Sunni, I've read all the posts and I agree with some and disagree with others - I think what I'm trying to say is with teenagers nothing is black and white. None are angels - but few are bad thro and thro. I have 3 boys, my 2nd son was quite challenging to grow up! He ran away from home when he was 16, he dabbled (and grew at one stage) with weed, he drank very young and always appeared 'troubled'. We had many sleepless nights with him, and my hubs lost patience with him several times, once when he had to be collected from a police station (albeit for a VERY minor offence) he was extremely rude to me (was drunk) and hubs boxed him on the nose yuck - he regrets that to this day. What I'm trying to say is, this lad is now 26 and is an absolutely super young man. Rarely drinks, works so hard he nearly worries me, has his own apartment etc. I don't KNOW your boy will grow out of this, but most of them do and what I'm saying is - he is still your son, doesn't mean you have to put up with abusive behaviour in your house, but I would say stick it out till he's 18 - certainly in Ireland, after that he is an adult. Don't make ultimatums you don't intend to keep - he has you over a barrel then.
This is very rambling I know, I'm just thinking 'out loud'. Be firm but be aware that if he does grow out of his apalling adolescent behaviour, you don't want to look back on how you handled him with regret. The fact that he used to do 'harder' drugs and now doesn't points to a certain maturing? and yes, I know what you mean about 'the bug' I watch mine all the time, with a certain amount of guilt.
Sunni, we all muddle thro the teen years - some are worse than others, only you can know in the end what is right for you and your son, I take no credit for my son, I am just so grateful that however we DID muddle thro we still have a relationship with him.
Thinking of you