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Question about pyroluria

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    Question about pyroluria

    Hi folks,

    After reading some of the posts here on nutrition, I bought The Mood Cure recently. The book talks about a condition called pyroluria, a deficiency of B6 and zinc, and says that about 40% of alcoholics have it. I did some research on the internet as well, and from what I learned, alcoholics who drink to control anxiety often have this condition.

    There is a urine test that can be done to determine whether you have it, and it can be treated with supplements, although apparently, from what I read, you have to work with a professional on the supps, because they can either not work or be toxic at the wrong levels.

    Here's a link with information.

    Diagnose-Me: Condition: Pyroluria

    Has anyone else heard of this or been treated for it? I'm very seriously thinking about being tested for it.
