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    Feeling a little guilty posting with glass of wine in hand. Sorry to all you successess who used to drink. I am wishing to slow down; not to stop. But opportunity knocked and this is my favorite chat room so here I am on my 3rd glass of wine typing V E R Y carefully as not to make a fool of myself. Lots of deletes and corrections as I go.

    Not taking this lightly. About to embark on a 30 day road trip and will start a journal here called Tips Road Trip. Hope to utilize the new supps and hypno tapes and with our Canadian homeade wine not allowed across the U.S. border, hope to slow down as all other wine just doesn't do it for me.

    Starting the new thread on Thursday.

    To all you successful abstainers please don't hate me. I love MWO and it's comforting for me to post here when I need to connect.

    Summer in Canada ... short but sweet... just like me. Enjoy it while you have it. Very hot here (no we don't live in igloos). It's close to 40 degrees celsiuous (sp)... you Americans it's about 90 degrees F. Pretty good for up north eh.

    Only evidence of my drinking is my wandering mind. Enough said. Have a great evening folks.

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


    Tip I used to come here and drink a lot, more often than not. You have to get to a place you want to quit or really cut down, but noone can choose that time for you. As long as you aren't obnoxious, we will always welcome you here, AF, drinking or soused.



      Welcome back Tipp!

      Oh yes~
      I have posted here on my 3rd glass......I feel guilty but at the same time it helps me to slow down.....
      I PM'd you to tell you how utterly jealous I am of you and your road trip!! Is it the whole family in tow?? For a whole month?? Do you own a RV too? That just sounds so awesome and what a hippie you must be! Wine making and all!
      Keep in touch with us~ OK?



        Tip~ I do... if you need anything please feel free to contact me... I am not going for AF just moderation. I talked to my doc and am starting one of my meds. There other my insurance won't cover and it would cost me $700 bucks to buy myself. =( so depressing when you are trying to be a better person.



          As usual, total acceptance is the mood of these posts in reply to my embarrassing 'wine-in-hand' post last night. Thanks to all. Even reaching out to help like BKO girl. I am not in crisis but sick of myself and my excuses.

          Franz, I am so lucky. We live in a cottage by the river and we ride a Harley which we are towing behind the RV on the rode trip. Honestly, everything in my life is so good. I am expecting my first grandchild in August, starting full time French lessons in Sept. I am semi-retired helping out in the family business. Our office is a little shack at the back of the property right by the water. I mean it doesn't get much better. I am also madly in love with my hubby and he with me. Our combined four kids are all grown up, have jobs and are pretty healthy. So WHY DO I DRINK SO MUCH?????

          Answer that for me and it'll unlock the moderation door for me. We do enjoy our $4.00 a bottle wine but to make life perfect I would like to be like my hippy-ish sister-in-law. I watch the way she drinks wine. She savours every slow, sensuous mouthful and nurses her glass as I down three in a row. It's one little change to make. S L O W D O W N !!! That's all.

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu



            Maybe you are being to hard on yourself. Does your husband drink? And I know exactly what you mean about your sister-in-law being the perfect drinker cause I have one. I think sometimes in life we start comparing ourselves to others and wanting to be something we aren't. I have started to slow down now that I accept myself for who I am. NOT PERFECT. I have started taking all the vits that I got from Whole Foods & the Topamax. I am anxious to see the results. Its weird its like my craving is almost gone. We will see how the rest of the week goes.



              Thanks BKY girl, I needed that. Self acceptance is something alot of us women have problems with. My hubby is not even a bit concerned about our drinking. He occasionally says we should take a day or two off but, again, he is not as obessed about guzzling as I am. Anyways after reading your posts, Franz's and a few of the others my goal for this 30 day road trip is to take the supps, listen to the hypno tapes and to act responsibly and be in the moment each time I am offered a refill. To have one nice slow drink or even two frequently but not every day would be my ideal goal. I firmly feel that, like you, if the cravings are taken care of by the supps (and in your case, Topo) then we're halfway there. Good luck with your willpower, I am rooting for ya!!

              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
              ? Lao-Tzu



                THank You! I am rooting for you and everyone too. I really have been realizing the more I accept myself for who I am and not who I want or look to be, I feel better. I have asked my husband not to mention any negativity about past drinking moments. I have been doing an excellent job with my drinking and when I have that extra drink "I" already KNOW so don't rub it in my face. It only makes it worse. And makes me angry. He has agreed and its helps. It helps to just relax and know that I am a good person and I am trying to be the best that I can be, just like you are. That's all I am capable of right now. For some reason that is giving me the freedom to choose to drink less. It made me feel so good to go into to my Doctor and have him tell me how proud he was of me that I was taken these preventive steps so I wouldn't become a full blown problematic drinker which he said that mostly when people come to see him.
                I might screw up, I don't know... but I am living day by day for myself and how I feel toward myself. Sure there might people out there who are more pretty, have more self control, more money, more etc..... but you know what... this weekend I was able to control my drinking enough to where I was NOT hungover and we were out on the boat enough to get my 8yr old son up on a single ski for the first time and the smile on his face was more payment and reinforcement for me to have more control over my drinking than watching my stupid sister-in-law and her PERFECT drinking habits. Sorry if that sounded mean just was trying to make a point.
                Good luck my friend~ I am wishing you a wonderful 30 days of being who YOU are.



                  Great of you to share your fun experience on the weekend. We have to grow up and stop hating ourselves for our faults. No one is perfect. I think you just hit my achilles tendon... my soft spot. I have always had confidence in many aspects of my life but as you said, have never totally accepted myself for who I am. When I self-criticize, my friends, kids and hubby always say to stop being silly; that I am not fat, not plain, not a problem drinker. But hey who am I kidding, I know I am headed that way unless I make a concsious effort to slow down. But calling myself a out-of-control loser is not working for me. By the way I am not fat (5 lbs to lose), not plain (look very native, mediterranean, different) but the problem drinker part is who I am becoming if it truly is a progressive disease. Awareness, not self criticism is the ticket, right BKY girl. It's got to make you very proud when even your doctor is patting you on the back and hubby is supportive. I am glad for you. One day at a time.

                  Onward and upward, eh friend.

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                    Hi Tip,

                    Your road trip sound's great. Have you seen the 'Moderation' thread here? You will find support, and some idea's to try there too. I find having a plan in place is essential, otherwise we just go round and round in circles. If you can't discipline or cut down your al intake, try a 30 day stretch af. Have you tried this before? (30 day's) It's a very useful and interesting little challenge for us, i think, and get's us thinking more clearly about where we're at, and our relationship with al.

                    Safe travel's, and best wishes. G.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                      Never EVER EVER EVER did I post here with a glass in my hand! I used to come on with a few cans of beer though, it was like going to the Sahara looking for snow. Good luck in your journey Tipp


                        DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                        Onward and Upward! I am the same way... I have 10 to lose only because I have been drinking the last year and I am not exactly ugly either. I know exactly what you mean in reference to the out of control loser that we pin on ourselves. And you know what~ its funny when I hear you say it...cause I think "SHE is NOT" but then..... neither am I.
                        I am a loving, smart, warm person who cares about most everyone very much.

                        I am starting a new beginning toward the treatment of myself and must admit to you that a beer or glass of wine does sound good right now and I may try it out to see how it goes. I may just stick it out with water. Whatever I decide.... I am going to love myself and not put myself down because I made a decision. I feel in my heart I might have a drink but I will not overdrink because I don't want to be drunk or hungover. I will be a wonderful mom and person. I am beautiful on the inside where it really counts. guess what so are YOU! Do I sound convincing? LOL Keep in touch.
                        Have a great trip.


                          DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                          Hey People, I appreciate your kinds words. We're all in this together. BKYogagurl, Wow, you've put into words the recipe for success. Accepting yourself as you are and at the same time, wanting to change but the desire to change comes from a place of self-love, self-respect and forgiveness for our transgressions. I know it sounds contradictory but it makes sense. You love your life, your self, your interactions with your loved ones. In order to circumvent an issue that might become problematic, you take small steps and moderate yourself in order to continue to live a full, productive, wise life. I want to re-read your words of wisdom. Seriously, when I read your post a light went on in my heart and I finally find myself not feeling so out-of-control and self-loathing. One day at a time. Thanks again. Will post Tip's 30 day Road Trip on monthly moderation when we leave for the trip. Bye folks.

                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                            Not sure you will read this but will check MM soon but just had to post....

                            I only ended up having 2 lite beers last night. My usual was 8-10. What is working I don't know. I have only been taking the Topa for a couple days and the supps for a couple of weeks. Sometimes I think it is the support and reading all the posts. I think that the self love I am learning to distribute to myself due to reading alot of posts is really helping. I feel so bad when I see people just beating themselves up and I want to just hug them. Then I recent I have thought I need to be hugging myself and I think its working. I told my husband last night.... I have been looking at people trying to be just like them inside~ instead of admiring who they are and being "myself". My husband was so happy for me and looked at me with such a loving look.
                            This site has opened my eyes wider than ever on self acceptance. I am wondering if that was most my battle now. Drinking last night wasn't even hard not to do. Weird. so Weird. My beer didn't taste the same. I didn't want to chug it like usually? It tasted like soap. Like I said I don't if this is temporary or what... but it sure feels rights.
                            thanks for letting me vent


                              DO YOU EVER POST WITH GLASS IN HAND?

                              I am so happy for you. What an improvement over 8 to 10 beers. Good for the belly too. Your husband sounds very loving and we are both lucky to have loving hubbies. Alot of people on this site are totally alone. I wonder if self-love is the magic bullet. Seems so. I am going to copy you and be proud of me too. You seem to have had a real epiphany in your life.. it's contagious. Your words give me inspiration to love me from the inside out. Tonight will be a test. Some of our Harley friends are coming over at 9pm to drop off some gear for us to take with us as we are RV'ing it on Route 66 and eventually going to meet up with the motorcycle gang in South Dakota at the Sturgis Bike Rally. Anyways they are on the Harley's so we are bringing their gear. Tonight they'll be in party mode and the booze will be flowing. I want to have a nice,calm glass of wine and enjoy sipping it slowly. I think the key is not to start drinking while we're waiting for them to arrive. That would give us a four hour head start. Good plan. God, when I read my posts it's like I am thirty or so. I am 53. Motorcycle Mama... LOL.

                              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                              ? Lao-Tzu

