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Strange symptom...

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    Strange symptom...

    Hey all-
    I have something going on between my head and my eyes and I am not sure if it is related to alcohol withdrawal or if I am tired or sick or my eyes just need to be checked. I feel sort of a pressure behind my eyes like I have been crying alot or have allergies. Almost like I cannot open my eyes very much. But my head also hurts and I am very dizzy and lightheaded. Has anyone else had these types of symptoms? Are they alcohol related or is it all in my head (lol)?


    Strange symptom...

    Did you start any supps yet, or the topa? Or have you just stopped the alcohol? More info, please!
    I'm so sorry you feel this way. yuck. let's get it figured out and you feeling better!


      Strange symptom...

      I have still been drinking, but not as much as I used to. I have been feeling this way for about a week. I think it might be my eyes because I work on the computer all day, but I have not been doing anything differnet in the past 7 years. It just started all of a sudden. It almost feels like a head cold, but I am not sure of those symptoms. Do head colds make you feel dizzy all the time, almost drunk in the head?



        Strange symptom...

        It could be a sinus infection, jmose. They do that. If you are not taking topa (I was worried about the pressure behind your eyes, because that is a potential side effect), then it sounds like you might have a good old fashioned cold or sinus infection, with the pressure and dizziness. UGH. That hurts! Yes, it can make you feel drunk in the head, like you are gonna fall down. Allergies too. If you are drinking less (YAY!!), but perhaps not enough for "withdrawl", I'd guess this may be what it is.
        Just a guess though. I'm not a nurse or a doctor. Just have had both of these afflictions before! Go get checked out... or maybe you could try some Benadryl? Just to see? I probably should not be prescribing that to someone because I have NO idea what other medication you take and I may have just killed you... YIKES. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER!!!!!


          Strange symptom...

          Jmose, I rarely get allergies, but every year or so something will get to me..lately I've been getting itchy eyes and think it's one of the fall weeds..if it's allergies, it can make you feel pretty strange..and like Becca said, even a sinus infection can do that..but I'm no doctor or nurse either. Drink lots of water though and get rest until you can figure it out..that at least will help your body do it's own work to heal...or fight whatever is irritating you. Feel better!


            Strange symptom...

            I have the eye problem too!

            My eyes also feel really sluggish,and feel really swollen at times.I feel as if ive been up crying all night!I just noticed this today and it was really weird.I think it's to do with me cutting down...a lot!I have no other reason to think otherwise.Like you iv been drinking,but just a quarter of what i used too.Still have the shakes but im on lustral for depression and i read that they cause tremors....going to see my doc and get them changed!
            Managed not to pour a glass of wine tonight until 9pm.Before i "treated "myself i ensured i had all my chores done and 3 kids all in bed.I don't feel guilty when im not drinking in the hours i should be with them.I actually feel a wee bit in control....

            But it's gony be a deddner stopping at 2 glasses!!

            Annie x


              Strange symptom...


              Thanks for all the good info. I made an appointment with my optomotrist to see if there is something wrong with my eyes or if it just is simply something like a head cold. I have been feeling better a bit and I can say with great pride I am on DAY 3 w/o a drink!!!! Hehaww!!!! It is Friday night of course and I seem to have a harder time trying not to get out of control when the weekend comes...... Thinking positive though!!!

              Thanks again and keep writing. It makes me feel SOOOOOOO much better to know I am not alone!!!!

