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    Hey K9. I woke up today feeling the same way. I'm only a week behind you. But blah is the perfect description to how I feel. Maybe I thought day 91 would be all sunshine and good feelings.
    Not going to drink actually don't even want to. But I have decided I've been over analyizing myself and life. Making things more complicated than they have to be.
    Sober living is a new thing for both of us. Just gonna take time to adjust. Now it makes sense why people do time in sober living houses after rehab.
    Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

    Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
    No more bad future-Skull Skates



      K9..I have nothing to add to all the great advice that you have already received...except that I am here and I am glad you popped your pill!!!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem



        I don't know much about Antabuse K9, I am going CT and seeing how well I do but I think where will be a time when you don't need the antabuse, forgive me if I am wrong as I know nothing about the stuff.
        97 sounds massive to someone with only 30 under their belt, it may seem little and not very exciting to you but for me all I can say is WOW!

        You are one of the strongest most courageous headstrong woman on here, I note how you handle your time with yourself and your daughter, you are someone who has it together and knows where they are going in life, you will be fine K9, I think you just need to spruce up something else in your life to get you upwards and onwards, what that might be only you know - maybe a move or a new job or a new hobby, one thing for sure and I know you are 100% in agreement with me here, AL will give you none of that - especially now.

        Big hugs,




          Thank you so much Wanna for those kind words! I know I have been told many times that I have the willpower of steel and when I decide to do something I just DO IT...that's what I'm doing with not drinking and also with working out. NOW, I just need to decide that I'm not going to smoke those 4 cigarettes a day, and I'll be all set!

          I think that because I am so headstrong (as you put it ) I have a hard time being patient with others. I know that's not a good quality and I'm working on it. I have to really hold my tongue around here sometimes when I see people going 2-3 days AF, over and over and over again. You either want it or you don't.

          I think I'm done posting for the day because I'm all over the place Sorry about that, it's just one of those days I guess.

          Thanks again to all for your's good to know my feelings weren't that off from what others have experienced.

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



            Hey Girly!

            I have missed you!! I hope to catch up with you very soon!

            Ahh the Blahhhs. Ah, Yes, I am familiar with that. It seems like when we first get sober life is like a brand new merry go round ride, Wheeeee!!! Life is so great sober!! Look at meeee!!

            Then is settles down, Like... Yeah...This is pretty cool!!! Yippee...Um yeah!!

            Then one day your like... Yeah Whatever. Im sober... Yippee Freakin Skippy Dooo... whatever.

            Then it suddenly dawns on you.... Holy Shit!!! Im just a NORMAL PERSON who is going to feel the ups and the downs too!

            Life IS just Blahhhh sometimes!! Sometimes its grand and happy! Other times its not. But dont fool yourself into thinking that life will be better looking out through those beer colored goggles. It might be fun for about 5 minutes, but thats not really worth it is it?

            I know you will feel better, if you are not already! The Blahhhs. Yes I know that feeling well too!!

            Love ya,




              Hi K9 Great advice from everyone here..Like all the rest i no the Blahhhs..I like what Overit just said makes sence to me. Hang in there buddy the storm will pass and the sun will shine on you again! Trucker



                Hey K9. Keep up the hard work. You have done so well. Dont get complacent.
                Listen to what your daughter said...... and good luck.
                (thanks for your post too Mario. That struck a cord with me. x)
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah

