coles note version..drank alot..hid it...ran up a credit card to max thinking hubby would not find out...all on wine. Almost lost my husband. Stayed at a friends for a few weeks until my husband finally admitted he didn't want to end things. We went to counselling. I went to AA. He now says the reason he went over the top and decided he wanted me out was that he was shocked at how blind he had been. He thought i was pretty much a fantastic wife, who some nights had a little too much wine. He didn't know about the extra wine hidden assumed the one bottle on the counter was it for the night or idea that i rarely drank from it. It was there for show. To LOOK like I was just casually enjoying one or two. Didn't know that I was in a bar most afternoons with my friend having at least three before heading home to start dinner.
anyway. it was tough going. I had to accept that he did not trust me. I had to accept that he was afraid to open his heart all the way. I basically had to be transparent and hope that he would find his way back to me. The things alcohol destroys is UNREAL
But. I can honestly say he is at full trust levels with me, and we are closer than we have ever been. He took me away in Feb to Punta Cana , and for the first time at an All inclusive holiday I DID NOT DRINK. Then he took me back in March. I wanted to see if I could be "normal" and have a few drinks. He said that it was up to me..but he would not like to see me have wine. I had several margaritas (maybe 5 or so over 7 days)
Came home from holidays and had to battle the urge to go for a couple glasses of wine for a few weeks. But I DID IT! I was able to have a few drinks on holiday like a "normal" person and return to my sober reality.
This September we are going back to Punta Cana for TWO weeks. The second week friends are joining us, so we have made a plan. NO ALCOHOL for the first week. The second week I am going to attempt WINE (EEK) But only one glass each night with dinner, and maybe a mix drink or two during the day. We have always enjoyed partying it up a bit on holiday, and honestly both of us have missed it on our last two trips. HOWEVER we have a safe "sentence" If hubby tells me that we should watch a movie later on in our room, It means that he feels I am passing social into dangerous territory and I have agreed to switch to soda and lime right arguments or tantrums.
I know that going on a holiday is a treat, and most non alcoholics can drink on vaca and come home and not think about it anymore..not crave. I am hoping that I can get to that point.
On the up side. I have not drank at home, not at a function, restaurant , anything.
My marriage feels right again. I have become healthier without 2 or more bottles of wine daily (lost 30 lbs!!) and am enjoying my life more than I ever did when I was intoxicated. How I ever thought that was "normal" is beyond me.
I guess I just wanted to let everyone know that things DO get better. Should I have alcohol on holidays? Will it always leave me craving more? I don't know...but I do know that I have found will power to walk away from situations where I am tempted, and I know that if I fail at this, I will drive my husband away again (and believe me ..he is alot more attentive to what is going on now than he hiding it again for sure!)
I wish everyone luck. Whether you choose to totally abstain for life, or learn to moderate..there IS LIFE after we pull ourselves up!!
Cheers All.
and again :thanks: