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I have done something bad guys....

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    I have done something bad guys....

    Chillgirl;905241 wrote:
    Compassion is the most powerful expression in the universe and if we all came from that place what a wonderful world it would be....
    I couldn't have said it better myself!

    I would have done the same. No ifs, ands, or, buts about it. One thing we all lack for having this problem is compassion from others. You helped a fellow addict from becoming more humiliated than he already was.

    Oney, you rock. Way to go sister!

    No addict is going to feel worthy as a human being and possibly get the help they deserve until other human beings start treating them like a human being.


      I have done something bad guys....

      What a kind lady you are Oney.
      People in different places in their lives need different things and this guy needed his drink. I've been there many times and usually had the means to pay for it so I'm not going to decry anyone in that position, and certainly not someone with the heart and compassion to help him out.


        I have done something bad guys....

        Dear Oney FA(Hons)...I know why some call you 'honey' it's b'cos you're sweet.


          I have done something bad guys....

          I agree, your action was one of compassion. Your heart is beautiful. I would've also helped the guy and i would've smiled as i tuned the cashier. I would've told everyone in that line how disgusted i was at them for judgin a man, who clearly has a problem. No one but God may judge. And you were more christ like toward this man than you even know. Well done for your courage to stand up against a society of people who think they are better than the next person, even though they don't know what he's been through. People don't think further than themselves, but you did, and that is beautiful.
          Failure is only failure the moment you give up.
          AF since 04th May 2010
          Fell overboard on the 8th July!
          My worst mistake was thinking that what i did wasn't that bad.


            I have done something bad guys....

            Taking alcohol out of the equation (God, don't we wish)...What with all those kids to feed,and simply lays testimony to the fact that you are one of this world's trully beautiful spirits.....but WE already knew that.....
            Now if you can find this guy and refer him to services.... I'll send you the 20 squids myself :H

            Big hugs for you Oney. You really are a special girl.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              I have done something bad guys....

              GM one2many You did nothing wrong! MOST here no what it feell's like when coming off booze,or any drug for that matter!!! Your story kind of reminds me of a old movie key largo where a hurricane is ready to hit and a lady in the movie is a alkie she start's to shake and go's for a drink and this actor tell's her no your a drunk and the great Humphrey Bogart tell's the coward to sit the hell down and let the lady have a drink. HE BOGART was not only brave but had compassion for this human soul.I no the man you so kindly helped could have died if he didn't have a drink! I had seizures many of times because i ran out of booze and money.I like what mama bear said , My blood start's to boil when i see a person treat another person like the way the ahole cashier did, The dumb igorant F..K, It could have been her father for all she no's that put food in her mouth and cleaned her ass when she was a baby, I no this is a little far fetched but it could be possible ,Who no's the man's life story and YES who are we to judge, expessually us we have been there.. I no i have!I gotta calm down, one2many your a great women YOUR ACT OF KINDNESS WILL BE REWARDED JUST WATCH! Trucker


                I have done something bad guys....

      [/video]]YouTube - Key Largo - Mean as Can Be NOW I ASK YOU WHO WAS THE REAL MAN HERE


                  I have done something bad guys....

                  Been a while since i watched this movie but i think we get the point, not the exact way i had explaned the movie in my first post..but a classic do watch the full movie if you get a chance. Trucker


                    I have done something bad guys....

          [/video]]YouTube - Bogart NOW PLEASE DON'T SMOKE THE TREE


                      I have done something bad guys....

                      Nice post Reg. You're the best Oner's!

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        I have done something bad guys....

              [/video]]YouTube - lost weekend


                          I have done something bad guys....

                          Thanks for all your kind comments guys x I appreciate it .

                          I am gonna watch this movie tonight Trucker, I have never seen it...
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            I have done something bad guys....

                            Fascinating post as well as the many responses. One2, you certainly hit a chord with that one! I agree with those who say you did right!. Bless you for caring enough to do SOMETHING! Who knows? One day he may be the one answering the phone at AA when a suffering alcoholic calls. The world is a strange and mysterious place, but human connection is essential! prancy


                              I have done something bad guys....

                    [/video]]YouTube - Classic card scene from the movie "The Sting" 1973 another goodie ok im done im getting of the real purpose of this thread One2many enjoy the movie.Trucker


                                I have done something bad guys....

                                You showed another human being a beautiful, kind and unselfish gesture for all the right reasons and with such quiet grace.....don't ever doubt you did the right thing, the world would be a better place with more people that took the time to help another as you did.
                                AF since April 19, 2010
                                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                                -Lady Nancy Astor

