You have all of us on here, you are not alone.....and nobody understand more that us lot...use us....
I agree with what the others are saying , try not to worry about the issues you have mentioned above, easy for me to say I know but at the moment the main thing to focus on is your sobriety.
You have already made a step forward in leaving your job because it was making you unhappy,being sober made you see that....
As time goes on, you will be able to address the other issues with clarity and with an unfuddled brain....and things will fall into place. It may not be easy and they may be rocky times ahead but you will DEAL with them instead of sweeping them under the carpet.
You are achieving great things Johnny, it may not seem so but rewind your life back 32 days and look at the difference.
Hang on in there......and hope you have a great session tomorrow.