Not taking this lightly. About to embark on a 30 day road trip and will start a journal here called Tips Road Trip. Hope to utilize the new supps and hypno tapes and with our Canadian homeade wine not allowed across the U.S. border, hope to slow down as all other wine just doesn't do it for me.
Starting the new thread on Thursday.
To all you successful abstainers please don't hate me. I love MWO and it's comforting for me to post here when I need to connect.
Summer in Canada ... short but sweet... just like me. Enjoy it while you have it. Very hot here (no we don't live in igloos). It's close to 40 degrees celsiuous (sp)... you Americans it's about 90 degrees F. Pretty good for up north eh.
Only evidence of my drinking is my wandering mind. Enough said. Have a great evening folks.