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Long term sobriety benefits

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    Long term sobriety benefits

    I was talking to a friend yesterday who said that she was struggling with becoming af as she seemed to fixate on the negative, or deprivation thinking that can often plague us at the start of our journey.

    I wanted to start a thread and look at the positive life changes that come with long term sobriety, in my case 2 years.

    For me, I am a completely different person than the p*sshead that I was. I was nervous, unconfident, constantly worrying about the future, about now and about the past. I felt I didnt really have much of a life, and what I had was boring, empty and with not much future.
    Hitting my rock bottom and deciding to get sober was a scary prospect and I went through many emotions that have been well documented on my journey. But now, looking at 2 years down the track I look back and see what a different person I have become.

    In order to fill in time I would have spent drinking, I enrolled in a university course, through this I got some voluntary work which led on to a change in career to something I have a passion for which is helping people instead of making corporations money.

    I have made friends that have become such an important part of my life who I love dearly (you know who you are) and although I dont see them often, they are there for me all the time at the click of a mouse and some I meet up with a couple of times a year. I feel blessed to have made such wonderful friends through such a horrible problem. I could never make friends before as I didnt want them knowing my dirty little secrets.

    I have travelled alone to new countries and met new people. Being able to do this with the money I have saved and the confidence I have gained.

    My husband, from being initially worried about how sobriety would change me, never ever wants me to go back to the person I was.

    I am relaxed in my own company and the company of others, not always needing to get away and actually enjoying the mundane parts of life and enjoying being part of life.

    Oh and I think I look better too

    Anyway, these are just a few of the changes I have found in myself since turning my life around.

    I hope it gives someone the impetus to get through the initial days that can be fraught with worry about so many things. Like will my life be worth living without alcohol, without a buzz.
    The resounding answer is YES!!!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Long term sobriety benefits

    And you have become even more beautiful, loving, and inspirational. I love you, friend.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Long term sobriety benefits

      Yeh you forgot to mention what a sweetheart you are as well Starty.
      Personally on the most basic level I suppose the loss of regrets, loss of self loathing at my repeated drunken escapades, loss of the feeling of disgust in the morning both physically and mentally are some of the gifts I have bestowed upon myself and my family. It is nice to see a man looking back at me in the mirror and think hey he isnt really a bad guy, he is doing his best. And I dont mean that in an egotistical way, it becomes quite the opposite, a humbling experience. I still have a long long way to go but I am getting there.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Long term sobriety benefits

        Great post, Starty

        You remain the bestest squirrel on the block :l

        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Long term sobriety benefits

          Starty, that is a great post and great topic! It has been awesome watching all the growth around here over the last couple of years - yours especially!

          I love being PART of life again - busy and active and in the stream of things. Before I was sitting on the sidelines watching life pass me by, and not even WANTING to live. I am still exploring what I want to be when I grow up, but am enjoying the journey now!

          I am growing emotionally and spiritually as a person. That was not even possible when I was drinking every day, or during the period when I struggled to stay AF and was back and forth with it.

          My relationship with my husband is OH so much better. (despite this week's set back over my hair cut! :H Even THAT went way better than the old days!)

          KTAB, I like what you said about not having the dark cloud of regret, etc. hanging over my head all the time. AMEN.

          That's for starters anyway. Getting sober is SO WORTH IT!!!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Long term sobriety benefits

            GREAT post Starters.

            I love the whole freedom of it....the weight gone from off my shoulders, the fact that booze does not impact my life, I don't need it, I don't want it and honest to God don't miss it.

            I love passing by the booze aisle in the supermarket because I can sail down it knowing I don't NEED or even WANT anything from there....funny enough I still smile to myself when I do this because its like a gift of liberty and I have it.

            I can socialise sober (something I NEVER thought I could ever do) I do so happily and willingly now...I adore the fact that I can sit there with a soft drink..
            I people watch and I see the people getting drunker, sillier, louder...I see the flirting, the messiness, the fights, the jibes, the drooling, the puking, the falling, the slipping, the shouting, the singing and the mayhem.
            And I remove myself...sober.

            I can get up and walk away when things get messy instead of sitting in the middle of it like I did so many times before. I like the fact that people are amazed that I don't drink...Oney was always up for a piss up in the old days...I often see envy in their eyes and those are the people who would call me boring now...
            I have other friends who tell me they wish they could do it and they congratulate me.

            Sover living ROCKS...and I only wish I had done it years ago!
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Long term sobriety benefits

              For me - getting up early every morning feeling good, being able to look at myself in the mirror and smile, have a shower, put some make up on and be a healthy happy functioning person means more than I can say.

              I've really picked myself up off the floor - I look slimmer and healthier, I sound different too apparently according to my best friend on the phone last night. People are treating me differently because I walk with my head up.

              I'm almost at 30 days again after a slip up at 45 days, but I feel stronger for that slip up and thankful that it happened. It was a real reminder of how far the 'sober' me has come.
              AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
              One Day At A Time

              Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                Long term sobriety benefits

                Great post, starty! Your words are very encouraging and I soooooo look forward to being able to reach 2 years. I am on day 11 and have already noticed improvements in my blood pressure and I've lost 5 pounds. That's a great start.

                I think one of my biggest fears is that I have to spend more time with my real self - not the intoxicated guy with a good buzz on all the time. I have to become much more introspective and figure out what I really want to do when I grow up. I am 56 years old and want to look forward to a long and healthy retirement and I know that being AF has to be part of that plan.
                AF since 7/13/2010


                  Long term sobriety benefits

                  Wow! What a lot of insightfulness! Thanks everyone.
                  Yes, being able to live with myself is a and actually LIKE myself is a huge benefit.
                  Paguy, great going on day 11 and Mrs D coming up to 30!!. You will find the physical and mental health benefits come thick and fast at the beginning. Stick with it. Sometimes you might feel afraid of yourself but I think its simply the unknown, being scared of what we dont yet know. Totally natural.
                  I tried to look at it like a process, "what will happen next?" type of attitude.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Long term sobriety benefits

                    Hello everyone,

                    We have all these great things to enjoy, smile about and be grateful for that non Alcoholics wouldn't give a second thought to. Isn't that great!
                    Like One2many said about walking down the AL isle in the supermarket with a smile on her face .....How many Non al's get that feeling everyday? We can gain feelings of happiness everyday from not drinking. Thats a gift right there!

                    AF since 19th August 2011


                      Long term sobriety benefits

                      I'm hoping to also lose a bit of weight. Not always having to wear tracksuit bottoms, that would be nice!


                        Long term sobriety benefits

                        YOU ROCK STARTS!!!

                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Long term sobriety benefits

                          I am feeling so much happier and healthier!
                          I have given up AL, cigs and anti-depressants within the last few weeks and am feeling better than ever!
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Long term sobriety benefits

                            That's fantastic, Katie!

                            I've done the AL and the AD's, but the cigs are still part of me!

                            But truly: it is literally a different and new life that I'm now leading. So much better. I've becoming a more caring husband and father, my deep depression is a thing of the past, my career is moving again, I've taken an interest in new things - the list goes on and on and on.

                            That is not to say that the journey is over - by no means. I am learning little by little, every day, as I go along.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Long term sobriety benefits

                              You rock, woman!

                              Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.

                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

