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Is Topamax a Must?

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    Is Topamax a Must?

    Hello all!

    I just joined this site today. I read through all of the information and am considering buying the starter pack of supplements. If I do that, is the Topamax REALLY necessary? Do most people on this site use the Topamax or do some use the supplements only and experience success?

    ANy advice would be appreciated!


    Is Topamax a Must?

    just want to bump this up again. Any advice would be appreciated!


      Is Topamax a Must?

      Hmm. I would say yes. But all of the aspects of the program are a must.

      I'll share my experience with you briefly. I started with the topa only. I was limping along on it, with modest improvement. But, it was enough to insist that I find a doc to prescribe instead of continue to order overseas. I limped along for a while and then decided to get really serious and added the supps, better improvement. Ok, this program may actually work I thought. Now to the hookie CDs. Yes it was a struggle to try them, but I did. And it was the icing on the cake. Overall, I went from drinking myself to blacking out 3-5 nights a week to only drinking once on the weekends with this program. Must confess though that I could never do the All One Powder. Yuck!

      Anyway. Had a major life change and the drinking started to creep back up on me. I had stopped the entire program due to being able to maintain the one day a week alone and now I am back.

      I have recently realized that I am allergic to alcohol and though had always knew moderation wasn't for me, now realize that abstinence is most likely my best path. I am on campral, the cds and the supps and waiting to see.

      Allergic to alcohol? What I have read is that when you are allergic you:
      -Have terrible hangovers
      -Usually drink uncontrollably once you start
      -Can go days or weeks without drinking

      and a slew of other things. Someone posted a test from seven weeks to sobriety and it was quite enlightening. Yes, if I try really, really hard, I can probably limit my drinks. But if its that much work, it will never be enjoyable.

      I have blabbed enough.

      I hoped I helped.



        Is Topamax a Must?

        Thanks Nina! That is helpful! I am going out of town for work and will order what I choose so that it's here when I return. I'm just afraid of the side effects... stopping sweating and foggy memory. I'm 32 and am too young for that! Thanks again!


          Is Topamax a Must?

          There are definitely side-effects with topa. But the very interesting thing is that they really vary widely and in intensity. It seems most people can adjust to the side-effects. So I think one simply has to try it and find out. Also people here have worked on their side-effects and overcome them or they pass at higher doses, so you can talk to many of them.

          I generally cannot handle the topa on a regular basis but I gave it a college try. Wish I could because I think it is a good drug.

          Good luck. Try it & see and keep us all posted.


            Is Topamax a Must?

            Hi Karen. and hello to you X

            I would suggest that if... you are coping alright WITHOUT the Topa, then, stay on that path. Otherwise, it is just another chemical inside your body. Lots of people here are just great on Kudzu and L-Glut, which for me, help with craving, however, I feel that they are a jolly amicable friend, in conjunction with your self belief and willpower.

            I think that chemical drugs will give you the same feelings, but without the self knowledge that you have done this By Yourself. ( what happens when you come off topa ? the same fear and misgivings. ? )
            Hence self confidence. etcetra.

            I wish you lots and lots of luck, and keep that thought in mind.. You are the important one.
            YOU can do it.

            Lots of love




              Is Topamax a Must?

              I too was very afraid of the side effects. I just couldn't imagine taking a drug that was meant for epilepsy. A little girl that lives across the street from me take it for seizures and I just couldn't come to grips with it, but I was desperate.

              As for the sweating, I have never been much of one and this is really the first I am hearing of it. The foggy memory was not a problem. My biggest side effect was being tired, but to be honest it was a bit of a bonus at night. When I was normally ready to start drinking, I was starting to nod off.

              I stopped taking it due to some sexual side effects and depression, but they may or may not have been related to the topa.

              Everyone does have different side effects and you can always titrate up more slowly or stop taking it al together if it is just too much for you. But, try just the supps and cds and ex. Who knows, these might just do the trick for you.

              Good luck.

