am.
      Coolish and overcast here this morning but I am warm. Thanks to my excellent new ski-jacket. It is an Abercrombie & Fitch dont'cha know. I feel quite regal swanning around the estate in it. I also know that Prince Phillip has one too. He wears it when he is cleaning out the gutters at Buck House. I also know that Charles would like to have one. He feels left out b'cos he only has a K Mart wincey...not only that but when he chucks it on the floor at night, the corgis sleep on it and it pongs a bit sometimes.


        Underoos Friends-July

        Blue Heeler;907518 wrote: Sorry you had a crook night Bridge. Hope it's just a 'one nighter.'
        I slept very well myself...for once the cats didn't insist on roll call at 6am, and I managed to lie in the cart 'til 8am.
        Coolish and overcast here this morning but I am warm. Thanks to my excellent new ski-jacket. It is an Abercrombie & Fitch dont'cha know. I feel quite regal swanning around the estate in it. I also know that Prince Phillip has one too. He wears it when he is cleaning out the gutters at Buck House. I also know that Charles would like to have one. He feels left out b'cos he only has a K Mart wincey...not only that but when he chucks it on the floor at night, the corgis sleep on it and it pongs a bit sometimes.
        Yes we know about your Abercrombie and Fitch procured via the internet....
        Sweety ...I've got to remind are in NOOSA..... NOOOSA....why do you even NEED it Orkney - boy ?????:H:H:H

        Oh and good morning.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos Friends-July

          Morning all,

          Good new's i hope Missy!
          Bridgeos you beautiful, beeeauwdifull, why you no sleep?

          A marvellous day to everyone.


          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Underoos Friends-July

            Dunno my lovey. Just comes and runs me over.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoos Friends-July

              Just reading another thread. (yank)
              What the feck is a nephrologist? Is that like a penchant for rootin dead folk? Never heard of it before.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Underoos Friends-July

                byebyebridgetjones;907534 wrote: Dunno my lovey. Just comes and runs me over.
                Well, take this :l:h and this :l:l:l:h

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos Friends-July

                  Guitarista;907535 wrote: Just reading another thread. (yank)
                  What the feck is a nephrologist? Is that like a penchant for rootin dead folk? Never heard of it before.
                  A nephrologist is a kidney expert.... purportedly...:H
                  Most of them that I've met are fucking idiots :H
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos Friends-July

                    Guitarista;907536 wrote: Well, take this :l:h and this :l:l:l:h
                    I'll take that this morning ....
                    Are you at work today ?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Underoos Friends-July

                      Well Bridge. I seem to feel the cold now that I am skinny. For years my normal weight was 96kg but for the past 5years it's been 76kg...I went on a fitness kick and trimmed off all my spare fat. I feel great physically and haven't been this light since I was at school. BMI, waist are ideal. I don't have the sheer heaving grunt that I used to but make up for it by being more scientific.
                      And, doesn't everyone buy their stuff from the internet?


                        Underoos Friends-July

                        [QUOTE=Blue Heeler;9
                        And, doesn't everyone buy their stuff from the internet?

                        But I do applaud your weight loss effort.
                        How did you do it ?
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos Friends-July

                          I followed a few tips from my son. He too was quite heavy at 104kg. He is a big lad and carried it well but the extra blubber didn't appeal to him so he went on a diet/fitness regime. At first he went to the Gym and worked out steadily for two months. No result, just fitter and stronger. Next he tried long walks, getting up early and doing about 5ks at a time...but breakfasting in Hastings Street negated all the benefit, so no result.
                          Finally he worked out that he was just eating too much. He stopped all sugar intake (tea and coffee and biscuits etc.) He also stopped eating lunch. In a matter of weeks the beef began to come off. He is now a few kilos less than me (we are both the same height -184cms.)
                          I did the same thing. Cut out the sugar and stopped eating lunch...worked for me too.

                          But my wife is a paradox. She eats all the time, anything she likes and has sugar in her tea and coffee. Her weight (57kg) never varies. Maybe it's metabolism in her case?

                          Anyhow, the 'eat less' routine worked for me.


                            Underoos Friends-July

                            Guitarista;906956 wrote: I suspect the girl's are lurking.
                            How could I possibly interupt such a bewdiful bonding sesh.. loved it! Warmed the cockles it did.. I also had major bonding sesh with beloved nieces.. one stayed to 4am then left to catch a plane at 6am so I was just calming down after that and enjoyed reading back..

                            Afternoon all, sleeplessness is a shit Bridge, particularly if you have to get up early. I really hate when I wake up at 2am and start to fall asleep at 5am but have to wake up at 6am. There is a song that I love... great concept.. called "rush to relax" which is meaningful for me as I feel so under pressure to GET TO SLEEP ON TIME.

                            There are loads of folks out there doing what poor ole Ben Cousins did.. he was just the poor geezer in the spotlight.

                            Have you got any of the MWO supps Bridge? They are a huge help for overcoming sleeplessness. They don't work if you take them every night but every now and then is perfect.


                              Underoos Friends-July

                              Orf to the lounge for a bit.. baking very fancy swiss chocolate torte.. takes hours so need good music!


                                Underoos Friends-July

                                Hiya Ficks ... you know, I don't think I'll ever look at Tic-Tacs in the same light again. Those poor blokes. Retracted landing gear problems ... stuff we just don't understand.

                                Bridge - Hope you're getting a nanna nap. I'm serious about the eye pillows. Buy a couple.

                                Absolutely shitful day down here - horizontal rain, bloody cold, it's been looking like 5pm since noon. Bought The Age, The Australian, the Herald Sun, Delicious mag AND ... shock horror ... bloody Woman's Day. What a crock. At least I discovered that Prince Chukka isn't shacked up with Camilla anymore. Must be his inferior jacket that gave her the darks.

