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well I made it to 30 days~!!!

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    well I made it to 30 days~!!!

    Well I made it to 30 days I'm not sure how but I managed,
    the first week was torture the second got a bit easier as I was
    coming home from work each day and having nothing to do at 2am
    I kept thinking can I drink again should I drink again..
    but not having any booze in the house helps!!!!!

    The third week I still had huge peaks of anxiety all around
    the same time of the day (around 10-2am where I am
    used to usually start to have a few).

    During this whole time I think it was on my 18 or 19 day I went
    out with a girl I met online, then a week
    later we went out again (no drinking) a day after I saw her
    she texts me saying she doesn't think we're
    right for each other blah blah blah... so instead of getting
    mad over it like I usually would and give
    myself an excuse to go back to drinking I didn't.. I just
    stopped thinking about it let it go...
    By this point I was already in the gym for a few days so
    working out + vitamins + talking to people
    here helped..

    At day 25 I almost caved cause it was canada day,.. So I said
    screw it I have to go to an AA meeting
    I personally hate AA I feel like it's a cult trying to
    suck you in lol their moto (keep coming back!)
    after talking to more and more people at these meetings
    some anxiety and guilt which I still hold
    over my drinking kinda left me and I felt better around
    these AA people (even tho I still think AA
    is very hard to get used to).

    So tonight after hitting 30 days at least I feel like
    I acomplished something even tho it's not
    that huge.... compared to people who have been sober
    for 15 or 20 years... at least it's a start

    Lastly if I CAN do it this long, so can you I am one
    huge superdrunk with an insane tolerance
    and physical dependance If I Was able to pull this
    off with a little bit of hard willpower
    and the help of withdrawel medications,
    you can do it too believe me.

    my head is still a mess but thoughts seem somewhat
    clearer with each passing day.

    :new: still...... lol :thanks::h

    well I made it to 30 days~!!!

    Fantastic stuff, bugz! Bring on the next 30.


      well I made it to 30 days~!!!

      bugz... congratulations!

      30 days IS a VERY huge deal! welln done friend xxxx

      The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


        well I made it to 30 days~!!!

        that is so great bugz what a fantastic effort - truly hard work huh that has paid off.
        thanks for posting inspiration for the rest of us poor idiots who are struggling to get started off the blocks!


          well I made it to 30 days~!!!

          Onya bugz. I'm on day 36 myself and I'm certain that unwavering determination is the key.
          I agree now that it's not much of a record but how else do you start?
          You have to do 30 days before you can look at 60 and so on.
          I'm looking at 60 now. In the last few weeks there have been quite a few 30 day graduates and it seems as if we are inspiring each other. Now it's our duty to keep inspiring others.


            well I made it to 30 days~!!!

            WEll, well done!!!

            You did it., besides the challenges and hurdles on the way!!! Good on you for throwing everything at this, including the AA meetings.!!

            Congrats!!! Keep doing what you're doing!!
            AF since 15th March 2010

            The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


              well I made it to 30 days~!!!

              Blue Heeler;903851 wrote: Onya bugz. I'm on day 36 myself and I'm certain that unwavering determination is the key.
              I agree now that it's not much of a record but how else do you start?
              You have to do 30 days before you can look at 60 and so on.
              I'm looking at 60 now. In the last few weeks there have been quite a few 30 day graduates and it seems as if we are inspiring each other. Now it's our duty to keep inspiring others.
              yea I really have to keep the 'one day at a time' motto in mind... so the obsession
              of thinking about it keeps getting smaller.


                well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                Well done Bugz! Go for Gold!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                  Well done Bugz. Keep up the good work.
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                    Congratulations Bugz on 30 days - great post! Keep on doing it, it does add up, and no matter how much further along anyone else is, remember they were once where you are now - you get there by keeping on doing it.
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                      Cools Beans Bugz! Very proud of you!

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                        GREAT JOB BUGZ!!!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                          Congratulations Bugz! No matter how long any of us have been sober, the most IMPORTANT day in our sobriety is TODAY.

                          I applaud you for being willing to "do whatever it takes" to stay sober including going to that AA meeting despite your feelings about AA at the time. When I was picking and choosing what I was and wasn't willing to do for my sobriety, I wasn't able to get or stay sober.

                          Rock on!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                            thanks you guys


                              well I made it to 30 days~!!!

                              Congrats Bugz! Let's go for another 30? x
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T

