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Start on day 1

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    Start on day 1

    Hi everyone,

    I am working on my first AF day in probably months. I have been drinking heavily (1.75 liters of vodka lasts 2-3 days) for 2-3 years and am worried about withdrawals.

    Could I please have advice from anyone who was drinking a similar quantity and what kind of withdrawals you experienced? I had my last drink last night around 8pm. And took Ativan before I went to bed and one half this morning. I'm hoping this will make the withdrawals more bearable. I've also been taking B Vitamin Complex for quite a whlie.

    If you look at my previous thread, I had a really bad weekend with the booze. Lost my boyfriend and what was left of any self respect I had.

    I want to stop. I don't want this kind of life anymore. Please help! :helpme:

    Thanks so much everyone and congrats on your sober time!

    Start on day 1

    Get to your doctor and see what he says, use the Ativan but only for sleep
    or if you are about to have a panic attack. I was drinking for about 13 years
    every single day, the physical withdrawals went away after 3-4 days after
    that I still had to take clonezapam (same as ativan) in order to sleep.

    I've been clean 30 days and I still have some trouble sleeping.

    what you have to keep in mind is after about a week or so you
    will mentally crave it and will start to get obsessive for this
    I recommend you get out of the house and do things go to the
    gym etc.... and AA meetings help too.


      Start on day 1

      welcome back Jewels
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Start on day 1

        Hi Jewels, I reckon that was roughly the quantity of alcohol I was drinking when I stopped. The problem with withdrawals is that everyone varies - body weight, sex, lots of variants therefore my experience may not be your experience. I went to my doctor and he gave me librium to take for about a week which really helped - I still experienced shakes, nausea, sweating - these really nasty for 2 days and then decreasing. I also experienced very severe anxiety which lasted longer - maybe a couple of weeks. I also had a lot of difficulty with sleeping, actually that still is not perfect but definitely improving. I would advise going to the doc at that level of alcohol - the risk would be seizures without medication.

        If you are determined to go 'cold turkey' be sure to drink heaps of fluids - water is best.
        It's possible you could sail thro the next few days with nothing worse than a bad hangover however I was very glad to have the doc in my corner, a few times in the last months I have needed advice and help and it was lovely to know that I had 'fessed up to him at the beginning so I had nothing to hide or dread about going to see him.
        This probably sounds like a huge load to deal with - when I was drinking walking up the stairs seemed like a big deal! Give it a go Jewel - it will be the best thing you will ever do - I cannot believe I let alcohol ruin so much of my life but at least I'm reclaiming it now - so can you. Good luck
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Start on day 1

          Jewels, I drank vodka like you drank vodka and I managed to get through stopping without any medical help. But like others before me have said, we're all different! What I DID do was print out some information about withdrawls (there are links in the "Need Help ASAP" section of this forum) and reviewed it with my husband. He kept a close eye on me for the first few days just to make sure I did not exhibit symptoms worthy of a trip to the doctor. I don't know if you have someone in your life that could do that for you...

          At any rate, welcome!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Start on day 1

            I got a bottle on the way home. I've had two drinks so far.

            I'm sorry everyone.

            I am a failure. A failure at life. At everything. I'm almost 27 years old and have never married and have no children. All of the relationships I've had have been with men who never really loved me. This isn't the alcohol in me talking, this is the truth. And I just don't understand why? Why can't a man love me? I'm a failure at life.

            Once again, I'm very sorry.


              Start on day 1



                Start on day 1

                Jewels - almost 27???? You're a baby . . . .you have so much time ahead. Fix this now or you could be me!!! PM me if you like . . .I'm sorry you feel like a failure, but you're not. Alll the people here are rooting for you & have had good success by being a part of this community. Give it a chance. You're so young!! You've arrived just in time!!! . . . . . '-)


                  Start on day 1

                  Jewels, like Funnygirl says, you are so young, lots of people are shits, and you've obviously met some shits, we all have, but out there are loads and loads of truly lovely people out there and they can appear in your life in the most unlikely places and at times you don't expect.
                  Lots of people read threads and don't post at all - that's the reason there are less responses, also people are sometimes at a different stage of sobriety or drink/drank different amounts and can't relate, don't let that hurt you, when I started here I plucked up the courage to start a thread and virtually no one responded, I was real hurt - much more thick skinned nowadays, being sober makes you stronger mentally and physically.
                  I am always here for you, you can pm me if you wish, and do keep posting - get rid of the booze and back up on the wagon?!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Start on day 1

                    Hi jewels. How are you feeling today? I have had thoughts like you in the past. Pleasee please don't think you are a failure. Thats the LAST thing you are. I am an alcoholic and alot of my negative acts and thinking were related to my drinking.

                    Do you want to try at least 24 hours being sober? we can support you on this? xx
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Start on day 1

                      Jewels. You are NOT a failure. Just because you arent married and have children at 27 does not make you a failure. I didnt get married until I was 31 and had my first baby at 32 and I certainly dont think I was a failure just because I waited.
                      Alcohol is a disgusting trickster that makes you think things that arnt true. Reach out to us not to that bottle. Come here as often as you need. There is usually someone in chat that would be more than happy to talk to you.
                      If you are serious about getting and staying sober, read the book, get the supplements, do some exercise and visit us here as often as you can. If you do all of that you certainly wont feel like a failure because you will be winning the war with alcohol. When you get a few days alcohol free, you will feel so much stronger. If you have a doctor you can confide in, tell them how you feel. The help is out there. You just gotta know where to look and how to ask for it.
                      Good luck and send a private message if you find it easier.
                      I finally got it!
                      "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                        Start on day 1

                        Jewels - when I was 27, I had the EXACT same thoughts as you. Life was so difficult. I had boyfriends, but it NEVER worked out. I drank alot and too much. I always wondered why no one really loved me. BUT I never equated with the alcohol (and cocaine too back then). I never understood why things never worked out for me. YOU, my friend, have a head start. You're here talking about it. I would've never done that at 27 or 37! Now I'm 45 and on day 3 and reading this brought up alot of old memories, but also made me a bit envious of you for wanting to try to change at 27.

                        I know I'm only 3days AF and don't know jack about this but I'm gonna give it a go. Wanna try with me? My biggest regret at this moment are the years I lost trying to drink my pain away.

                        You are not a failure, you are a champion in the making for having the courage to try.


                          Start on day 1

                          Jewel, darling.
                          Yes a lot of people read your post and not responded, the main reason being you've had lost of excellent advice from people who have been through what you may have to go through. I'm like Molly, I needed medical help to see me through my first few days.
                          Please take care.
                          J x
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Start on day 1

                            Like Skye says - it's admirable that you'd think about wanting to change things for the better at 27. Think of that as a success, rather than a failure. It takes some of us a bit longer to make positive changes. (that would be me of course . . . .)


                              Start on day 1

                              Thank you for all your kind posts.

                              I took off tomorrow and Friday as vacation days. I need a few days away. The now ex and I work together. I need time away from all of it.

                              I'm still drinking and don't want this little vacation to turn into a 4 day binge. I'm trying to make plans with a friend to go to the coast on Saturday. And making other plans with another friend, to go to a farmers market on Friday.

                              I miss my ex. I want to call or email him. But I can't. He doesn't want me anymore. Time to move on and get my life in order.

