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Docs prescribing Topa

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    Docs prescribing Topa

    I'm on Campral, but it isn't working all that well and I am going to ask my psychiatrist on Wed to prescribe topa. What do you think are the odds of him doing that? I've heard psychiatrists are more likely to do that than primary docs.

    Docs prescribing Topa

    Hi Andy,

    I would say your chances are pretty good. However, he is probably going to grill you about why the campral isn't working. So I will give you some practice for my own education. (I have been on campral about 10 days and am having mixed feelings)

    Why would you say its not working so well?
    Is is cutting down your cravings at all?
    Did you wait the five days for it to take effect?
    Are you drinking on the campral?

    I am not trying to put you on the spot at all. My doc just didn't really give me any indication of what I should be looking for. I got the 5 days from the phamplet and she didn't even say anything about what it should feel like or what to expect or that I should drink at all or it would loose its efficacy. Though, bless her heart, she is very open minded. I am her first patient she has prescribed this for and she did say she would prescribe naltrexone if neccessary.

    Though on the phamplet it did say to keep taking it if you relapse.

    I don't really have physical cravings, but the pschological or waiting to escape feelings are there.

    Good luck getting the topa and let us know how you did.



      Docs prescribing Topa


      Did you find the book and Lancet study? The dosing schedule is in the book. I am finding the Topamax is a huge help. Especially when I compare my mood to my journal entries in previous attempts to quit drinking without the medicine, but it is not a cureall. You really have to make the commitment to do the whole program.

      Lucky Lynn


        Docs prescribing Topa

        My doc knew I'd keep drinking on the Campral, not sure why he prescribed it then. He just said it would cut down on cravings, which it hasn't.

        I'll keep you posted about how things go with Topa, if he gives it to me Wed. Thanks for your notes. Should be a tough night for me with Monday Night Football, my fav team is playing. I am going to try to just stick to beer. Yikes.


          Docs prescribing Topa


          Hey Andy..

          Just out of curiousity... are you an 11:11 person????


          Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


            Docs prescribing Topa

            Wattle wrote: Hey Andy..

            Just out of curiousity... are you an 11:11 person????


            I needed more numbers to add because "Andy" was already taken!

