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Hello ljspace57period (lj 57)

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    Hello ljspace57period (lj 57)

    Are you OK?????
    Write back.:h

    Hello ljspace57period (lj 57)

    hi chrys!!! so good to hear from you!! check your inbox i left you a msg,kinda strugglin at the mo ,things in a bad way but i'll sort it!! think i may be back on here for a while! speak soon chrys,bye for now,x


      Hello ljspace57period (lj 57)

      Hi LJ dont know u , my first time here, sounds like u r havin a bit of a struggle. Keep comin on here and let us know how u r. Where u from? I am from Liverpool but been in australia a coupla yrs now.Take care babe!


        Hello ljspace57period (lj 57)

        hi fed up!

        hiya mate, you not goin to like me now cos i'm from manchester!!!

        yeh struggling a little bit at the moment but i'lll pull thru!

        word of advice to ya! keep coming back here eh! this is a great place with some really great people.

        if you need help with something then this is your place!! bye for now.take care!.x

