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Just when I thought the demons where hiding

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    Just when I thought the demons where hiding

    Well it's Friday night and I was taking my son to guitar lessons. I have not had a drink or any meds for several days and thought I was on track.

    I don't mean for this to sound snobby (as we will never own it), our 3 month old $128,000 lease vehicle was side rammed. I rang my husband who went off his rocker, saying that I must have been high on something.

    Anyway the insurance is going to be huge and guess who is now having a boubon.........

    Definately not coping!!


    Just when I thought the demons where hiding

    Oh Rach,

    That's making me feel sick. Understand the bourbon - do you think you can keep it to 3? Or at least one per hour?

    I so feel for you.



      Just when I thought the demons where hiding

      Hi Rach:

      I can understand. About a month and a half into my current run of sobriety, I had a real test.

      Last winter (for us northern hemisphere folks!), I was driving home in an older mini-van vehicle, not thinking, and I got a speeding ticket (first in decades) from a hiding patrol car.

      Then, just a day later, I was driving that same vehicle on the way home, and a deer jumped out in front of me, and smashed the front to pieces. I hit the poor deer so hard, that it was immediately killed as it slid maybe 25 yards down the road. I felt really bad.

      I mean, I was fit to be tied. The urge to say F*** it all, and get a case of beer, a carton of smokes, and obliterate all those troubles was like a tidal wave.

      Thankfully, I made a quick decision that saved me. I sold the mini-van at an incredible low price, and had it out of my life in just a couple of days. I took the money, and just paid the ticket by mail, uncontested.

      I had quite a bit of cash saved up anyway, so I just bought a new little economy car that gets real high mpg, and washed myself of the whole mess. I have other vehicles, but I wanted something that used hardly any gas, to offset my gas hog truck and sports car.

      It's those times when everything goes wrong all at once, in early days of sobriety, that really test the metal. So sorry to hear of your bad fortune. Hopefully, things can be made right. :sorry:



        Just when I thought the demons where hiding

        Thanks for your relpies, I just cant stop crying.

        I dont mean to sound "poor me" as I know there are alot worse people off. I'm so sick of feeling like I start to get out of a hole and I either fall or pull myself into another one.

        Anyway, lets hope tomorrow is another day and maybe brighter.



          Just when I thought the demons where hiding

          It doesn't make any difference whether you are more fortunate than others. I would venture to say that a lot of us have nothing to complain about. I found a button when I was cleaning out my drawers this morning. It said, "Reality is when it happens to you." What you are experiencing is a surge of anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness. That doesn't have anything to do with your car. It has to do with a normal reaction that the people here are accustomed to handling with alcohol. Tomorrow is a new day. You will clean up the mess of this incident, and you will hold your head up and step out anew once again. We have faith in you. What does a $128,000 car look like anyway?


            Just when I thought the demons where hiding

            Rach, i know how you feel just take it easy and dont be so hard on your self. If you where not on anything dont worry about it.What every car wreck is cause by drugs or booze nooooooooooooooooooooooo.Dont let hubby first reaction cause you to go haywire he is just upset like you are it will pass.Everyone is ok and that is what is important right?:l


              Just when I thought the demons where hiding

              fsophiah wrote: It doesn't make any difference whether you are more fortunate than others. I would venture to say that a lot of us have nothing to complain about. I found a button when I was cleaning out my drawers this morning. It said, "Reality is when it happens to you." What you are experiencing is a surge of anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness. That doesn't have anything to do with your car. It has to do with a normal reaction that the people here are accustomed to handling with alcohol. Tomorrow is a new day. You will clean up the mess of this incident, and you will hold your head up and step out anew once again. We have faith in you. What does a $128,000 car look like anyway?
              Thanks for the comedy, it's a BMW530I, if you are interested, I am happy to go into more detail later. Thankyou for you encouragement and wisdom, please keep in touch.

              Thanks again



                Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                Lousy deal, Rach. I hope you get to feeling better soon. You'll be back on track soon, just hang in there.

                All the best, Kathy
                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Just when I thought the demons where hiding



                  Am I ever glad I'm not the one who hit you.



                    Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                    me too helen, and crack me up. but I dunno what a 128,000 car looks like either. Hate to admit it....but I would probably go for the bourban too. And along with the car.....I have never had bourban either. : )
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                      All I am new to this site , have already ordered the book & am encouraged by this comunity.

                      Rach -- I know what you are feeling my ex husband used to blame everything on my being high ... no matter how sober I was ... that is frustrating what happened in the past is past ... it is the hope that those who we love can please trust that w have indeed made progress.
                      I can fly ... I just don't know it yet


                        Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                        Dear Rach:

                        I am new to the forum, but just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your experience. I hope that today is a better day.
                        Saving the day one minute at a time!


                          Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                          Sometimes, it's hard to break our old coping methods. Okay, don't look back, just get on with life. Please let us know how you are doing.


                            Just when I thought the demons where hiding

                            Rach, I know the feeling with the crying. I'm a guy but I'm not immune to the sad horrible feelings. I'm just now coming down from a 4 day binge that's reallly got me in the hurt-locker. don't kow exactly what to do, took some magnesium and calcium, we'll see how that goes, will start getting the shakes any minute now. damn I hate this. I did so well for three weeks.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

