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    I am just curious how everyone "counts" thier drinks ... as in setting goals, etc.

    I assume a bottle of wine is 4 glasses. Is there a specific oz. amount that people refer to ... I am asking this just to better understand what everyone is doing ... (well, and see if I can get away with a larger wine glass! LOL J/k)

    Do you count a champagne and OJ the same as a glass of wine or a martini?

    So far the past four days of counting, I have only had wine ... but that is not always the case in social situations ..

    Just curious ...



    Hi waiting to exhale

    I think it is probably a personal thing dependent on what yr drink is. For me I am wine so I think in terms of how many glasses I have. Altho I only eva fill it halfway and top up as I go (neva to the top) so that I dont actually eva know how many full glasses I have had. I only notice by how many times I have to go to the off licence. There is 3 near me so I rotate so that they dont get to know me too much!!!
    I reckon that whateva u generally drink maybe look at halving the amount initially then taking it from there



      Hi Waiting to Exhale,
      I to assume that a bottle of wine has 4 glasses as that is typically what a restaurant would pour. So that's is how I count my wine or number of drinks in a night. How is everything going for you?




        1 glass of wine is 4-5 ounces, 1 beer is 10 t0 12 ounces and one mixed drink has 1 ounce of 100 proof alcohol or 1.25 ounces of 80 proof alcohol.



          Hey Kimberly .. yes, thats how I count it as well ..

          I've had a good 4 days. Pleasantly surprised at myself for getting through a Saturday without totally blowing it ...

          Learning new tricks here. Staying focused here a couple of times a day and posting seems to help as well. I'll will be happy when the supps and CDs show up ...

          Thanks for asking!




            I can't trust myself to count dirnks....I always fudge it in the direction of over doing it. and it ends up putting me where I am. owch. I think I will abstain for a month, then try to moderate. if that doesn't work then I'll have to go AF, but it's for the best reasons. Love you all.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              I've always thought a bottle of wine was 5 glasses and counted it as such. Like Fed Up, I'm famous for only drinking my wine down to half or a quarter glass, then topping off, so it's difficult to count number of pours, but I am able to see how much out of the bottle I've drank. Less than half the bottle: 2 glasses. Just over half: 3 glasses. Almost the whole thing: 4. A bottle and a half!!! (GRRRR): well, I count that as about 7-8drinks.
              1 1/2 oz liquor or a 12 oz beer is correct for the other quantities. Good question! Good for us "free pourers" when 1 drink meant fill half to 3/4 a glass with ____ liquor and throw a splash of cola in for color. I even now count a martini at a restaurant as 2 drinks.
              On the bright/cheating (hee hee) side... I found a beer I posted about a while ago. Rolling Rock Green Light. It only has I think 2.4 percent alcohol as opposed to 4 or 5 percent (or more) in a reg beer. I count 2 of those as 1 drink.
              We all need to start carrying abacuses (sp?? LOL) around. Pulling out our little charts, sliding our beads...
              calculating percent alcohol vs. the size of each individual glass and our Body Mass Index as well as if the tide is in or out and the lunar phase...

